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Examples of SORASing messing up timelines

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Yeah but some of the most popular and successful heroines grew up onscreen. I know that's why I tolerate Starr because Kristen Alderson has become one terrible actress but she IS Starr Manning. Look at how popular Kimberly McCullough and Robin are, a large part of that is because she grew up in front of our eyes, I still retain affection for Erin Torpey's Jessica.

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Frankie on AMC is somebody who has been SORAS-ed and then de-SORAS-ed. I remember when I saw him on Loving and the City he was around 20 years old and I was about 12 years old. Then next time I see him on AMC in 2008 we are about the same age. Soaps are funny like that.

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Heather Stevens is fine.

Didn't Heather Tom practically grow up onscreen despite being SORAS.

And of course Camryn Grimes. :(

Still think they should have left Noah alone, and re-cast the actor with someone better.

To me, Y&R's SORAS is not so jarring as others.

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I've come to the conclusion that SORAS is one big pile of suckage that should have never been invented, ever. Ever. Ever.

They fixed it so that he was put back to his real-time age. I thiiiink he's supposed to be 25-26ish now, which is about right.

LOL They're just as bad...Victoria should be 26, Nick should be about 20-21, Daniel should be 15, Colleen should be 17, Billy should be 16 (and younger than Colleen). The only one they have right is Lily, who should be 14, and as far as I'm concerned, that's exactly how old she is.

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E.J. was born in 1997.

Philip was born in 1995, the same year Will was born. In fact, I remember Will and Philip would be babysat together or have playdates. Then Philip was aged in 1999 to a teenager.

Belle was born in 1993. At John and Marlena's wedding she was the six-year-old flower girl and when they came back from their honeymoon she was 15.

Shawn was born in 1987.

Stephanie was born in 1990, and is now younger then Philip.

Brady was born in 1992, I do believe. I noticed the show avoided showing Isabella's year of death on her gravestone this past week but showed her year of birth as 1965. So she was like 5-10 when she had him, depending on how old they are trying to make Brady now.

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It may screw up timelines if they are especially callous, but by and large, I don't care. *I hate* watching (and waiting for) child characters to grow up on screen with their actors. It's tedious to me. IMO, no child actor on a soap should retain the role for longer than five years. Then its time to recast/SORAS. OLTL is terrible about finding eight year old child actors are keeping them into their twenties. I don't need to see an indefinite eleven/twelve year old version of a character, who is shown a few times a month playing video games and/or acting either too young or too wise for his age. You can't do anything with them during that stage. They're too young for the high school sex/drug storyline...and their too old to play the adorable tyke caught in the middle of a custody battle. Starr Manning should have SORAS/recast right around the time she ran away in New York, and Matthew Buchanan (well IMO EA shouldn't have been hired, period, but...) should have been aged up right around the time of Nora's stroke. How I long for the days of the mid-late 80s/early 90s, when kids like Kevin Buchanan went from being twelve one week to sixteen the next. I like the kid playing Jack Manning now, but in another year, I want him to be in high school.

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This is a list I have been working on over at SoapsWEB. It is very incomplete but it lists the real birth years of characters based on the ages when they either debuted or were born onscreen:


Robert "Bob" Hughes (son of Chris & Nancy Hughes, As The World Turns) - November 15


Michael Bauer (son of Bill Bauer & Bertha Miller, The Guiding Light) - March


Phillip Brent (son of Nick Davis & Amy Parker; adopted by Ted Brent & Ruth Parker, All My Children)

Erica Kane (daughter of Eric Kane & Mona Kane, All My Children)

Tara Martin (daughter of Joe & Helen Martin, All My Children)

Charles "Chuck" Tyler, III (son of Charles Tyler II, All My Children)

William Edward (Ed) Bauer, Jr. (son of Bill Bauer & Bertha Bauer, The Guiding Light) - December 31


Brooke English (daughter of Ed English & Jane Dobrin, All My Children)


Thomas Christopher Hughes (son of Bob Hughes & Lisa Miller, As The World Turns) - December


Tad Gardner [Martin] (son of Ray & Opal Gardner; adopted by Joe & Ruth Martin, All My Children) - September 1

Hope Bauer (daughter of Michael Bauer & Julie Conrad, The Guiding Light) - September 20


David Banning (son of David Martin & Julie Olson, Days of Our Lives)


Michael William Horton (son of Bill Horton & Laura Spencer, Days of Our Lives) - September 27


Lily Walsh (daughter of Josh Snyder & Iva Snyder; adopted by Lucinda Walsh) - August 19

Rose D'Angelo (daughter of Josh Snyder & Iva Snyder; adopted by Joe D'Angelo) - August 19


Kendall Hart (daughter of Richard Fields & Erica Kane, All My Children) - September 25; this was the original date given when Kendall came to town; real date should be 1968; date of birth later moved to 1976

Ian "Duke" Kramer (son of John Dixon & Rosemary Kramer, As The World Turns) - January 4


Melissa Philips Anderson (daughter of Jim Philips & Linda Anderson; adopted by Bob Anderson & Mickey Horton, Days of Our Lives) - November 4


Charles Phillip Brent (son of Phillip Brent & Tara Martin, All My Children) - born Charles Phillip Tyler IV


Joshua [Martin] Madden (son of Jeff Martin & Erica Kane; raised by Gregory Madden, All My Children) - December 18

Frances Jennifer "Frannie" Hughes (daughter of Bob Hughes & Jennifer Ryan) - December 25

Sabrina Hughes (daughter of Bob Hughes & Kim Reynolds) - December 25


Hope Alice Williams (daughter of Doug Williams & Addie Horton, Days of Our Lives) - January 10


Andrew "Andy" Dixon (son of John Dixon & Kim Sullivan, As The World Turns) - September 9

Jennifer Rose Horton (daughter of Bill Horton & Laura Spencer, Days of Our Lives) - September 11

Phillip Foster Chancellor III (son of Phillip Chancellor & Jill Foster, Young & the Restless) - December 25


Scotty Banning (son of David Banning & Trish Clayton, Days of Our Lives) - September

Robin Scorpio (daugher of Robert Scorpio & Anna Devan, General Hospital) - October 12


Caroline Anna "Carrie" Brady (daughter of Roman Brady & Anna Fredericks, Days of Our Lives) - August 15


Joseph "Jake" Martin, Jr. (son of Joe Martin & Ruth Parker Brent, All My Children) - December 25


Nicole "Nikki" Munson (daughter of Hal Munson & Lynda Graves, As The World Turns) - April 28

Joseph Francis "Joey" Riley, Jr. [buchanan] (son of Joe Riley & Victoria Lord; adopted by Clint Buchanan, One Life To Live)


Emily Ann Sago (daughter of Billy Clyde Tuggle & Estelle La Tour; adopted by Benny Sago, All My Children)

Robert Clifford "Bobby" Thorne Warner (son of Cliff Warner & Sybil Thorne, All My Children)

Sarah Horton (daugher of Neil Curtis & Maggie Simmons Horton, Days of Our Lives)


Franklin Quentin Hubbard (son of Jesse Hubbard & Angie Baxter, All My Children) - November

Danielle Andropolous (daughter of Steve Andropolous & Betsy Stewart, As The World Turns) - October


Kate "Kelsey" Jefferson (daughter of Jim Jefferson & Tara Martin, All My Children)

Nicholas James Alamain (son of Lawrence Alamain & Carly Manning, Days of Our Lives) - October 4

Eric Roman Brady (son of Roman Brady & Marlena Evans, Days of Our Lives) - October 16

Samantha Gene Brady (daughter of Roman Brady & Marlena Evans, Days of Our Lives) - October 16


Timothy Hunter [Dillon] (son of Alexander Hunter & Natalie Marlowe; adopted by Trevor Dillon, All My Children)

Christopher Robert Hughes (son of Bob Hughes & Kim Reynolds) - August 30

Jessica Lynn Buchanan (daughter of Clint Buchanan & Victoria Lord, One Life To Live) - September


Curtis (Thompson) Harris (son of Leo & Cheryl Thompson; adopted by Ben Harris, As The World Turns) - March 22

Bryant Montgomery (son of Craig Montgomery & Sierra Esteban, As The World Turns) - April 27

Shawn-Douglas Brady (son of Bo Brady & Hope Williams, Days of Our Lives) - April 6


Bianca Christine Montgomery (daughter of Travis Montgomery & Erica Kane, All My Children) - February 8

Michael “Mickey” [Warner] Connelly (son of Cliff Warner & Nina Cortlandt, All My Children)

Alexandra "Alli" Fowler (daughter of Sam Fowler & Amanda Cory, Another World) - June 6

Adam [Hughes] Munson (son of Hal Munson & Margo Montgomery, As The World Turns) - September 8


Adam "J.R." Chandler, Jr. (son of Adam Chandler & Dixie Cooney, All My Children)

Lucas Jones (son of Julian Jerome & Cheryl Stansbury; adopted son of Tony Jones & Bobbie Spencer, General Hospital)


Jennifer Louise Munson (daughter of Darryl Crawford & Barbara Ryan, adopted by Hal Munson, As The World Turns) - October 29


James Edward "Jamie" Martin (son of Tad Martin & Brooke English, All My Children)

Matthew Sean Montgomery (son of Travis Montgomery & Barbara Montgomery, All My Children)

Casey Hughes (son of Tom Hughes & Margo Montgomery, As The World Turns)

Lucinda Marie "Lucy" Montgomery (daughter of Craig Montgomery & Sierra Estaban, As The World Turns) - December 14


Peter William "Petey" Cortlandt, Jr. (son of Palmer Cortlandt & Opal Gardner, All My Children) - December 25

Amanda Dillon (daugther of Trevor Dillon & Janet Green, All My Children) - May 14

Bridget Forrester (daughter of Eric Forrester & Brooke Logan, Bold & the Beautiful) - December 31

Brady Victor Black (son of John Black & Isabella Toscano, Days of Our Lives) - May 19

Demerest "Duke" Buchanan (son of Kevin Buchanan & LeeAnn Demerest, One Life To Live) - June 29

Colleen Cecile Carlton (daughter of Brad Carlton & Traci Abbott, Young & the Restless)


Isabella "Belle" Black (daughter of John Black & Marlena Evans, Days of Our Lives) - October 21

Bonnie McKechnie (daughter of Duncan McKechnie & Jessica Griffith, As The World Turns) - March 31

William Harold Ryan Munson (son of Hal Munson & Barbara Ryan, As The World Turns) - May 31

Matthew John Dixon (son of John Dixon & Iva Snyder, As The World Turns)

William Foster "Billy" Abbott (son of John Abbott & Jill Foster, Young & the Restless)


Danielle Frye (daughter of Derek Frye & Mimi Reed, All My Children)

Allison Stewart (daughter of Larry McDermott & Emily Stewart; surrogate for Susan Stewart, As The World Turns) - July 11

Georgie Jones (daugther of Frisco Jones & Felicia Cummings, General Hospital)


Samuel Carlos Grey (son of Bobby Warner & Kelsey Jefferson; adopted by Edmund Grey & Maria Santos, All My Children) - February 9

Nora Kasnoff (daughter of Mike Kasnoff & Carly Tenney, As The World Turns) - May 15


Madelyn Flora "Maddie" Grey (daughter Edmund Grey & Maria Santos, All My Children)

John "Johnny" Dixon, Jr (son of John Dixon & Barbara Ryan, As The World Turns) - November 25

Michael Corinthos III (son of Alan Quartermaine Jr. & Caroline "Carly" Benson; adopted by Sonny Corinthos, General Hospital) - December 29


Georgia Reed-Brady (daughter of Bo Brady & Billie Reed, Days of Our Lives) - May 22


Colby Marian Chandler (daughter of Adam Chandler & Liza Colby, All My Children)

Daniel Hughes (son of Tom Hughes & Emily Stewart, As The World Turns)


Abigail "Abby" Carlton (daughter of Victor Newman & Ashley Abbott; adopted by Brad Carlton, Young & the Restless) - November 13


Lorenzo Hector "Enzo" Santos (son of Mateo Santos & Haley Vaughn, All My Children)

Jude Cooper Bauer (son of Rick Bauer & Harley Cooper, Guiding Light) - October 12


Emma Lavery (daughter of Ryan Lavery & Annie Novak, All My Children) - June


Morgan Stone Corinthos (son of Sonny Corinthos & Carly Benson, General Hospital) - October 24, 2003


Adam Chandler III (son of Adam "J.R." Chandler & Babe Carey, All My Children) - March 24

Kathleen "Kathy" Martin (daughter of Tad Martin & Dixie Cooney, All My Children)

Miranda Mona Montgomery (daughter of Michael Cambias & Bianca Montgomery, All My Children) - March 24

Alexandria Forrester (daughter of Thorne Forrester & Darla Einstein, Bold & the Beautiful) - January 1


William "Billy" Norbeck (son of Casey Hughes & Gwen Norbeck, As The World Turns) - July

John Dustin Donovan (son of Craig Montgomery & Jennifer Munson; adopted by Dustin Donovan, As The World Turns) - July


Spike Lavery (son of Ryan Lavery & Kendall Hart, All My Children) - May 31

Jennifer Ryan (daughter of Paul Ryan & Emily Stewart, As The World Turns)

Ethan Walsh Snyder (son of Holden Snyder & Lily Walsh, As The World Turns) - July 26


Jennifer Colby "Jenny" Martin (daughter of Tad Martin & Krystal Carey, All My Children) - April

Ian Slater (son of Zach Slater & Kendall Hart, All My Children) - July 26

Hallie Jennifer Munson (daughter of Cole Norbeck & Sofie Durant; adopted by Will Munson & Jennifer Norbek, As The World Turns) - December 17


Gabrielle Amelia Montgomery (daughter of Zach Slater & Bianca Montgomery; adopted by Reese Williams) - October 21

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Yeh but where are many of these characters who were SORASed way too soon. They are no where today because their story ran out long before it should have.

It is another example of stunt writing that ends up hurting a show in the long run just for a mometary benefit.

Way too often characters were SORASed long before their time which resulted in good characters like Julie and Doug on Days, Ellen on ATWT, Claire on ATWT, David on Days and so many others being retired to pasture long before their story should have ended. Why do you think someone like Eileen Fulton did the Grandmother clause. She saw what SORASing did to Claire Lowell and Ellen Stewart.

And William Bell made the biggest mistake he ever made in his career by pushing Mike Horton and David Banning to the ages he did way too soon. You would have thought he would have learned over at ATWT when he and Irna did the same thing to Dan Stewart.

Why waste a character before it's time.

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That's pretty much how I see it.

There would be no need to do anything with them at that age because the stories would still be revolving around their parents, who, because of the lack of SORASing, would still be viewed as "young" instead of "old." If SORAS never existed, Y&R would have an actual teen scene with Billy, Daniel, Lily, Colleen, and Nate right now. Jill would be 50 and not pushing 60. Victor and Nikki wouldn't be grandparents five times over by now, they'd still have a daughter who is 26 and a son who is 21. Look at B&B. Instead of Brooke having two kids pushing 30 (or is Ashley already over 30?), her oldest would be 19, and she wouldn't look so damn pathetic acting like a lovesick schoolgirl. Over to ATWT, going down the Lowell/Stewart line. Ellen had Dan in 1958, so he'd be 50 and she'd be about...oh, about 68 years old. Instead of Dan becoming father to Emily in 1972, he would have become father to her in around 1985 or 1986. Emily would be in her early 20s. Allison would be like 5 or 6 years old. Susan would be in her late 40s.

It makes me go grrr. When SORAS is used, it's like the writer is basically saying, "Look, we don't have anything else to do with these characters anymore...we simply can not think of anything else to write at all for them, so we're going to push them aside and take their 10-year-old kids and make them 20-year-old kids. And then we'll tell with them the same stories we told with their parents." It's lazy writing at its worst, IMO.

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OLTL may not have the best younger set but I think they were smart not to rapid age most of their younger characters. Jessica, Starr, Matthew have all had stories which carried parts of the show (with Matthew, not the bullied in school story, but some of the stories leading up to his paralysis). You can get drama from rapidly aging kids, yes, but I can't say I've seen lots of great drama from that on soaps who have done that in recent years (I think the aging of Steffi/Phoebe on B&B just created two very boring young women who had no chemistry with any man they were paired with). In the long run neither Kevin nor Joey benefited from some of the rapid aging. Kevin was inexplicably aged 10+ years when Kirk Geiger was fired, and this led to two very unpopular recasts and a long period of irrelevance. Joey was a great teen character with Chris McKenna. Then he became an obviously much older man with Nathan Fillion. Was Nathan a great talent? Yes. But he only really had one good story (the fling with Dorian). Then after he left, nothing was left for Joey. He was increasingly disconnected from the show, he no longer had any real place in his family. He's been a non-presence for 12 years now, even during the time he's been on the show. Would that have happened if Chris had stayed around? I don't know.

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