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I never knew that John Reilly, Charles Keating, Roy Thinnes, John Forsythe, Dennis Parlato and Jed Allan where originally considered for the role of Alistair Crane in 1999. Funny how after all that time they ended up getting John for the final years.

CarlD2, thanks for the articles. If you happen to have the 6-29-99 issues of either SOD or SOW I'd love to see those, or the 7-6-99 issue of SOW. These articles covered the premiere of the show according to SoapOperaWorld.com.

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No one's posted in this thread since last month, so I thought I'd just stop in and show my love for the show. This was the daytime drama that got me hooked at such a young age. Now older, I can see why people either really loved it or really hated it because it was so different. I find the other soaps to be so boring and tame in comparison today, but I often tune into OLTL since it seems to be the most entertaining (and fills my 2PM void left by Passions.

Since I don't live in Canada where the reruns are being shown, I've been reliving the series on Youtubeas they're posted from day 1.

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There is a trading website with a seller who has pretty much the entire series for this, Sunset Beach and DAYS from 1984 and I've been debating whether or not to start buying Passions from the beginning. I watched the show on and off for years, starting mainly in 2003 or 2004. I also watched the show on DirecTV and also the early episodes on Sci Fi. It's been a few years, but I think it'll be work a visit. I tried watching some DAYS episodes and that show doesn't engage me and I'm afraid to start ordering Sunset Beach because it doesn't look too good either.

I'm going to try watching some Passions episodes on that YouTube channel and see how it goes.

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I've found somebody who has pretty much the entire series and after months of debate, I decided to give this show a chance. With the soaps getting cancelled left and right, I wanted to watch one from the beginning if possible. I tried Port Charles, which was decent, but very dull during it's first year. I plan to continue that later, but knowing I enjoyed Passions, I thought i may as well give it a whirl. I watched the show on and off throughout the years. I think I started when Aunt Irma was on the show and Liz was a character that reeled me in. I watched for several months at a time, even during the DirecTV run.

I look forward to seeing how it all starts (well I did catch the Sci Fi reruns) and how the show plays with the knowledge of how long days run along with the other shortcomings. I think I'm going to enjoy it. I've watched a few episodes on YouTube to catch up and the show seems to hold up well.

Once I recieve my DVDs next week I'll try and update this thread with commentary.

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I would buy 1999-2001. After the double wedding and Sheridan falling for Antonio, the show was horrendous. I stopped watching regularly by 2002. I think around, what, 2005, the show got back on track for a while but I lost interest again. The last few years are so unrecognizable to me. I appreciate what Reilly tried to do but he should have kept the format he had from 1999 until 2001. It was good and worked. I thought the show had a really nice feel to it. He tried to top himself too much and that was the show's downfall. He's very lucky so many actors stuck with it for the duration.

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I believe I started watching after 2002 and I enjoyed the show so it's good to hear it's even better the first couple years! I did watch the first month or two on Sci Fi. I was disappointed when that didn't last. I LOVED the original Simone, I hated the second one even before I knew she was a recast. The original Kay was great as well.

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I agree that the first years were the best. Although, I loved all of the Sheridan/Luis/Beth stuff from like 2002-2005. Towards like...2006 and maybe the beginning of 2007 (after the Vendetta storyline, which I LOVED), the thing that irked me was that Reilly seemed to sacrifice EVERY story and character for Theresa. I guess with Charity and Grace gone and Luis and Sheridan basically ruined, she was all he had to carry the show with, but I still saw it as crippling. Literally EVERY episode ended with Theresa, no matter what she was doing. Hell, every SCENE ended with her. To me, it was like everything and everyone had to take a backseat to a storyline that had not gone anywhere since the show began.

However, after the blackmailer storyline got on its way in the last months on NBC with evil Vincent and Down Low Chad, I was loving it again. I miss this show so much!

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