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The Vampire Diaries: Discussion Thread

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Oh, I know. I was just talking to coworkers about some uncoming deaths (you're mid season 5 so I say nothing) and they cried. I felt...almost nothing. I could only say it was because this show does do death so often.

And oh, yes, she was. :)

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I am all caught up.

What a great season. I quit in s4 originally cuz it was so bad and s4 is still the worst but s5 was amazing!

I loved all the arcs and it all coming together.

Bonnie and Matt remain my favorites.

I loved Bonnie bringing everyone back. I loved Alaric returning. I loved them finally going there with Carole and Stefan. Tyler should have stayed dead tbh. That final scene with Bonnie and Damon was great - clearly trans dud something to save Bonnie and Damon will be saved cuz she held his hand.

Jeremy running and screaming for Bonnie was heartbreaking.

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  • 2 months later...
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Katherine's exit was the most impacting episode of the entire season, Gone Girl is probably the best episode of season 5. Haven't watched the last two episodes of the season, and honestly don't feel compelled to do so. Word is that the series may be wrapping up either this season or next season (depending on if the core three renew their contracts at the end of this season).

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Started the show yesterday, six episodes in. Loving it! I realize this will seem ancient history to most of you but here are my thoughts: There is something old-school addictive about it, cliche and cheesy in a good way, and the acting (at least initially) of many surprised me. As I've gone on, Dobrev & Somerhalder have become more cliche and predictable with their performances but Wesley continues to be fantastic. Really feeling his depressive, trying-to-be-good, occasionally Imma-f.ck-you-good attitude.

I did not expect the show to kill of Zac and Logan so quickly. With Logan, especially, I feel cheated because I was invested in him sorta using Jenna and also having genuine feelings about it and I felt we ought to have seen a reaction from her for being duped twice. Cheat!

Some great twists along the way: Damon and Caroline, Stefan imprisoning Damon, the Sheriff, mayor, mother bitch and DoucheLogan all having a plan, Vicki turned into a vampire! Fun.

Vicki is fantastic and Matt and Tyler also have sides to them and they have been peeling back the layers. Jeremy is one sexy muscly lost sad puppy and I want to take him in and protect him and feed him and then he can f.ck me. Damon and Stefan have me in a perpetual state of horniness and I'm not afraid to admit it. Matt and Tyler can get it, too.

Bonnie's journey to discovering her powers is also good. I am happy it's being slowly done as an arc throughout the season and not a quick discovery. On the other hand, I'm glad Elena wasn't dumb for five seasons and instead put the truth together by episode five.

Caroline is great; telling her mom she'd seek boy advice from her dad since he seems to be the one able to get guys laugh.png

So far, a mix of predictable teen drama/sibling rivalry tropes with twists I didn't see coming. I'll be watching.

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The first two seasons are perfection. I originally watched for Zach Roerig, Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev, who I loved from their previous work and just grew to be surprised at how good the show actually was, which I had huge doubts about being a CW show.

The best character from the entire show hasn't even arrived yet. So keep getting hooked.

And Jeremy (Stephen R. McQueen) is the grandson of the legendary actor Steve McQueen.

And most importantly, this show definitely has the most eye candy of any series, ever. Almost every single guy that shows up is a total babe. Heck, the hottest guy of all (next to Roerig, for me) doesn't even arrive until season 5.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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Oh, no, YRRB...keep commenting. I have loved your comments under other threads and would love to hear what you say here...and you haven't even gotten to the awesome stuff yet. ;)

As for Jeremy hotness *cough*Season4*cough* I mean...it gets better over time.

PS. Not the only person who wouldn't mind a whole cast getting it.

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The first two seasons do really well in that that they (at least initially) utilized the community and past history to aid in their story telling, so the story was interesting because the past is utilized well and they steadily establish and community which dealt with the supernatural. I think that is what made the show so interesting until The Originals came along, and pretty much ate the entire show. I think Season 3 was the last passable season, and then the later seasons just became incredibly plodding and tiresome. Another thing that quickly deteriorated the series is that a lot of the plot twists and shocks just started to become either too convoluted or they just ended. Like you explain in the post above, they weren't afraid to kill off seemingly important characters to prove a point, and they stopped doing that after a while. Character development also screeched to a roaring halt.

If you love the Caroline twist in season one, you are going to love the start of season 2.

I hope you aren't talking about any of the Originals. They ruined the series for me.

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Thanks for the welcoming posts, lovelies! biggrin.png

Oooooooo! I'm excited.

Hahaha, thanks! I'll keep posting & reading all the comments.

Aaaaw, sad to hear about post Season 3. I hope it holds up. Let's see!

And, Bright Eyes, you're awesome for being so thoughtful about the spoilers. I'm very careful not to get spoiled, since I don't know anything except for that major death at the end of season 5 (which I could not avoid hearing about). Everything else will hopefully be a complete surprise!

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OMFG!!!! I am so bloody stupid. It's been three months since I saw that character and HELLL TO THE YES!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait to see his fine backside again. Le sigh my heart with his accent.

And yes...I figured we had the same best character. Season 2 and this past season being major faves of mine cuz of that character.

ETA: YRRB...if you love bitches, you will love what is coming. ;) Trying not to be a spoiler. And I can't wait for more of your comments. And the surprises will keep on coming. I remember when I finished starting, it was like cliffhanger after cliffhanger after cliffhanger in the first 3 seasons at least. And while things will continue to shift somewhat...don't count out Season 5 as a good season. ;) which some of the plot arcs were ugh. Overall character arcs were IMHO awesome. ;) ;)

Edited by Taoboi
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Season 5 had the best episode of the entire series

and was a huge improvement after S4. But still, I never really hated any season. It's not like the show ever got Dexter bad and in YRBB's case, I always find binge watching a show makes any bad periods a lot less noticeable.

YRBB, I appreciate your appreciation. People who spoil should be beaten within an inch of their life.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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