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Anthony Geary Bashes Wendy Riche's GH

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How classless.

Gloria Monty, Geary's (very late) BFF ran GH into the ground during her second tenure. And the idea of Bill Ekert or whatever his name was, was a disaster from the start.

Wendy Riche on the other hand took a show that could no longer endure the wild adventure stories of the 1980s, and made it a critically acclaimed drama with Claire Labine.

GH in the 1980s was over hyped. If the ratings for the entire year counted as opposed to just September through April, AMC would have been number one a lot longer than GH.

I believe GH only won twice for Outstanding Drama Series under Monty. It won 5 times in that same category under Riche! Clearly, it was more outstanding under Riche.

Riche is a phenomenal producer with great vision. I'm sure Guza probably encouraged Geary to say that about Riche. Regardless, Geary is just a bitter old man who IMO is a horrible actor and needs to grow up. I've never cared for Luke because I don't tolerate violence against women (or anyone else for that matter) and I truly believe GH "glamorized" rape when they created Luke and Laura. IMO, I've never been a fan. Laura on the other hand, could have always been a better heroine without Luke.

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This is unfair. GH could have sustained anything it wanted, but it didn't have the people on staff to write decent action and adventure coupled with the horrible Eckarts. Wendy Riche...is she the one who had Tiffany Hill suicidal and a drug addict? If so, no thanks. GH in the 90s had a few compelling stories, but it lost everything unique about it and became like every other soap. That's the problem today, all the soaps must be alike--exactly alike---or they are deemed lesser. It won two times in the 80s and five times in the 90s? I think that speaks more to the quality of soaps in general in the 1980s and the total crap so many of soaps were serving up in the 90s. GH under Riche is clearly outstanding if "clearly outstanding" means trying your best to erase everything that made GH GH and change it into some sort of cousin of GL and Y&R or any other soap and you have stories that could be basically lifted whole and transplanted on to any other soap with just a few name changes.

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At first I thought it had to be a joke reading what Tony Geary said about Wendy Riche. I could not believe it! I already thought he was overrated as an actor, and disagreed with many of his opinions in the past, but for him to so completely not get it and also go out of his way to trash her? Wow.

Tony Geary is Exhibit A in why I don't believe actors always know best what their characters and their shows should be like.

I don't feel bad or doubtful at all anymore for all the Geary-bashing I've done over the years.

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Loved Laura part of what I loved about her was the irony of who was to be her family by blood and marriage. The Cassadines and Spencers treated her like Gold in an ironic sense, but they criticized her at every corner. That's a part of what I loved about her. The resentment that those she loved always seemed to carry because of her

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Seriously! It seems like Tony's on for 6 weeks max. the rest of the year he's in Amsterdam "where I can just Be Myself."

Geary has never hidden the fact that he hates soap opera and obviously had much higher goals in acting than getting stuck on Daytime. He's entitled to feel that way, even though I personally wish actors wouldn't look down their noses at the genre. After all, it is Daytime which has kept him in coke and escort-boys for 30 years.

Dissing somebody who is no longer working on GH (and hasn't for 13 -- count 'em -- years), who is no longer working in DAYTIME, though, is shitty. And no mention of Genie Francis either? I'm willing to bet one of his Emmy reels includes Laura's return to sanity and Luke being torn between Laura and Tracy. So, another classless omission.

His entire quote confirms to me what I have long suspected. GH writes not to satisfy its long-suffering audience but to please its "A-list" actors like Mo, Steve, Sarah, Laura and Tony. What a [!@#$%^&*] mess that show is.

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