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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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I read the Monday transcript. I think it is the Restless Style photostudio (although they don't actually say that), dressed up as a French hotspot

We have seen that back room a few times before:

- Vince Gill (?) song

- Katy Perry photoshoot

- Men we Love photoshoot

Usually, we've seen only parts of that room, because of backdrops being used for the photoshoots.

I think this time they used the whole room, "dressed".

But isn't it ODD that they would use this new space and all...and not mention where it was?

ETA: This is the transcript from Friday's show that made me think, somehow, that it was the Restless Style backroom. But it is very indirect. This happens right after Nick and Phyllis arrive at the reception:

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The reveal worked on several levels.

If you were just watching at home,spoiler free,you would have seen the flashback and be shocked at Cane's deception,not knowing who 'Langley' was,or blown away by 'Phillip's'appearance.

I'm sure many long time viewers,watching live,would have thought'who is that...i recognise him...by then he was offscreen and they would be dying for Monday to confirm what they saw.

I wonder what the follow through will be Monday.I know that sometimes,there is no mention on a Mon of a Fri cliffhanger,which surely goes against the basic rules of storytelling.

With all these cast additions,the canvas is getting unmanageable.As it is,important beats are not being played,so it is worrying how everything will be shared out..

Did we see a Nina/Cane scene?There need to be more converastions,where characters discuss their feelings,rather than viewers having to work out motivations for ourselves,especially when things are not making sense.

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So how is this going to work? Phillip III (Bierdz) died when he was 18, so if that kept it in real time, he's 40. When Cane arrived they established that he was 30 or 31 (using the real 1976 birthdate). Also, how would Phillip III known about Kay's baby switch? Kay was having those dreams and then remembered the truth. This makes no sense. I forget did Jill and Cane have a DNA test (not that it matters after the Kay/Jill double test undone by the three test they did this year). This could end up being a total mess.

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The only explanation I've come up with until now is that the character played by Bierdz sent Cane to Genoa City to become a part of Jill and Kay's life, and therefore have an in. Nothing sinister, perhaps, just a way to keep tabs on them and make sure they're alright. If it is Phillip and--for some reason--he is still alive, he could have relocated to Australia, started a family, and is in someway related to Cane. Though the Uncle isn't something that can easily be thrown away.... at this point, I feel it would be much much better if TB is NOT Phillip, and if he's just playing a new character. It would save us the Phillip ressurection mess.

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If they have Thom Bierdz back, he should be playing Phillip III, and no one else. What's the use? At this point, I can look past his resurrection, given that the whole Cane situation Latham created made no sense in the first place. I'd rather a resurrected Phillip III be the real Phillip III than Cane or someone else. They could've fixed it without resurrecting him, but oh well, I guess this will do for now, as long as there aren't too many holes in this.

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Honestly, I just am trying to find an explanation that would avoid a disaster... I just don't see any plausible way of bringing him back--so, please MAB, do surprise us!

But, that's it... changing who Cane is is the easy part... but the return from the dead. I just shudder. They'll undo LML's mistake and risk creating an even bigger one.

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Returns from the dead can work, it just has to be well-planned, but who knows what the plan is for this story. For all we know, Phillip III could have faked his death and planted a body to escape the life he was never comfortable with, even if it meant abandoning his son and wife.

This could either be an emotionally compelling story, or just cheap and sleazy. I just hope they thought it out well and know what they're doing.

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According to someone pages back,Bill Bell regretted killing off Philip.That may be true,but Bell lived with his decision and didn't do 'back from the dead'.

This will be interesting in the short term as to how the whole thing is explained,but long term???

Will this signal the end of Cane?Assuming he has a 3 yr contract,Goddard is signed up till next Jan.Of course,he could be written off at any time.

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