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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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The issue is also that we don't know where these writers intend to go with him. Will it be just a few more months or are there long term plans?

He seems like a son Victor would always want. When he said "I want you to show that you're Victor Newman's son" it seems that Adam decided to go along with the plan. Victor just doesn't realize that Adam is so similar to him, much more than Nick will never be or this version of Victoria.

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Ok I vibe with that. But it makes him so evil, and how can Victor ever forgive him or not completely crush him when all is over. We know he has no problem cutting Adam off. Hence, the corner. Adam didn't completely deserve the punishment he got (getting beaten up, going to prison, being cut out of the Newman's) but if he is directly responsible for Ashley losing the baby he will deserve to be clinching his teeth on a pillow in prison with Big Poppa.

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Exactly! That's why I think the writers haven't actually figured this out nor do they care what to do with the character after that. They are currently very involved in the storyline and trying to make it as best as possible, but when you look at it long term it's hell. If Victor ever manages to forgive Adam for framing him (and we all know he could carry this grudge for years) then how do you think he'd react to learn what Adam had been doing to Ashley. Also, Heather will never forgive him either. Actually, no living person would want to be with someone like that.

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I'm hoping that something stops Adam before the baby is lost or Ash loses her mind. BUT, Victor is doing something very similar at this very moment. He knows that MJ is unstable and yet he is unleashing her not only on Jack, but also on Sharon. Sharon could easily lose her baby because of Victor's scheming.

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With all due respect, I don't see why that is, or should be, a problem. Do we need to know? Shouldn't we revel at the opportunity to discover the character, see where time will take him? (Not that I think there's been much thought about where Adam is going, but anyway....)

Yes, that could very well be it, but I really don't think any of this is being taken into consideration while they are writing the show. It certainly doesn't show in the writing, or in Engen's portrayal. We can all come up with many reasons as to why Adam is doing what he's doing, but none of them is--as of yet--onscreen.

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I've never seen Victor as evil, but i get what you mean. He's ruthless as is Adam. I suppose this is something similar to when Victor was first on the show how he held someone prisoner in a basement or something. I guess if Nick can be totally like his mother, Adam can be totally like his father. Genetics are a bitch.

The show made such a mark with Adam grieving over his mother the first few days he was on. You really felt for him and thought he was a good person. I just wish there were flourishes of that every now and again.

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Great point - the only difference is the intentional (Ashley's pregnancy is right up there with Reva's on high-risk pregancies) vs. unintentional (Victor may not know that Patty's a nutcase. The shooting of Jack was never public as MarkH mentioned).

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^^^Speaking of Hope, wasn't there a mention of her a few pages back? Or last week's thread?

I think a few people mentioned that it would be so good to have her on canvas right now and I can't help but completely agree. While I see why they would kill her off--to give Adam reason to go to Genoa City--I think disposing of her was a very shortsighted decision. Hope could very easily have been Adam's sounding board (if they didn't want to give her something more), and she could have been the person through which we saw a more tender, loving, and respectful side of Adam.

Only Victor would be stupid enough to think that a person would change their face to have revenge while not being a nutcase :lol:

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Hope is dead and needs to stay that way. It was Griffith's and Bell's idea. Maybe it was a bit rushed, but what's done is done.

Maybe Adam needs a mother figure or something. But those are kinda hard to find on this show...

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Yes, you're right. I'm going to stop whining about ruining his character. Seeing SMART Adam edit sound files...well...I'm totally enjoying it. I don't see where it is going, so that keeps me interested and intrigued.

So here is my new mindset. We know the good boy is in him. We know. So, like waiting for a birthday or Christmas....now we have to wait for the gift of his vulnerability. Some day, in some way, it will return. And it will be fascinating to eventually watch his internal war for his own soul.

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