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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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I think she definitely needs to act opposite of more people then Billy. I understand why Billy wants her. But Mac have been with others. She needs to tell Billy she moved on a long time ago. But if he want to see how sex is with her. She can give him that but after he needs to move on.

What about JT vs Raul. Mac alway6s had a thing for a guy with an edge.

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Yeah but that beat isn't being played right now that's a part of the problem IMO. I see it like this MAB tells her stories in certain cycles it seems. Especially when it comes to love and triangles. The Phick/Shick triangles are the perfect example of that it started with Sharon's world coming apart, spun into Phyllis' world coming apart, and in the bigger picture both characters affect Nick so much because if their world's come apart then his world comes apart by default so we get his perspective last. So it is pretty clear to me that the beats being played between Mac/Billy/To some extent Chloe is focusing more on Billy's perspective before we get into Mac's

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yes. I would also argue that your "great" love is also your default love. I think if you lose the person you see as the love of your life you can definitely move on and be happy. But then when you are between relationships your mind often goes back to that one (or maybe even more than one) person that had the biggest impact on you. They are always underneath the surface. That's why I can completely buy into the idea that Mac never really got over Billy.

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Yes, it might have made it easier for Clem to adjust to daytime. I continue to like her and hope for the best.

Does she really have many lines at this point? It just doesn't seem like she has been in that many scenes that all this should be an issue.

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Good point! One day, I actually "counted" (Catherine's shower at the diner). The Mac lines were TRIVIAL. I don't actually think she has been introduced fast or with much material.

I wonder, if she's already overwhelmed, if she could even handle front burner.

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There's more to it than just lines though. there's blocking, hitting your marks, etc. From today's ep I see they're giving her very little lines, just reactions. they really are trying to write to her strengths but it's just not working.

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- Billy/Jack scenes are gold.

- Oh I love how MJ operates. She's smooth but not unbelievably smooth.

- So weird seeing Jill/Jeff/Glo act out 3's company...but I love it!

- Someone please tell me what Bryton does to get all these acting noms? When will he be ineligible for best youer actor?

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She could have been a supporting player in the Kay vs. Jill debacle or even been in on the Kevin/Jana/Amber/daniel stuff. Just to be 'there'. But by putting her in this torrid romance so fast just spotlights how bland she is. I can't imagine a guy choosing her over EH.

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The ending for tomorrow's US episode....

This is either going to be the stupidest thing to ever happen in Y&R's history (because there were other ways to fix this problem without doing this) or one of the best.

Since I'm an eternal pessimist, I tend to go for the former. I wonder how they'll explain this, and if it flops gigantically, I'm calling for MAB', Sheffer, and Hamner's heads...

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With BM, CE and now JD coming onto the canvas between the three of them they all are extremely talented IMO. Not that BRYTON isn't talented I see sparks here and there at certain moments but before the situation was he WAS the younger actor. No offense to MG and GR (not favs of mine like they are to others sorry). I actually do think Bryton was more in their league maybe with the exception of GR when he is shown

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Not to get in your business, but ... when did this happen? You obviously love this genre. I realize, too, that probably no one event rendered you thus.

But when it comes to soaps, what was the straw that broke the camel's back for you? I'm sincerely interested.

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