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GH: Ethan is the son of......

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I just pray that one day, oh just one day, Monica Quartermaine (because she's the only vet with 30+ years still on contract) will wake up in her bed and turn to Alan and say "Oh I have such a migraine, you won't believe the nightmare I just had." Then the screen fades to the Faces of the Heart opening circa 1996 and we pick up from where Claire Labine left off when things were still normal and peaceful in Port Charles. Then after the opening of our beloved fan favorites, Felicia Jones fills us up to speed on what's been going on in Port Charles.

She tells us how Sonny died in an explosion, the docks just blew up... And now, the GH you want begins...

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Go Mala! Once again I agree with all her thoughts. I didn't realize until reading her column what a blow this is to the show's foundation. I haven't watched a full episode of GH since Robin and Patrick's wedding; I'll tune back in if Rebecca is revealed to be Emily. Otherwise... <_<

Someone needs to call Sri Rao ASAP. I'll settle for season three of Night Shift but I'd rather have him take over as head writer. He's got a Labinesque style to his writing that daytime desperately needs.

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I'm thinking somebody (probably hired by Tracy) has fiddled with the results.

A few people (on other boards) have suggested that since none of the genetic markers matched between Luke and Ethan this tipped Luke off to the fact that the test had been tampered with because whoever tampered with the results did a really bad job of doing so (apparently it usually only takes two mis-matches to rule out paternity and since Luke and Ethan are both Caucasian then you'd expect them to share some of the genetic markers that are common to Caucasians). Perhaps some people are reading too much into it but it did seem to me that Luke spotted something wrong with the results.

Luke did ask Lulu to flirt with Ethan when Tracy was around - perhaps this is an attempt to see how Tracy reacts. Of course if it is the case then Luke's little plan is probably going to backfire in a big way (he could have at least filled her in on his suspicions but no....lol). I mean he's been too self absorbed in his own little mancrush on Ethan to see that Lulu and Ethan may actually have their own feelings for each other.

So i'm thinking now that Luke will find out that Ethan is his son but not until after him and Lulu have done the nasty. Of course in the end it will come out that Ethan isn't Luke's after all or to PO the fans even more, it'll turn out that Lulu is indeed as JackPeyton suggested (in jest of course but with the writers that we've got these days...) is the product of Laura's secret love affair with Sonny!).

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Actually, Holly was pregnant by Luke when he went off on one of his little jaunts... unfortunately Luke was presumed dead after an avalanche(?). Holly discovered she was pregnant and Robert Scorpio step up to the plate and offered her a marriage of convenience to give the baby a name. They got married, but shortly after that Holly had a miscarriage. So here's what I think... I think that the same doctor that took Erica Kane's unaborted fetus and implanted in his wife, took Holly's assumed miscarried fetus and implanted it in one of his Australian patients. Holly found out about it years ago, and later by coincidence met her own miscarried son. That's what happened and I'm sticking to it. :P

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