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As always, thank your for sharing this. I adore CD, so it's a pleasure seeing her even for a second.

And... I want to use this occasion to say something.

Let us all wish a big "Happy Birthday" to our very own @Contessa Donatella. I'm writing this here, because I know this topic is her home-base. I wish you nothing but happiness, health, prosperity, love and wink-wink - Harding Lemay's entire Another World tenure! Even if it's only in our dreams. Happy Another-Worldly Birthday sweetheart! First - Never change, Second - ignore the jealous people and the haters and Third - savor that youthful curiosity and love for research you possess. You are a true soap opera-champion. Cheers!

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@MaximOMG!!! You'll really make me blush! Thanks so much! I'm really excited about my birthday, which is not usually the case. There's just something about turning 74 "years young"!!! I remember when I was a callow youth that I thought I would not live past 18. Now, of course, I feel gravitas, if that makes any sense at all. Well, again, many thanks!

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As time went on I found Reuben very appealing as a character, but I did resent the introduction a bit since caring about Pilara seemed to be a bait-and-switch situation. I don't mind red herrings and fakeouts and shaggy dog stories in general but it would have been better not to just discard Pilara altogether once Reuben's introduction was completed. 

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I do recall his introduction and he was borderline abusive and didn't he start a fire that burned down Mary's place?  I think it was by accident and I think it was done as a way to write out Vince and Mary.

Shame Rueben/Josie never became a thing.

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I also loved Reuben and Josie. They had great chemistry. It's too bad the show didn't go there further. I suppose in the day it would have been "risky", but hell, AW needed something to get people talking...in a good way! 

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Thanks for sharing these links as even after all these years I had never read any of those interviews. I'm very glad that site was able to get in touch with so many people and that the site is still up.

Seeing Les Brandt talk about Nancy Frangione and Charles Keating as if they were still alive reminds me of how many we've lost over the last 15 years. 

Les' idea of what Maggie and Rafael would be doing now is not one I would agree with, but he's putting more thought into them than AW ever did. 

Clayton seems like a nice guy, and I appreciated all his backstage stories of the support he got while also sharing his frustration at how little was done with the character. Then as now, black characters seemed to just be kept in tiny boxes.


He mentions the nasty letters the studio received, which likely ended any plans they may have had. Not surprised...and they'd probably get the same reaction (or worse) now.

Josie's friendship with Reuben was maybe the only time I found her character interesting.

Edited by DRW50
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Clayton Prince's comments highlight why so many stories are so flat or truncated because TPTB are so afraid of alienating the bigots. They give in so quickly to the hateful viewers. Clayton Prince is so charismatic and talented (was also that way in the original Hairspray) and it's a shame that we were denied a good storyline for him. Apparently, these bigots were more comfortable with Josie pretending to be stalked by someone than being in a romance with Reuben. 

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They assumed that bigots would absolutely boycott the show and they would lose viewers while reasonable people wouldn't boycott if they didn't. The most unreasonable people often get this type of stranglehold because of their intransigence. So maddening.

I'm not sure how I excited I would have been about Josie and Reuben specifically (I was more invested in the earlier possibility of Thomasina and Hunter Bradshaw) because she was so skittish about everything (and to be honest I had a hard time caring about girls whose career aspiration was to be a model). But in principle I would have had nothing against the concept.

Thanks very much for these. I wonder whether the shift occurred after the storyline started airing or just between casting and writing. I think it would have been more effective if the audience had known the truth earlier even if Mary and other characters had misunderstood, rather than letting us believe that Reuben was abusive.


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It's not called show fun, it's called show business & it is one. Any knowledge of the concept Of Organizational theory, a term from Sociology, will tell you how conservative the US business model shows it to be. Yes, this is 2025 but the leadership in these businesses is more conservative than even in an earlier phase. 

I find it both disgusting & also a bit depressing. But it is the way things are.

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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