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Jill, of course, took her mandate very seriously. In her first 3 days at the show she fired 3 people. One of them was Christine Tucci, who happened to be engaged to Paul Michael Valley & he was royally pissed so he said he was quitting. Now any good EP would have known he was just mad & would have given him a day or two to cool off. Not Jill, no, she said, GREAT, I'll kill off his character & that is how AW lost Ryan, totally avoidable & Ryan was perfect for Anne Heche. Later Jensen's Vicky had some lovely scenes with Ryan in heaven.

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I watched until the bitter end, too. And, wow, those last couple of years were so hard to watch at times. For me, the show had a bit of renaissance in the mid-90s and seemed to be firing on all cylinders, and then we got a serial killer named of all things Fax. The death of Frankie really started the downward spiral IMO. Then, we got stories like Amanda's secret garden and a 300 year old man who was time traveling (sooooo out of place on this show), Bobby Reno/Shane Roberts (what was that about?), Marley's return where she got a new face and was suddenly a foot taller than Vicky, etc etc

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I'm not sure but I think you've just named every single thing that went wrong with AW at the end. Many stalwart & loyal fans departed with the grotesque murder of Frankie Frame. Race car driver with Ryan's corneas, my god what were they thinking? Then Michael Malone decided to use his bible for the show that didn't get a greenlight, Bourbon Street 13, gave us Shane & Lila & yes, identical twins who looked nothing alike & were two totally different heights!!! When I think about the fact that we could've had Ellen Wheeler playing both parts, it drives me a little bit crazy. Trying to get from one day to the next, Susan D. Lee torturing fans, it boggles the mind.

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Sven was a conman who forced Mac and Rachel’s maid, Helga, to convince them to hire him. He wanted to get in his hands on Mac’s money. To do this, he ended up drugging Helga’s daughter Regine, and Mac and put them in bed together. When Regine found out she was pregnant (by her boyfriend) everyone thought Mac was the father and he planned to divorce Rachel and marry Regine. When the plan was exposed, he killed Rocky, the stable man and kidnapped Rachel. Eventually, he was caught and sent to prison. 

That’s the bare bones of it, but from what I hear, it was much more layered than that.

Harding Lemay wrote it. He ended up hating the storyline though, but I’m pretty sure it was the last time that AW hit #1 in the ratings. 


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My mom and grandma watched AW and I have vague memories of Robin Strasser's Rachel, Sam Groom's Russ and Rue McLanahan's Caroline. That would likely have been 1970 and 71. They both stopped by the time I started watching on my own, which was likely around '75. I knew this show was different than any of the other soaps I saw (though I also liked DAYS). I later understood that the difference was Harding LeMay. And I fell in love with Vicky Wyndam's Rachel, Beverlee McKinsey's Iris and Bev Penberthy's Pat.

I kept watching through some mighty poor on-screen years, primarily due to the continued presence of Wyndham and the later additions of Linda Dano, Anna Stuart, Anna Holbrook and Anne Heche. I was so excited for LeMay's return in 1988, and he made the show vital again in a short time. Unfortunately, it was a long, slow slide to oblivion after that. Which I, too, watched until the end. 

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I searched in there but only found a character description that stated who he killed and etc. I probably didn't search the right place. You, however, and the other people in the topic filled in the blanks and now I have a general good idea what this controversial storyline was about. I was crazy about not knowing what it is.

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I am so stupid. How did I not think of following the storyline in the summaries... Just by the dates of when the actor first came in. I will do this later this evening. Thank you for reminding me what to do. I have ADHD and sometimes the most obvious answer escapes me. 

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