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Of course, for The Bold and the Beautiful that would have been par for the course!


I'm a little hazy about this, but I definitely remembered that under Lemay they brought back Walter Matthews as Gerald Davis to encourage Rachel by saying things like, "Would you rather be Mrs. Ted Clark or Mrs. Steven Frame?" As if Rachel needed any encouragement!

Lemay noted in his book that Stephen Bolster (Ted Clark) told him how he kept getting mail from fans who wanted Ted paired up with Alice. Lemay knew this wasn't so, because he had access to the mail, but he couldn't blame Bolster for trying, because it was clear how the storyline was going to go.

Alice precipitated her breakup with Steve by misunderstanding a conversation she heard between Steve and Rachel. Steve had been with Rachel talking about Jamie when Alice fell off a ladder (I think), precipitating a miscarriage, and Steve wasn't there to send for help in time. Alice understood him to mean he had been with Rachel sexually, so instead of confronting him she behaved like a soap opera heroine and took off for parts unknown. Rachel then eventually took advantage of the situation.

Many thanks to everyone who has access to the timelines and cast and character lists.

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Oh, that's a pity. I was hoping it was another legit variant.

Speaking of variants, I have been sucked a bit too far into the Tanquir rabbithole to see how it varies from soap to soap. Someone has listed it as a "Mediterranean kingdom" on the Wikipedia entry for fictional countries. It's definitely Arab/Muslim for the debut of Texas, but what I have seen on GL so far is much vaguer and chiefly focused on archaeology.


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AW in the 60s made one of those classic bad writing decisions, which illustrates this rule: "Don't kill off a beloved character until you're sure you have something interesting as a replacement." Irna, presumably, made the decision to kill off Lee Randolph (Barbara Rodell) to illustrate the dangers of taking LSD. Lee, having had LSD dropped in her drink, ultimately (after many twists I won't detail here) has an LSD flashback, wrecks her car, and is killed. Fans were upset because Barbara Rodell was popular, and she and Jordan Charney (as Sam Lucas) were a popular couple. Even after Sam had married Lahoma (Ann Wedgeworth) because Lee was concerned about that any child of hers might have birth defects, fans expected Sam and Lee to get together eventually. Wrong.

The grieving father, John Randolph (Michael M. Ryan), then got to know the Mason family: the mother, Anne, was a department store executive (I think), implicitly criticized very harshly for having a career instead of looking after her teenage daughter Emily. It's unclear where this story was ultimately to have gone. Anne died of a heart attack, John became Emily's guardian, and apparently Emily was going to be a substitute daughter. Unfortunately, Emily bored the pants off most of the viewers, who resented her space on the screen in place of Lee. Emily was sent off to boarding school or one of those other dumping grounds for unwanted soap characters, and she was never heard of again.

When Agnes Nixon recycled pretty much the entire LSD story on OLTL, she made one very important change: Cathy Craig, unlike Lee Randolph, was not killed off.

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Taking it back to Cenedella, it was a big mistake to kill off Lee, and then Bill the following year. Bill and Missy were basically AW’s first supercouple and to just abruptly end them like that did the fans a disservice. Lee could have driven story for years as well, and it always sounded to me like the Emily Mason story was really boring. 

But the whole LSD storyline is one that I would love to see. The way the storylines transitioned into one another back then sounds genius. Same goes for the Danny Fargo saga, and how Liz was able to help Walter send Missy to prison for his murder. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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