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Y&R: Week of April 27, 2009

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Honestly, I'm leery of Mary Jane. Don't "Star Trek" fans usually warn that a "Mary Jane" is a sort of surrogate for the writer?

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Has MJ slept with Jack already? Sheesh. Nice goin', Y&R. :lol:

Okay, maybe she is Patty, which doesn't work, IMO. It presumes Patty never made peace with anything Jack did; that that last year or so in GC when she dated Danny and began putting the pieces of her life back together didn't happen...

And once again, I wish MAB weren't writing this damn show. :rolleyes:

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Yep - they did the nasty. And during their "afterglow", MJ nailed Jack (again) by revealing she's not married. And Stacy gave one of the best evil cackles i've heard in a long time on soaps.

I've said it before, but irregardless of who she is, SH is so damn good. She's the best addition to the show since Murphy.

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You know, I don't really remember it being a YEAR that Patty dated Danny. I remember her moving back into her parents house and seeing a therapist (played by Veleka Gray, who was simultaneously playing a manicurist on the same show). I remember Bill Bell putting an end to the story, by having Patty realize she WASN'T dealing with things well, and deciding she had to get out of town. I remember Patty moving to Washington to live with her reporter brother Steve, who had moved there earlier.

So, the premise for her leaving town was that she COULDN'T DEAL.

When Mary and Paul last discussed Patty, briefly, Mary lamented that she had lost contact with her daughter, and wondered what had become of her.

I believe, therefore, that it could quite easily be Patty, based solely on backstory. She never recovered from Jack, and she has been missing for a very long time. (This was my reason for wishing Patty to be Tawny, Amber's mom).

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Honestly, I'm still fuming - not that my theory wasn't correct, lol, but that the writers would dredge up part of the history but conveniently "forget" the rest of it. But, should I expect anything less from a show which somehow has Billy older than Kate/Chloe, or Heather Stevens and Cane Ashby in the same age-group as Lily Winters and Victor Newman, Jr.?

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Yes, this next era we're moving into is filled with interesting mysteries, which is what I always love.

Who is Mary Jane? Who is gaslighting Ashley? Who will Rafe schtupp. And so forth. Posing questions and dragging out the answers is very, very cool.

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So she waited all these years to get plastic surgery and return to GC, seeking revenge?

If that's true, then that makes me hate the story even more.

Who do we have to kill to get a different HW?

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Oh now that I didn't know either! It's going to be really interesting to see if how they inform the audience of Patty's past. They can't use Jack flashback's cause Terry Lester was playing Jack then, right? And, minus Jack, they could show flashbacks of Patty, but which one would they show? Andrea Evan's Patty or Lilbet Stern's. i think a story like this REALLY needs flashbacks.

MarkH - do u have the link to the trascript for tomorrow's show? I have to see the dialouge betwwn MJ and Paul..like now! hehe. I'm in total Y&R geek mode today.

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No, in her first "back of the head" scene with Victor it was implied she'd been in accident and was disfigured.

For that part of the story, I'm imagining something like a Vanessa Prentiss arc.

In other words, why did Patty never come home? Maybe part of the reason is that she had a horrible accident and her face was terribly disfigured. Lacking the means to fix it, and ashamed, she lived in seclusion.

When Victor hunted her down, part of the appeal was that he would fix her face (soap opera style). Of course, a side benefit is that she looks different...and can therefore do stealth work for Victor.


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Don't you DARE compare this mess to Vanessa's story, lol! That story was beautiful...well, that is, until she became annoying. ;)

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But Khan - Patty had no means or resources to exact revenge on Jack till Victor came-a-calling. From what I can tell from her adoration of Victor, he truly saved her from SOMETHING. I don't know what it is, but her face was bad and she wasn't too well off. Revenge + money+ opportunity makes it plausible for me.

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