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Y&R: Week of March 30, 2009

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Even if they don't write Victoria the way they wrote her in the 90's, the character needs to be played by a bonafied actress that's leading lady material, and that's not Amelia Heinle. Amelia doesn't and has never let the material they've given her fly. If Gina Tognoni or Heather Tom played her material, it would soar.

Amelia is not a bad actress per se, but she is not leading lady material, which Victor and Nikki's daughter should be. Amelia tends to sleepwalk though her scenes, what little they are.

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I agree, but i just dont see them actually writing anything more than Victoria than what they have. Its obvs they want Nick and Adam to spar over who is more like victor and who should run the company and blah blah blah and ignore Victoria, who really should blow both of them out of the water.

Id love it if they got a strong actress in the role and actually wrote the char. I just dont see it happening.

And i hope im wrong.

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I'm not sure if a strong version of Victoria fits into the current Y&R. Right now Victor rules his family with an iron fist, all the women in his life are extremely weak. They may not want to upset the balance, since they seem to be into this current dynamic.

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I don't think we've seen enough of Victor's interaction with women to know how he'd react to a stronger woman in his life right now. He's constantly sparring with Nikki, but she definitely holds her own in their altercations, he's happy with Ashley for the moment, and Victoria hasn't interacted with him in forever.

His relationship with Ashley is bound to hit the rocks the soon enough, so their bliss won't last. Victoria was written a bit stronger a year ago when she was sparring with Adam, so I don't know if he'd necessarily care at this point.

But again, it's all about screen presence, which Heinle just doesn't have. Gina Tognoni is VERY popular with the brass over at CBS Daytime, and she's definitely been the leading lady on GL over the past 3 or 4 years or so. I'm sure, if she came to Y&R as Victoria, they'd give Victoria more to do and play to Tognoni's strengths.

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He's sparred with Nikki in the past, but now all he seems to do is tell her how worthless she is, when he isn't blaming her for Sabrina's death. Nikki argues back but she does seem to feel guilt over what he says. Then Kay tells Nikki this is great and she should go back to Victor, which means we're probably supposed to side with Victor.

I don't know if I'm just not into ED's performances but she seems so tranquilized and cold to me she has the same reaction to everything.

I think GT would be a great addition to Y&R and she'd play the heck out of Victoria, especially her more neurotic side, but I'd like to see how they write for female characters over the next few months before I see Victoria recast. I'd almost rather see her written out entirely for a few months, then return with a bang.

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I totally agree, in order for there to be a successful transtition, they need to write Victoria off for a few months, and then bring her back. Frankly, they should write JT off with her, and have Victoria and Reed return alone. This would be a great time to finally fire Thad Luckinbill who has been worthless for years.

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I think JT's probably on his way soon. The only reason I might keep him is if they do a gay story, because JT's always seemed like he might have a bi side and I'd like to see that developed.

JT/Adam could have been something.

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The SONY site has more pics from Y&R's 36th Anniversay party. Some are the same ones from the CBS site, but most are ones that weren't on CBS.


Lauralee Bell was there:


As was Brad Bell:


The outside location of the venue:



Amelia Heinle looked like a sleepwalker more than ever!


Paul Rauch and his wife:


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10 years flew by...I was in my 20s then! So was Thad it seems!

Thad is a very 'workable' actor...by that I mean he can fit into a lot of different roles. He can play sweet, angry, dumb, smart, heroic, assholic and pretty much everything else. I'm not saying he's Laurence Olivier, but he has a very likable, everyman quality to him that is totally appealing.

JT/Adam would have been one of the handsomest supercouples in soaps.

I won't be surprised if JT and Victoria both get canned in the next few months.

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