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Clementine Ford Soaps Up on Y&R

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I think she could be the girl I could accept as Mac, but I wish they would make her look a bit younger. Mac is not supposed to be 30+ years old. I know, they clearly aged Billy too, but still... But she seems sweet...

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I've seen her on the LWord. She is nothing special as an actress, then again the acting on that show isn't award winning so she may do much better on Y&R. She is too old to be Mac and seems older than EH though she may not be. I may peek in to see how she is doing as Mac.

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shes a good actress. not great tho, but i could see her becoming amazing. i love how she flat out said her first week or so may suck. fans really dont give actors enough time to find a groove - esp when first coming to a soap. because the pace is insane.

that sucks how that magazine misquoted her. so shady.

also, that pic is awful and make her look far older than how she looks. ive noticed she really doesnt take good photos well, but look at some youtube clips of her on the l word.

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Holy eyebrow pencil!

Having said that, her interview has won me over. She seems like a warm, outgoing individual. For a moment there, I wondered whether her work on "The L Word" was the reason why Y&R hired her. There were rumors going for a while when Rachel Kimsey replaced Ashley Bashioum (neither of whom I particularly warmed to) that TPTB wanted to have Mac "explore her sexuality." Cue nuMac banging JT. :rolleyes:

I wonder if she's taller than Billy Miller. He's a cutie but he's also a bit wee.

P.S.: Why all the coyness about Katherine Moenig? I could have called it back when she was on that Dawson's Creek spin-off Young Americans.

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Babes, you know the feeling is mutual! :) And yes, I remember Young Americans. I even liked it! It was clear, though, that Katherine Moennig had 1000 times more chemistry with Kate Bosworth in their 2 scenes together than she did with the pretty dude who thought that he was attracted to "Jake."

As for AshBash, she was always miserable. OK, I get that living on the streets may not have been particularly fun but once Mac moved into the Chancellor mansion, you think she would have lightened up a little. I did warm to her when Daniel courted her briefly and she smiled. And when she cut her hair... But then Y&R fired her.

As for Kelly Kruger, all I remember was overwelming blankness. The human equivalent of this smilie: :mellow:

Mac is almost a cursed role, I'd say. She's so good and does The Right Thing, so much so that it can come across as preachy. Like Lily, she is practically a saint. They tried to give Kimsey's Mac a little raunch but went too far in that direction and Mac became unrecognizable. I'd be curious to see what Ford brings to the table. On the one hand, she's coming back from Saving Darfour. On the other, she is probably still struggling with her feelings for Billy, because she never got closure for that. The key will be her chemistry with BM.

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I so loved that show. I have it on VHS.

I couldnt agree more. AB just never looked like she was having fun IMHO and KK was just... blahhhh. I loved Kimsey the best, but didnt much care for how they wrote Mac.

If they blend Kimsey's mac with Ashbash's Mac and Ford is as good as she was on the L Word i think the curse may be broken.


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