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GL: March Discussion

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From what I saw, she was just out for a walk and ended up at Farley's Bar to have a drink. I don't think she knew until she got there that it was Ladies Night. She's been looking for understanding of her feelings, so even though she was hesitant to go in, she decided to. I don't think she went in to see if she would be attracted to other women, just that there might be someone there who she could talk to and would have a better understanding of what she's dealing with moreso than the other people she has talked to thus far.

I've really enjoyed the show as a whole these past two days, though I was so anxious about Otalia that I didn't really pay much attention to Jeffrey/Reva and Mallet/Marina during the second half of the show.

Doris's reaction when Liv saw her had me ROFL. Still ROFL every time I watch it on youtube. OC really brought it in her scenes today with CC.

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When was the last time they even mentioned Dinah was Phillip's cousin? I don't remember them having any scenes when Wendy Moniz was in the role.

Didn't Dinah only have a small part in the kidnapping?

I think GL continues to have such strong individual scenes. Some of the stories themselves could use some sprucing up. Like this Reva/Jeffrey story. I think Kim Zimmer and even Bradley Cole are doing a good job, but I just don't like the story.

I wish we could see more of Edmund outside of the Lara story. DAM adds so much to little moments like listening to an iPod.

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Buzz shoving Lillian is a no-no...especially since she was abused by her husband for years. I guess they're probably not going to bring that up though.

Poor Mel, so beautiful and intelligent and she returns to say no one has ever loved like Jeffrey loves Reva. Didn't she have a thing for Jeffrey? That might explain her delusions.

The Olivia and Natalia stuff with Emma was gold. I'm so glad we get to see a competent child actress take center stage on GL. This was what GL did with the young actors who played Bill and Michelle, and later Lizzie and Susan. It's nice to see that back again. Emma reminds me so much of Olivia.

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Lillian did. She mentioned Bradley's name when Buzz came back to apologize. Tina Sloan rocked that scene. I like Justin Deas, but I wish he wouldn't act so over-the-top these days. TS showed Lillian's fear and memories of abuse in such an unstated manner.

During this scene, I just had to keep reminding myself that Mel was not around for Josh/Reva. Cause, hello?! Dude went halfway around the world because he saw a picture of someone who looked like her.

After the angst that was Wednesday, I am so glad that we got back to family scenes with them. JT is such an adorable actress, but she is the product of Phillip/Olivia so Otalia's gonna have their hands full with her! I think that Emma and the family they have together is what is going to push Natalia to turn down Frank's proposal [not a spoiler, just spec of my part]. I think that her feelings for Olivia will be part of her decision, but ultimately, she loves Emma and the life the three of them have created together. Loved all the "we" pronouns coming from Natalia in the last scenes yesterday! :wub:

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I don't remember any of the part about Bradley. I thought I had missed something. I must have accidentally fast forwarded some stuff. Thanks! I'm glad GL is remembering their history. I'm sorry for Lillian, she seemed to care so much about Buzz. Tina Sloan has impressed me so much over the past few years. I think the Maureen fiasco made people forget how good Tina is.

I couldn't believe we got to see some moments with the Boudreaux siblings and Christina yesterday. Then the absurdly aged daughter of Rick and Mel. Now if only they could have a story.

How was Alan responsible for the death of Ava and Remy's child? I wasn't watching during that story.

Here's a good blog item about Doris.

That's the type of balance a soap relationship needs. I know they have to push the story along but it was nice to see some of Olivia's dark side again. I'm sure this will keep flaring up. I just hope Olivia doesn't ruin her happiness again, as she has in the past.

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Alan wasn't responsible for that. I think it may have come across that way because of what Remy was saying and the way he said it. But he was speaking more that he knew how he felt when Tammy died (Alan was responsible) and he knew how he felt when Max died, and IF Alan had been responsible for that, he would react the same as Buzz. If that makes any sense. :D

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Great week! Yes, at least in the online version of Friday's episode on CBS.com, Lillian defintiely mentioned Bradley. She said that it reminded her of when she was being abused everyday by Bradley and that was not a place where she could be. Then Buzz said that's where I am right now.

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Remy has actually had a lot more airtime in the past few months (especially November-January, before Phillip came back) than he used to. The marriage started off as a drunken whim in Las Vegas, then became a sham to get Christina financial aid (all the while, they were falling in love) and is becoming more and more real every day.

I suspect Remy's increase in airtime is in part because the switch to the four-headwriter team brought Lloyd Gold and Chris Dunn, who created the Boudreauxs, more power. Whatever the reason, I think the Remy/Christina story is one of the best parts of a great show!

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Plus it's nice that they've got an African-American family with real ties to the canvas (through Rick and Mel's daughter, Leah).

I just wish Remy and Christina would become more integrated instead of existing in their own stories. Remy and Rick could have interaction, Shayne and Remy's friendship could be built up, Christina and Marina could become friends. And we all know Lizzie Spaulding is in dire need of a friend in her own age range.

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I remember when the Boudreaus were first brought on. They had so much potential and were integrated seamlessly into the canvas. They were probably one of the few good things to come out of the first Gold/Dunn tenure. I mean we had Sheri Headley, Richard Biggs, and Corey Parker Robinson. None of the recasts IMO really had the same kind of quality as these three.

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