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GL: March Discussion

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I think they may have shied away from Mindy talking about who Bill is dating because this is another man Beth and Lizzie have both had and they've already addressed that with Coop. They seemed to focus more on Mindy being there as a support system to Beth than on what or who Bill was doing. I think that's one of the reasons why they didn't give her more about her history, because those scenes were more about nostalgia.

I wish they'd had more time with Mindy and her family. I would have loved seeing Mindy in a scene with Lizzie and Billy, since at one time Billy replaced treated Lizzie as his new Mindy. I also would have liked seeing something with Mindy and Vanessa. Mindy and Josh, or Mindy and Bill, I wouldn't have cared about seeing her with them.

KT's Mindy usually came across as more chipper than the later Mindys. I just hope that we are going to get to see her again and find out more about her and what she's feeling and thinking. I know what they were doing with her this time but before JFP showed up, Mindy was such a vibrant character, with such a rich history and future. I don't want to only see Mindy as some object of the past.

I did get tired of the pizza face stuff, but the other jokes from Rick made me laugh. They used to be able to blend Rick as comic and serious all in one personality, but soaps seem to struggle at maintaining these types of characters. At least Rick hasn't fared as poorly as Tad at AMC.

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Right, I've just got to ask this again: How is Phillip not in jail? Why is everyone cool with him being around? He left town after a psychotic meltdown and spent the last few years playing Boo Radley and committing domestic terrorism, killing Ross, stalking everybody, etc. Now it's "high school reunion! YAAAYY!!" I love GA and all, I'm glad he's back, but this does not square.

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That never happened. Phillip didn't kill Ross and he is safe and sound living a double life in Llanview, Pennsylvania. That's my story and I'm sticking to it, lol.

BTW, that scene with Daisy calling Grady and his cell phone ring echoing through through the darkened ravine was a brilliant shot and a very chilling one. Actually, is this the first "nighttime" scenes we've seen since the new model debuted? If it is then it's been a long time coming. Actually, the show in general had some very good scenes production-wise and writing-wise. I also liked the Macbeth-ian obsession with the hands. ("Out, damned spot! Out, I say!")

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He was in jail for a few weeks, but Beth, the new legal mastermind, managed to get him released on bail.

Considering all they made Phillip become it's a bit of a cheat to have him back without more repercussions, but I can't get upset. Realistically, he should be getting a colder shoulder from more people, but in the confines of soap, I think they've done a good job with some balance. Lizzie is still scared of him, Olivia still doesn't like him, Frank doesn't like him. Buzz doesn't care because he's too busy hating Alan. The people who are happiest to see Phillip are the people who desperately needed "their" Phillip back, like Beth and Rick, and even Rick is wary enough that he agreed to spy on Phillip.

I also noticed. I think it shows how you don't need expensive sets. Those cheap little sets had some extremely powerful scenes with Beth and Phillip. That's what I'm digging on GL right now, they have some of the strongest two-character scenes around. This used to be one of the real hallmarks of GL.

I just wish we could get Phillip to go to some other soaps and toss people off cliffs.

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OMG, Monday's episode was so good! It was suspenseful, wistful, funny, dramatic, and tragic. It felt like a whole week's worth of emotion in 60 minutes.

So much about this episode made an impact on me. I was feeling for everyone. Every scene worked. Grady spilling the beans about Alan and Dinah's involvement, the struggle on the cliff (guess Phillip is still a little bit crazy), Phillip's guilt, Buzz's scenes with Daisy where he was numb until Daisy got through to him with Grady's dog tag, Buzz's desperation and paranoia with Frank, Rick's jokes, Cyrus asking Lizzie to trust him, Phillip and Beth's dance, Daisy waiting on the porch, and to top it of, Bill and Lizzie running to each other in reunion at the end ...

I agree that the nighttime shooting really worked and was effective, including the ringing cell phone.

Wow, just wow!

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I enjoyed most of today's episode. I didn't watch most of the scenes with Marina, Mallet, Dinah, Remy, but I did watch some of Mallet and Dinah. Poor Dinah. GT is great at showing all the pain Dinah hides under her cold exterior.

I didn't even know Remy and Natalia knew each other.

Olivia watching Frank propose to Natalia was classic soap. Beautiful work from Crystal Chappell.

I felt like they were finally getting Mindy today, of course this had to be on her last day in town. Teasing Rick about his hair not being the natural color, just like hers isn't...calling Olivia a bitch...that's our Melinda Sue! I wish we could have seen her face off with Olivia but that probably wasn't a good idea, since Olivia wasn't doing anything wrong. Olivia is right to question why Phillip is walking around and worry about Emma. If written properly, the conflict with Natalia over Phillip can make sense. I like that there is no good person or bad person in this storyline. Both Olivia and Phillip have understandable motivations.

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I absolutely loved today's show from start to finish! I love how we were able to see so many characters and storylines in one show.

CarlD2 - Nat/Remy: They almost hooked up at one point. And they've kinda been friends since then. It was nice to see them in a scene together again.

Crystal Chappell is breaking my heart. Between her and Gina T. today, I feel like Buzz and Alan last week!

I can never get enough Otalia!! :wub:

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