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GL: March Discussion

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I know, wasn't that dive pathetic?

Yup and you can just hand it over to your 12 year-old bride who thought it might be fun to have a baby in the house but now realizes that they like...um...you know...poop and stuff. Eww.

Yeah, GL steals alot of things from a lot of places.

They have to, they're freezing their balls off in Peapack. ;)

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U can see where the baby deal is going a mile away. Necause the chick from OLTL prentend to be the Wife she'll some how have legal rights to the baby.

At least everyone stayed inside today. I watched one time before and they spent the entire show outside.

I thought that Reva chick was suposed to be rich or something? Her house is far from an Mansion.

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That baby is soooooooooooooooooo Shayne & Lara's.

Marina will find out Mallet bought him and will discover that he's really Shayne's. She'll be heartbroken when she has to give him to Shayne and she and Cyrus will have a grief-schtump on a countertop at Company, which she'll get knocked up by. That's just my guess anyway.

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Oh god, here we go again. For the hundreth-trillionth time, detailed criticism is not "bashing". One month ago, when the show was good, we were all here salivating and praising it to the hilt because it deserved it. We were happy to see it do well and said so. Aside from Otalia, it currently sucks again. So we're saying so as honestly as possible. It sucking again doesn't make me or anybody else happy. We wanted the good to last but it didn't and I'm not gonna pretend that it did just to placate you or keep Ellie from crying.

Nope. I'm not Dan, Southofnowhere, or anybody else on here. I'm not the only one who can see that GL shot it's wad on Phillip's return and other than Otalia, is running on fumes at the moment.

Okay, what do you want to talk about? You want positive? Okay. I can be positive.

Olivia and Natalia's relationship is still fascinating. The dynamic only seems to get more interesting as time goes on and I can't wait to see it deepen.

I'm hoping to see Reva discuss her worsening cancer with Josh soon since no matter what's going on, their scenes are always gold.

I still see the chemistry and connection between Phillip & Beth and I'm eager to see NuJames arrival.

M&M/Shayne's baby is really cute.

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I haven't watched more than a few episodes of Friday Night Lights (yet), but is there any similiarity between Doris and their mayor besides being lesbians? I thought their mayor had a longtime partner. I don't think GL was trying to rip off FNL, I think they wanted people to be surprised at who Olivia would see and there were very few single female characters to use, unless they were going to suddenly make Blake, Alex, Vanessa or Mel a lesbian.

I think GL is uneven and probably will be for some time, which is disappointing, because I don't think they can afford to be uneven; even though all the other soaps also have huge problems, they aren't facing the axe. Some days I think have been close to perfect, like Tuesday, so I don't think they were great only when Phillip came back and have sucked since then. Others, like today, were really bad. I think everyone here wants to see the show do well, so saying some episodes are horrible doesn't change that we all hope they can turn things around.

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Dear Mallet and Marina,

I understand that you have a new bouncing baby boy. Therefore, I would like to invite you to a baby shower I have planned for you to celebrate your new family. Please come to the cliff off of Route 50 at 5:30 on Friday so we can give that child a real Springfield welcome.

Your Pal,


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GL was fine today, but what exactly possessed Olivia to go to Ladies Night? She's attracted to Natalia, she's never been attracted to another woman, so was she going to see if she would be attracted to any of those women in the room?

I just don't find it at all surprising that Doris is a lesbian.

I enjoyed the Dinah and Shayne scenes, they have great chemistry, but I understood where Dinah was coming from. Just last week Shayne was telling her that he didn't want to see her again, now he's all "kiss me, kiss me". No. The last two days I have absolutely loved Dinah though, loved the writing for her.

I hate Marina and she makes me hate Mallet. They're FF material.

I am so sick of the back and forth between Reva and Jeffrey over this damn baby, and Reva and Colin have more chem than Reva and Jeffrey ever did.

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