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B&B: Week of February 09, 2009

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I really wish people would call Rick on his terrible relationship track record. Let's see, Kimberly, Amber, Ashley, Phoebe, Taylor (and a bunch of others who weren't that important to him). How is anybody supposed to take his "love" for Steffy seriously considering that he did the same up and down swearing with Phoebe and Taylor only for that "love" not to survive even a year?

Say what you will about Brooke, but when she first fell for Ridge she didn't have a negative track record to speak of yet, so at that point Stephanie was judging her unfairly. And at least Ridge was the one she stayed in love with consistently even whe her other relationships didn't last. Meanwhile Rick doesn't have a Ridge-like relationship, one he is at least consistent on. Instead his interest in the woman in question always wanes eventually. So can't he at least spare Steffy that if there is no way it's going to be forever for him anyway?

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Thank you Ron Moss! I've been laughing so hard for the past two episodes I've been beside myself. Ron's emoting is so damn awful that it's hysterical!!! Ridge is suppose to be upset and all I'm doing is chomping on popcorn between fits of giggles. When Rick started running after Ridge lunged for him in the living room I was too through! Then we got the comical scenes of Rick running into his car with close ups of the gage meter and the accelerator with Rick looking "determined". The car chase scenes were unbelievably funny. The close ups of Ron trying to look mean were even funnier! And how many times did we get the exact close up of Ridge and Rick putting "pedal to the metal" LOL!!!

*Eagerly anticipating tomorrow's show*

Question: Weren't Phoebe and Steffy identical twins? I think I remembered two blond girls playing the roles when they were younger. One of them left and then we got the current recasts of MacKenzie and JMW. Am I remembering it correctly?

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Yes, and it was actually the plan at one point to have MM play both roles. But then when they were looking at bringing Steffy back, MacKenzie was going to be headed to Broadway, so they cast JMW and now they are faternal.

Gawd those are the best scenes ever. Ron Moss is just fun to watch sometimes.

I'm actually still really enjoying the Jackie M storyline and love the Bridget twist a lot--and Ashely Jones seems to be really enjoying herself in the role now.

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What has happened to Owen?

These campy car chase scenes go nicely with Ronn Moss's campy acting. LOL! It's so incredibly silly for so many reasons. I mean they all got to where they are now because of a car accident, so they all hop in cars driving at top speeds along a curvy highway because it just seems like the logical thing to do. :rolleyes: LOL!

You know what I totally bought though? Rick hightailing it out of there when Ridge starting chasing after him. I'd be be scared crapless, too, after witnessing what it must be like to see a bad actor gone rabid. All that was missing was saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth. BWAHAHAHA!!!

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I don't know why Rick ran when he could totally give Ridge a beat down. Ridge is twice his age and he's just not as fit, but hey, I ain't complaining. Where else am I gonna get my laugh these days. I say give Ron more dramatic material so I can laugh my ass off!

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So, I know I sound like a petulant kid, but I really think B&B is going back off my DVR for a little holiday. I just feel so f*cking stupid when I sit through this crap.

Heck, all the effusing on the internet has me thinkin' I should substitute Guiding Light :).

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Which -- if true -- says the whole story will ill conceived to begin with! But of course we knew this..

There was so much they could have done with a grieving Steffy...she could have been with Marcus. There is so much of Marcus' backstory they could have played...

Instead, they went right back to incest.

If you watch today's scenes, watch Rick in the rear view mirror. Eyebrow acting. Lots of it. Not a good thing....

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Oh. My. God. The car chase scenes made my day. Also, Ridge running after Rick in Brooke's living room was so hilarious...it's episodes like this which make me glad I watch B&B.

On a more serious note, HT and AJ have great hateful chemistry. LAD is terrific as Jackie M, the whole return to fashion is B&B bread and butter, I hope it really continues!

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I'm still peeved that hey cut Marcus out of the story like that. If they didn't like the actor, fine, go and recast. That would have given Marcus an excellent reason to start hating Rick and become a more active character. B&B has always done best with characters who had some beef with the Forresters. They are less likely to disappear than characters who are just nice.

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Who directed Monday and Tuesday's shows? I'm at work and I can't really look at the show's end credits to see.

I saw the clip, and as awful as Ronn Moss is, he does good work on occassion. Not that I am making apologies for his performance or anything in the scene, but IMO, he sometimes does a good job with the material. At least Ronn Moss good.

I can't believe they made him say "Rick" again like that without cutting tape and stopping him. It's like they want to end up on "The Soup."

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