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OLTL: Discussion for the Week of December 8th

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The kid playing Jack is great and has been since he started. Early on, he had wonderful scenes with Starr, Blair and Todd with him and Starr just careening around the house causing mischief, or puking on the kitchen floor while Blair and Todd tried to get ready for work so he didn't have to go to school; it was all incredibly natural and he seemed completely comfortable, like he had been with them for years. You don't usually get that.

Up til now, Jack has been a "mama's boy" and I kind of liked that contrast to Starr who was a little hellraiser. But today was good. They should give Starr her personality back, and let Jack stay a sweet kid with occasional outbursts like today.

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I am not sure what is in the water over at OLTL these days, but, yes, it does seem like they are taking a great deal of care in what they are presenting. It's almost like they are OD'ing on the warm and fuzzy this week to make up to those who are offended by Todd and Marty. I am glad to see, based on tomorrow's preview, that are picking up on T&M. I can't wait for Tea to get Marty on the witness stand!

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I loved the Rosanne mention, reminds me of when I first started watching the show and she was on.

Good show today. Loved the focus on Jack Manning.

I don't think they've completely gotten rid of evil Starr, she simply hasn't had a reason to emerge so far. Remember how she was acting when she thought Cole was fooling around with Langston?

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"She looks exactly like Roseanne"....Thank you Tea! I knew I wasnt the only one that thought Roseanne and Vanessa could be sisters.

LOVED the Tea/Carlota reunion. Tea was always the daughter she never had. Their scenes today were so real and I loved how overjoyed they were to see each other again

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I hope the execs from OLTL really do read these boards:


Granted, 20% of the posters here will never, ever, ever forgive you for Marty and Todd's sex. They think that the show is unforgiveably misogynistic, enjoys and endorses the victimization of women, and is just all around revolting and should be cancelled and Ron Carlivati, Brian Frons, and Frank Valentini should be castrated.

However I- simply love, love, love it. This Todd/Marty thing is a blockbuster! And all these people are missing these heartwarming holiday episodes that no other shows are doing.

Its the perfect blend of tawdry and offensive melodrama with heartwarming humanity.

Its like the show is being written by Dirk Diggler and Jesus.


Damn if this has not been a FULL MONTH of compelling, engrossing, and well written drama.

I don't even know how they will narrow down their choices of what to submit for emmy consideration.. An abundance of riches- from this month alone I can think of 6 episodes.

And this month has been so good that I now forgive the completely disasterous summer (minus the return of AE which made me tune back in)

What IS in the water over at those studios, Dale?

God- I even hated Bree Williamson from the moment she replaced Erin Torpey but ever since they paired her with Brody in the loonybin- I actually found myself liking her.

And BLAIR EVEN MAKES JOHN MCBAIN TOLERABLE!! And I stopped watching the show for about 2-3 years when he became the star along with that godawful Evangeline.

Between OLTL and Y&R its like 1988 all over again.

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It's a miracle from God. That's the only explanation. After detesting John Mcain for FIVE years, he is at last tolerable, and date I say it? Watchable.

Rover, it seems we share the same sentiments on this show right now. The Todd/Marty story is a brilliant, psychologically based story that is gripping, suspenseful and keeps me looking forward to the next day. (Dale ducks the rotten fruit thrown at him.) This is an ensemble cast that have come together and delivered the goods day after day. Aside from Blair making John tolerable, Tea made the Vega boys interesting today! There are no end of Christmas miracles lately! LOL!

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Dale I know! I was thinking the same thing!

Its cool that somebody here sees what I do.

The drama is totally psychological drama. Its what the show did in the late 70's as far as what I have read (Karen Wolek, ect)

There is nothing like OLTL right now on soaps- And it just seems like everyone is coming together to make an outstanding show.

I haven't enjoyed the show this much since 1995. 1996-97 was awful. I found the 1998-99 JFP years dark and entertaining but it was strictly plot driven and characters like Nora were totally sacrificed. The 2000-2003 Gary Tomlin era was too campy and light for my taste with alot of crappy performers. Jen Rappaport anyone? And I checked out I thought for good during Higley's entire run and for the beginning part of Carlivati's- I came back when Andrea Evans and Susan Haskell did.

I didn't think the show could ever be like this- i figured it was done for.

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Rover, I began watching the show in 1978 - the week that Karen Wolek confessed to Viki that she was a prostitute! So, I have seen the highs and, man have I seen the lows! LOL!!

1995 with Viki and her alters was the BEST daytime drama I have ever seen. After Malone left, 1996 and 199 were awful - too much Andy/Antonio and Dylan/Marty/Patrick. I am one of the few who actually loved the JFP years. I know that Nora's brain was sacrificed, but I thought the show was focused, compelling and consistent (I am ducking the rotten fruit again!). Tomlin wasn't all bad - Live week, Trading Places, and he won the show an Emmy! But Jen Rappaport was the worse character/actress ever shoved down my throat! Higley - started out OK, but the show soon became plot driven and boring. McBain McBain McBain! Not to mention all Evangeline all the time! RC is writing the kind of drama I like the best - character driven. He is masterful at making Llanview seem like a real community, and I love the way divergent roads always meet leading to a collision of stories. He did it last year in Texas, and did the same thing with even better results this year with Todd/Marty, Jess/Bess and Starr's baby.

OLTL pays attention to small storyline details. How wonderful it was to see Marty talk to Andrew - that was a natural development that I did not see coming, but RC remembered the bond those characters share. Same with Tea. Her return is organic and logical. Nora is salivating over prosecuting Todd. This is not all about Marty - Nora has her own scores to settle with Todd from YEARS ago. History exists in Llanview, just like it does in real life.

And speaking of history, are you looking forward to when Blair and Tea come face to face as much as I am?

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It's good to see so many people enjoying the show. I'm a fairly new viewer (2 years) but I definitely believe OLTL is the by far the best soap on tv along with Y&R. I wasn't very happy with having Todd and Marty actually sleep together but I'm satisified with the way the story is playing out. Watching OLTL is a comfort especially after seeing my all time fave soaps (DOOL/GL) desecrated.

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I am thrilled that Nora has something to do besides preach at Clint. For some reason (I can't imagine why) I don't mind her preaching at Todd. She's fierce and I am loving it.

I actually liked the scenes with Marty and Andrew. A lot! Mostly because of him though.

I enjoyed most of the scenes by the grave site. I've always enjoyed John and Cole, at that remains the only time I like either of those two characters. Then John ruined it for me, by gazing longingly after Marty when she left and not answering Cole's question directly "Yes! Blair and I are together." "We've been seeing each other awhile" just doesn't cut it with me. I've watched the man spew ambiguity far too long. And his "I'll always be here for you and your mother" Gah!

I too am enjoying Jess and Brody. I think it's because even though it's contrived and I am not as enamored of ML's acting as some, they're not shoving this down my throat as the grand love that transcends time. It's developing at a good pace for me, not too slow to keep me engaged, but not so fast it requires tremendous leaps of reason. I do still have somewhat of an issue with Jessica having romantic feelings for anyone considering for her, Nash died a couple of weeks ago.

I have to agree the show has been firing on all cylinders, and I love the spoilers I'm seeing as well.

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