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I think the show is starting to go downhill. IMPO, when he started in on Muslims (the episode where he and Ben Affleck got into it tough) that was the JTS moment for me. I'm not blaming 2.7 billion people of many races, creeds and colors worldwide who practice the Islamic faith based on the actions of fools.....but Bill decides he wants to. Plus he feels it leads to his bigger point that all religions are BS. Now, once again IMO, religions have been used to commit the greatest good and the greatest evil.....but Maher tries to make people who have faith feel stupid because they have faith. many may not practice any religion, but have faith in a higher being. 



But it makes social republicans and Trump voters feel so happy like he's getting something done...and once again masking the fact that when it comes to the economy, jobs, healthcare, foreign affairs, policing, drug programs, AIDS programs, the environment.....those things mean nothing to many of them. not all but many.

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I love Bill Maher AND Larry Wilmore....they're both tops on my list.  I'm an atheist, so really don't mind his religious outbursts because it's basically how I feel.  Larry's senior black correspondent was always my favorite parts of John Stewart's show.  I also thought Milo made such a fool of himself that it shows why to not be afraid of having him on the show.

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Thanks, MissLlanview!!

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So do I.


IMO, Trevor Noah, and not Larry Wilmore, should have been the one whom Comedy Central dumped.  No offense, but I find Noah to be ill-equipped to handle satirical or political humor.


IMO, it isn't.  People like Tomi and Milo have always had a presence on television, but they used to be confined to local and public-access shows, daytime talk shows (usually during sweeps, whenever Oprah, Phil, Geraldo or Sally Jessy would bring on the race-baiters) and syndicated, late-late-night stuff like "The Morton Downey, Jr. Show."  Most understood (or seemed to understand) that those were fringe personalities at best and totally not suited for the more "respectable" network and cable shows that aired during prime time.  Gosh, how I miss those days.

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Unfortunately, I live in Oklahoma, whose representatives on Capitol Hill have shown not to give a [!@#$%^&*] about anything that isn't part of the oil industry.


As much as I hate to admit it, I think the CPB and all the others on that list are as good as gone.

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I have been supporting PBS annually for years and years.  This isn't the first time that a Republican administration has cut their funding.  I think the listeners and viewers of public broadcasting are going to have to step up to the plate and support them with their money, otherwise, we could lose the best of it.  I would never eat at a McDonalds, but thank gawd for the Krocs and their endowment to PBS.

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@Khan Yeah, unfortunately, when I said "better move fast", I meant better take it all in while you can.


Sadly, I think PBS may end up going the way of how education functions...on a state by state basis. Those PBS stations that are located in areas where there is a rich base of financial support like WNET Thirteen in NYC or WGBH in Boston, will probably continue to have the same programming standards without any major disruptions, while those PBS stations located in states that may not prioritize this type of programming may suffer.




This administration doesn't just want to cut funding though, they want to totally eliminate it (or so they say). There are some Republicans, going back to Nixon that wanted to eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting but they were never able to do so, only cut spending.

With the GOP having majorities in both Houses, it's not just an idle fantasy. There may be enough Republican holdouts to stave off total elimination of funds but it's not a good position for these organizations to be in to have to rely on the party that has advocated for their destruction.

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Seriously homie

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His greatest hits:


Make America Great Again.  You like me, you really like me.  I'm doing a great job.  'Going to build that wall shortly. The Fake Media be lying on me but you uneducated fools believe what I say right.


Followed by great Trumpkin interviews: I lurve Trump because he says what he means and he means what he says....except that he was going to lock up Hilary and get Obamacare repealed and replaced on day one, but that ain't his fault because those jealous loser Democrats won't give him his cabinet. He's a good man and he lurves America and I lurves him and everything he does and says and how he does it his way.  And he got his rich friends because rich people aren't corrupt because they already got their own money.


Trumps are excluded from hiring American...



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You know, it really sucks to live in Oklahoma, because no matter how much you complain to the elected representatives -- the ones who are elected to represent our interests and act on our behalf -- you are smacked in the face with two, incontrovertible facts: 1) they never listen to their constituents, no matter what; and 2) they keep getting re-elected, no matter how hard a fight the opposing party (in our case, the Democrats) puts up.  I like seeing all protest marches that have occurred here since Trump took office, but I also know it's all falling on deaf ears and closed minds and that Oklahomans, for one, essentially have no one -- not our governor, not our representatives at the state legislature or on Capitol Hill -- to really turn to.


Furthermore, you get the feeling that Oklahomans aren't entirely set in their ways -- how else do you explain a Democrat such as Brad Henry winning the gubernatorial race once upon a time? -- and that not all our views on issues fall in line with the conservative agenda.  But you also get the feeling that, when it comes time to vote, they just shrug and vote Republican anyway, for reasons I just don't understand.  (Is it laziness?  Is it ignorance (like, maybe they don't KNOW people like Jim Inhofe aren't running unopposed)?  Is it both?  Is it something else entirely?  Who knows?)


Anyways.  Like I said, the CPB is probably dead, and so, too, is public television here in Oklahoma.  There's no way our local PBS affiliates can survive without that grant money.

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I think this is the funniest headline I've seen in awhile:

Mike Pence promises to hold Russia accountable

Uh huh.  The man who knew nothing about Flynn discussing sanctions with Russia is going to hold them accountable.  Maybe he's freelancing in case some more Russian revelations get leaked.

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