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Obama is trying to get the Partial-Birth Abortion Bill to pass in Congress. :o

Then he wants the hard-working tax payers to pay for this procedure for those that don't have the funds, but too much time.

If you want to know more about PBA, see the following:


Now that you watched this clip, are you for or against the bill?

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I don't feel sorry for anyone.

Both parties screwed this country up, but the Dems just did a way better job of spreading the hate and fear around.

Obama came in with all these fake promises and hopes and now has to backtrack like a little puppy when he finally gets his chance.

That is the down side of politics, people believe WAY too much of the campaign talk.

Great, we are funding abortions in other countries, wonderful news.

We are paying to keep the Smithosian open more, and now I have over a $27,000 mortgage on my life because the idiots in control pass a massive spending bill that will not stimulate the economy, but rather GIVE money to earmarks and pet projects...good lord, did we learn nothing over the last 8 years?

Everyone of us is a REAL American Roman, whether you are on the left, right or indifferent. That comment is purely disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.

But once a hater, always a hater, and that is too bad for you and your way of life.

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And this coming from someone whose got their head buried so far up the Republican's backside you could tell us what they had for dinner.

I have NOT been the one coming on here blaming Democrats for every single ill that has befallen this country. Also, you ALWAYS seem to forget that the REPUBLICANS are the one who acted like a male porn star in a brothel for 8 years. But what am I saying? You seem to forget anything that doesn't fit your scewed since of this country.

So don't sit on your damn high horse telling me what's disgusting. You shoving that Republican crap down everyone's throat is what's disgusting. Why don't you remember that the next time you decide to TRY and call someone out.


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I have a question on gun "control." I don't want someone to defend the constitution to me. I just want a logical use for an automatic weapon in domestic life, especially in sparsly populated areas with low crime rates, or even highly populated areas with lower crimes rate. (I suppose I can understand the crime argument a little, so I'm taking that element out.). Are you really going to blow those deers to pieces with an AK-47? Is there an actual reason why people want automatic weapons other than just because the consitution is supposed to allow it? I'm not trying to be hippie-ish and say everyone should get rid of their weapons. I just sometimes have a very logical view on the world and wonder what people would actually do.

Edited by bandbfan
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Something else to add...I think I brought this up in the election thread.

This whole tax increase thing...a lot of is BS. If we lowered taxes by 1% for 10 years straight and then somebody came along and maybe them rise by 1% (knowing that they still dropped by 9), people would still freak out about it. And I hate a lot of the language being thrown around, increaseing the tax "burden." I'm not for high taxes, but come on, a lot of the coverage is just scare tactics.

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Hey B&B...

I know that we're in dire straights and somebody has to pay for it... But the thing about taxes is that we're all being nickel-and-dimed to death. Sure, many of us can withstand a buck here or there, but I truly feel government needs to stop coming to me and you as the fix-it. I live in California and have been double-whammied with governmental irresponsibility -- triple that given my local community which is also experiencing a shortfall and looking at ways to make all of US pay their way out of it. It just doesn't seem fair that they always turn to us, especially when they continue building up debt.

There is going to come a point where we reach this threshold where people just can't do it anymore and still make it on their own, or trying to grow their families or their businesses. Seriously, when times get tight, people obviously tighten their belts and the first things they cut almost always involve "luxury" or service-type things... You don't go get a haircut, you just get some trimmers and get a buzz cut... Or, if you have some guy cutting your grass, you start cutting your own grass, etc. Same with business... the rich folk always protect their profit margin and that means they'll cut ME AND YOU first before cutting their own profit... most business owners, anyway, do this.

I just think that our friends in government should back off for once and look elsewhere for revenue... maybe sell off the Washington Monument or something... :D

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I agree that taxes should be lowered now and that the government could get more innovative in ways to make money. I'm just generally against the anti-tax rhetoric that has an extremely short memory and that doesn't really look at things in the right perspective.

Edited by bandbfan
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Agreed... I don't mind paying my fair share... as long as it truly is shared fairly. What bugs me is the sometimes triple-tax we get slammed with. Gax taxes are a good example of that. If gas prices rise (or a tax increases them), then that hits every segment of the marketplace. So, we technically pay tax on the gas we buy for our cars while business and industry raise prices to compensate for the increase in fuel costs. So, when we go to the store, everything is higher and we are basically hit with multiple increases repeatedly for each thing we buy and consume...

Taxed to get to the store, taxed to buy the products that have already been taxed for transport to the store... :blink:

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As someone who personally doesn't own a gun, I still believe in a right to bear arms. Just as I believe it is one's right to own that knife and daggar collection, that high performance sports car, that plasma HD television, etc.

Part of a right to bear arms is because of protecting one's home and property, but part of it is for sport. Who are we to judge someone for owning an AK-47? How do we know whether someone will use it for protection or to mass murder a group of people? The same way we have no idea whether those expensive knives will be used for hunting or murdering a group of people in a mall or whether that high performance sports car can be used in a hit and run.

How do we know what will cause harm to whom?

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But I think once you start talking about the kind of level that such a gun is on, you wonder where the line is with other "dangerous" items. I'm wondering what would actually be done with such a gun. Would somebody really buy one to protect thier house? Seems extreme but I suppose it could happen. It's like, who is the United States to judge other countries right to bear nuclear weapons and other dangerous items? I can understand the countries who have made threats against us. But I wonder how the US would react if some random other country decided to build nuclear weapons. It seems just more of ego thing to me. And the sports car you mentioned, logically, speed limits in the US prevent most people from actually taking advantage of high speeds, but people want them for show and the idea of it anyway. Kind of relates to high-powered and automatic weapons to me.

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That is where I agree with you.

I think the U.S. has no right to judge other countries for their nuclear programs or arms.

To protect one's borders is one thing. But to tell someone else they're not allowed to have theirs to protect themselves is outrageous.

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