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A couple of things I felt like I needed to chime in, Steve! :-)

Most people believe that this is a "public health" issue. However, I tend to disagree. While I do wear my seatbelt, my father absolutely refuses since it was passed into law in FL in the late 80s. Originally, law enforcement could not pull someone over for not wearing their seatbelt - there had to be some other traffic infraction before you could be cited. And now that has changed as well. Today, if you are pulled over for not wearing it, the fine is somewhere in the range of $100. That's ludicrous.

Respectfully, Steve, learning a second language can hardly be classified as "punishment". I have traveled abroad as well in the early 1990s - Germany, Spain, Azores, France - and most people that I encountered knew English. I know for a fact from friends that students in India learn English from a very young age and it is mandatory. The fact of the matter is that there is a huge latino population immigrating to the US (not all of them are illegal, btw) and what harm does it do to help them along the way with learning another language? Admittedly, I haven't heard of ANY layoff announcement in FLORIDA (of all places) that government workers MUST learn Spanish or face termination. The persons in government jobs that are bi-lingual do get more pay, and I think deservedly so.

Again, respectfully disagree with this particular statement. I don't see any need for anyone to have an AK-47. Just as simple as that. If that person is not hunting other PEOPLE, why would they have it? They certainly aren't going to go put down a 12 point with a semi-automatic!

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Great post, Steve... and I agree with most everything you have said. Unfortunately, there is a left-wing fringe that feels that certain ends justify certain means... and they are selective about which civil rights they desire to honor and which they desire to take away, depending upon who gets and who gives. But there is a pattern of selling America up the river, so to speak... and that pattern not only continues but is reinforced by the President day in and day out.

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I think a lot of what you are talking about is legislated on the state and local level. We as a people have more input in those legislations. It seems as if the people have spoken in each state in terms of cigarette taxes, seat belt laws etc. I don't see the ferderal government legislating this.

We live in a system of government where the majority rules. I think that is still being adhered to. Times, people and thoughts change over the years. Our progress and development have a lot to do with what is put forth as legislation.

Sure, there is a lot that I don't agree with, (Fat tax, no way). But just as laws are made, they can be repealed. I see our government as a viable, elastic type of process. There is a lot of give and take.

"Our country sold up the river"? How, what do you mean? We utilized certain policies for eight years. They were not successful. People voted for a change. The policies of this administration are vastly different, but I believe this administration has this country's interest at heart. GD you posted your comment before the president's 100day press conference. I hope you watched and I hope you listened. I'm not saying you should agree with the man, but I would hope that you can get the sense of his sincerity and determination to do a good job for our country. You can't fake that. If his policies will succeed or fail can't be determined as yet, but the man does put country first. :mellow:

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So much for being open-minded. But why should I be surprised. You said from the get-go that you would never support President Obama and at least you're true to your word, Brian.

I wonder though if the shoe were on the other foot, and I had said the same thing about a Republican president elected with a great majority of the vote, would you be so understanding of my position? Hmmm.

The fact of the matter is most Americans feel he is off to a good start. Even Ed Rollins on CNN thinks he's off to a good start....but...

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But... You, my friend, are behaving like the close-minded one. I laud Mr. President when I feel he has done something good. If you will take a moment to refer back several pages in this forum, there are two recent instances where I applauded President Obama for action he had taken. Did you miss those, Greg?

I'm not interested in watching a speech... As countless election cycles and every President in my lifetime has underscored, it isn't words or a planned agenda that means much -- it is actually legislation passed and policy acted upon that impresses me. Forget a 100 day benchmark, let's sit down and talk at, say, the 1,000 day benchmark. What will an entire term tell us about a President's performance? For shame, Greg, judging my words and presuming my actions!

As for the Cocoa Pebbles... they were damn good! I love it when the cereal is gone and milk turns all chocolatey!! YUM!!! :D

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I am sure many of you already know, I did not vote for Obama. I do not agree with probably 70% of his policies or what he has done so far, but I watched the press conference?

Was his side-kick, the teleprompter there?


He is going to overexpose himself, because these press conferences are too numerous already. But they are what they are.

I love the softball questions lol. I think the reporters know, don't you dare ask tough, hard hitting questions lol

But he has not really done anything yet other than kill my childrens future and load them with debt.

I agreed on the stem cell issue. But that is about it right now. Hopefully soon he will do something that I find suitable, but he is my President, so I do care what he says or does.

The Repubs did make many mistakes, but they are also taking heat for doing things that are/were necessary that people just felt the need to attack them for.

The Left had a GREAT communication device in calling Repubs liars, murder's etc and portraying Obama as the second coming. it worked, good for them.

But they better turn this country around NOW and do it AS promised or else they should be voted out.

Even if the transparacy line is a huge joke and he treats the WH like a dorm room!

Edited by Kwing42
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The sad thing is that what some see as sincerity some others see as good acting.

I have said all along that Obama is a good politician - just like so many others before him.

Not since day one of his campaign have I trusted him. That is not to say that I don't think he has some good ideas but as far as sincerity I don't see what others do.

I see him as Ronald Reagan and so many others before him. They are good politicians and to be a good politician you have to be a good actor to make American believe the [!@#$%^&*] your are piling on them. Reagan just had one step up on the rest - he had done his in the movies a lot longer than just dishing it out to the American people.

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I nom this for funniest post of the day! :lol: :lol:

And for 8 years Bush NEVEDR reached out to Democrats. He had this cowboy mentality where it was n"do it my way or else" and many in this thread felt that was perfectlt fine, like the person in the quoted post. Now, Obama HAS reached, been rebuffed at ever turn, and not only are Republicans too stupid to work with him.....he gets absolutely NO CREDIT for reaching out.

The hypocricy is enough to choke on.

Edited by Roman
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Aye that is the dilema. I feel that we have lost our capacity to trust. Are we as a society in general so jaded that we are skeptical of everyone?

Cocoa Pebbles!! OMG! I'm a Cocoa Puffs fan myself. I hope yopu enjoyed them.

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Oh I will admit that I don't trust politicians at all. And not just Obama. I don't trust any of them anymore.

I have been lied to by so many of them - in fact the best of them - to the point their promises just don't register anymore. To me all politicians are good actors who have mastered the ability to lie better than anyone in the world.

I know one thing that Obama has done in the first 100 days that shocked me and unless I missed it I have not seen anyone mention. But he totally shocked the hell out of me when he chose not to prosecute the ones who were guilty of torturing the detainees. I always felt that he would and hoped that he would. I know I have read several comments in our local newspaper where his followers and the anti-war folks felt really betrayed by him for that.

I felt that he should have prosecuted the ones who carried the torture too far. I was a little upset with him for some of the reveals that he made about how the background intelligence operated. I felt like some who said why have a secret intelligence when you let the world know what your secrets are.

I don't feel that prisoners should be tortured but I recognize the fact that intelligence needs to have certain measures they can use to get the enemy to talk. Plus my brother has told me that she he served in Vietnam that he was witness to some ghastly things that were done to our boys by the enemy. My brother even was captured at one point. The only thing he ever endured was having electrodes placed on his testicles and electric currents sent through them. Thankfully, he and the rest of his friends who were captured were rescued before anything major could happen. They all spent three months in a psychiatric hospital to overcome the experience. So it is something that all the nations do.

I think at Guantanamo some of them went way too far for my comfort. But again it was the fact that we knew it happened.

Anyway I was just kind of shocked that he didn't prosecute them.

Edited by SteveFrame
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Ok so, I understand your mistrust of politicians

I am also sorry that your brother and his buddies endured what they did during Vietnam. Some have tried to minimize McCain's experiences and feel that he shouldn't speak out because of this.

I totally agree about the torture issue. I know I would like to see these people prosecuted also. I kind of understand the reluctance, but also hope that the world court will change that reluctance.

I don't think torture yields any information. I think it is inhuman and should never be sanctioned or used.

Edited by UCLAN
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When the Obama administration crashes and burns, with approval ratings that fall through the floor, political scientists can trace its demise to its first hundred days. While Americans are careful not to consign a presidency they desperately need to succeed to the dustbin of history, the fact is that this president has moved - on issue after issue - in precisely the opposite direction of what the people want him to do.


Stay tuned, Roman...

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This is what I was referring to weeks ago. I remember I was told then that it couldn't be so or something to that point.

My boyfriend's accountant told us then that next year he was going to have pay a big amount back to the government.

He told him that if he changed his W4 so that he doesn't have to pay next year then he loses the Obama stimulus of this year. He went ahead anyway to avoid having to pay a large amount next year.

So Obama's stiumulus plan has done nothing for him at all since now he is not getting anything extra on his check like other American's. AT least next year he will either break even or get a small refund back. But his accountant estimated that if he kept things the way they were he would have to pay back between $600 and $1,000 next year. He has never had to pay at the end of the year, and said at almost 50 years old he wasn't about to start.

If word does not get out on this millions of American's are going to be in hot water come tax time next year. What good is a stimulus plan if you are faced with a big lump sum payment at tax time when you are already facing financial hardships.

You would think this could have been designed a lot better than it has been.

Edited by SteveFrame
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