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This one is up for grabs... I really want to hear UCLAN's feedback on this story, as I know she works in education in California, but I would also like everyone's opinion on this...

Education in California is heavily dependent right now not just on passage of statewide ballot initiatives funding education May 19, but also on the stimulus money to avoid deeper cuts across the state...

The Obama administration threatens to rescind billions in stimulus money if Gov. Schwarzenegger and lawmakers do not restore wage cuts to unionized home healthcare workers.

Any thoughts on this LA Times story? With education said to be such a concern of Obama's, would he really deny California teachers and students necessary funding in order to shield union workers from the affects of the state's sour budget?


Edited by GoldenDogs
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Hmmmm. I know that there are rules when it comes to stimulus money - we have some of the same things happening here in FL. Gov. Crist is supposed to ask the Feds for an exception because one of the strings that comes with the money are the amount of cuts the legislature has made to state's budgets the last year or so.

I could go either way on this one. First of all, what makes you think that the stimulus money that will be rescinded is for education? I didn't read that in the article. They aren't taking it ALL back - just a portion. Maybe that portion of the money is tied to something other than education. Secondly, there is a part of me that thinks the Feds should not dictate to the state how to trim their budgets, even WITH the stimulus money.

Apparently I'm torn. So I'll just kick back and see how this plays out with everyone else.

She's awesome. Love her.

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I like this....

Obama wants credit card overhaul

Credit card companies are predatory. In the boom times, they were handing out the plastic like it was going out of style. What are they doing now? Raising rates on cardholders for any reason they can pull out of their ass. Reducing credit lines. Closing accounts. And they got money from the Feds. WTF?

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This is a tough one. I know LAUSD is dependent on stimulus money to help with thier financial issues. I don't think this cut would take away money earmarked for education. It's hard to make a living here in sunny SoCal, especially LA. I haven't lived off of $10/hr in years. With the cost of everything down here a deduction in pay of $2/hr could hurt. (My kid make $12/hr at her job as an instructional assistant.) Not quite sure of how I feel about the "strings attached" issue with the stimulus, but those were in place when we accepted the money.

Education is in dire staits. Those four props all have to pass in order to make a slight difference. I'm not in agreement with them. It feels like a ponzi scheme to me. It's just moving money around to cover costs without generating any new revenue. The bottom line is that we have to find revenue to fund schools. The government gets revenue from taxes. No one wants higher taxes. But I look at it like this. The cost of everything has steadily gone up. We don't squawk about paying more for shoes, jeans, food etc., we pay. How can we expect good and services from the government without allowing for increases in taxes? While I don't relish paying more taxes, I understand that it might be necessary. It's a real quagmire.

Education needs to be a major priority along with health care. Children are our future and we need to prepare them for it. Maybe we need to overhaul our education system; more vocational and technical training so that our students will be able to meet the demands of the work force. I just know that we can't continue robbing peter to pay paul when it comes to education.

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;);) Thanks, girlfriend! :D

We don't agree on much, Kwing. But we agree on this. I thought it was f-u-n-n-y as hell :D I tried explaining the Hilary/Mexico joke to a couple friends, but I don't think I did a very good job. They just looked at me like I was crazy.

"She pulled me in for a big 'ol hug and kiss!" :lol:

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I thought the dinner was funny. The pres proved to be quite a comedian. ("Michael Steele in the hizzeee") :lol: I thought Wanda was "the bomb". I love her style of comedy. Of course, many did not get it and quite a few Sunday morning press shows had a lot to say. David Gregory on the Today show this morning was commenting on how uncomfortable the pres and first lady looked while she was telling some of her "Rush" jokes. Really? I mean it is comedy and you can either like it or not. Isn't that what comedians do, play the room?

So now I see an article about the WH keeping mum on Syke's performance Saturday. Are they for real? This was entertainment. You can like it or not. Are we going to judge the president according to the jokes he laughs at? How utterly ridiculous.

Edited by UCLAN
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I fuckin LOVED that "MS in the hizzeeee" the Prez did. Very funny.

Wanda Sykes was terrific. The Rush Limbaugh as the 20th hijacker strung out on oxycontin was awesome. I don't think that anyone should be harranged or prosecuted for what "happens" during these annual get-togethers. It's supposed to be funny, irreverant, controversial. Why get your panties in a wad about it? The fact of the matter is: IT WAS FUNNY. Let the President have a few laughs - what the hell. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

OTOH, I remember last year - or the year before - Colbert got some heat for his appearance at the dinner as well. Some people just have to stop taking [!@#$%^&*] so seriously and RELAX for one day out of the year!

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Hey Greg... Actually, at stake is the entire stimulus package, a good portion of which is earmarked for education in the state. I was at an education conference in LA in mid-April and the discussion revolved around both the portion of the stimulus money they expected, as well as how to convince voters to vote for state ballot initiatives on May 19 that would funnel money into education.

And I agree with your comments with regard to strings attached to federal stimulus money... The feds (ie: Obama) needs to stay out of state affairs.

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Thanks UCLAN... I have been waiting to hear from you on this one. Sounds like we're just about on the same page with this issue... There is more I want to say on this, but I better not -- not right now. But I have definite feelings about how to save some money and revitalize education...

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Good article, Roman. Thanks for posting it. And I have to agree with almost all of what Ventura had to say:

1. GWB = Worst president in our lifetime

2. Cheney = Coward

3. Colin Powell = War hero.

4. Waterboarding = TORTURE

I find it ironic that Cheney, the draft dodger, was once Sec of Defense and Mr. Hardnose. He's never experienced war. He's never experienced waterboarding. Yet he can sit his big ass behind some desk and have the nerve to act like an expert on these matters? GMAMFB.

I can't stand him. I agree with Wanda Sykes - I would teach my kids to get into the car with the stranger if given a choice between the two. B)B)

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