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Welcome back, Greg. :D

I also blame Obama for some of this. 1. He should have had the anger he had on Thursday night the whole time. And 2. Stop trying to reason and cowtow to these damn Republicans. They spent 8 years spending us all into the [!@#$%^&*] poorhouse, and now they have found fiscal religion, blasting anything that is in that bill just for shits and grins.

Where was all of this fiscal responsibility when Bush was in office? }

BTW, hi Brian.

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I commend Roman for attacking Obama for the fact he screwed up so badly with his cabinet choices. I even commend Obama for admitting he screwed up.

However, I am disturbed at the very weak defense Obama's supporters are offering: that Obama is still better than Bush. Unfortunately, Obama's supporters and--more importantly--Obama himself didn't campaign on the slogan that he's "mediocre, but still way better than Bush." Instead, the American public was constantly led to believe that Obama was going to be one of the very best presidents ever. Supporters and the media initially made comparasions between Obama and JFK (who, IMO, is the most overrated president ever); not content with merely that, however, they then compared Obama to FDR, and eventually even to Lincoln. Obama himself is guilty of jumping on board the "I'm the greatest thing since Lincoln" bandwagon when he (1) publicly announced that he was taking the same train route to Washington that Lincoln did before his inauguration and (2) insisted upon taking the oath of office on the same bible Lincoln used.

So, again, after all of Obama's screw-ups, it is just so incredibly pathetic that the only defense his supporters can give is that he is still way better than Bush.

Edited by Max
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I don't think obama can even be judged right now as a president, he hasn't yet done anything. Yes his administration should of been more thorough when they interviewed people, but at least he admitted his mistake. He's only been in office three weeks. But after this stimulus gets passed we can judge by if the economy improves or not if it was a good or bad idea.

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And Max, the difference between me and you......

I CAN call out my president, regardless of what party he/she is a member of.

I'm not going to sit here and play partison BS just because the POTUS is a member of my party, and act like he/she didn't do anything wrong.

I've listened to that bullshit for 8 years, and you what I find incredibly pathetic?

Someone calling out a POTUS after 3 weeks. I wonder what you said when people blasted Bush after 3 weeks?

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Exactly, Roman. ICAM.

Actually, I think most of the cuts in the package that would help the average joe blow are because of the right. Heaven forbid that Head Start get some help from Uncle Sam. but please give Citibank $50 billion bucks. It makes no sense.

Honestly, when Bush was pushing through his "stimulus" package, I don't recall anyone from the right making a fuss about it. All this after 8 years of free-spending from the "fiscal conservative" Republicans. Please.

At the very least, at least Obama's plan has some accountability built into it. Bush just gave Wall Street $300 billion and didn't have any of those safeguards in place until the Dems wanted it.

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Howdy... I admit that I'm one who was quite upset with the free spending of Republicans and Bush, himself, the past eight years. There was absolutely NO fiscal responsibility and I hope to see an improvement of that the next 4 or 8 years.

With regard to the housing market... we scored in this environment and just bought new construction for a killer price and a freakin' AWESOME interest rate (omg, we got a 4.5%!!) Oddly, both my wife and I are in positions that are not jeopardized by the current economic environment, though our places of business are affected.

Hi Greg!!!

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Arlen Specter has pretty much staked his political future on this package. Pretty brave. He didn't have to vote for this to pass as long as Snowe and Collins did, and they're not up next year.

I don't know if it's good to think about every vote in terms of your future, but that's how it may play out.

Edited by bandbfan
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He just has to make sure the people of Pennsylvania are happy with him. Even though he was the incumbent, he only won the Republican primary in 04 by 1 or 2% points. That seems pretty crazy to me that they even had a primary, and then to have the challenger get that close.

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