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Good riddance to a longtime proven failure who gutted his state year after year for a belly flop of a Presidential campaign.




I never bought the "reasonable" hype with John Kasich, and today he proved why.




Media darling Chris Christie proves what a bad-ass he is by saying he won't let Syrian orphans into the US. Knowing the GOP primary voters these days, he will now shoot up in polls.



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Bobby Jindal never had a shot.   The media has tried for many years to make him happen, but he is just a lousy politician with zero appeal or charisma.   I don't know he even got elected in his own state because he is such a drip.  The writing was on the wall for him years ago, just like it was for the texas governor (I already forget his name).   You can just see when  a politician has nothing going on personality wise, and it was never clear why the media picked this nothing to be one of their stars. 


Chris Christie also has no shot because he is so unlikable (and overweight).   Nobody is going to want a perpetually angry president. 

Edited by quartermainefan
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As certain politicians speak gushingly of Japanese internment camps (Michelle Malkin - wherever the hell that idiot is now - must be proud), here's an article that talks about what they actually meant and the cravenness behind them.



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The Fix, the epitome of The Beltway, always starry-eyed over Republicans and the idea that the Republicans represent "real" America (they go to Sam's Club just like you!), had an article out a few days ago saying the craven xenophobia being paraded around by the GOP was smart politics. Some got upset at this, and perhaps they too realized they were openly admitting their daddy figures were blatantly profiting off of bigotry, so now the Beltway spin is that their actions are "moral" and that it's so so unfair to claim otherwise.




Here's another great example of the "morality" of the GOP - let's just put them all in camps before they rape or behead us.



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David "diaper" Vitter, pathetic, worthless, derp-faced senator of LA for (too) many years, has lost his race for governor. He was seen as a strong bet until he got into an ugly primary fight, complete with last-minute reports that someone had been arrested spying on his rivals. Many, including myself, thought Vitter might win because of bile-laden pandering against refugees (complete with lies that a refugee was running around loose in Louisiana), complete with having his wife shame her own employers (I hope they boot her ASAP...).




The Democrat elected, John Bel Edwards, is very conservative, but at least has pledged to expand Medicaid in the state. He is also one of the few Democrats apparently willing to fight dirty, as we see here:


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A "greatest hits" for Vitter.




As you can expect, the "liberal" media have not said much about this, as it is not a narrative they like. The Beltway have spent more time tonight chattering about how Stephen Colbert needs to stop being such a meanie to Republicans if he wants better ratings. 


Oh and it looks like Bobby Jindal, who loathes Vitter, got in the final kick.



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As our esteemed press pulls its pud over Media Darling Marco and his oh so brilliant new ad that shows what a bad-ass he is (such a bad-ass that he all but bragged today about the attacks being good for him politically), Trump is ratchething up his racism and bigotry to truly dangerous levels. It's a good thing none of this is important...not like Marco loving Tupac or which Congress members wub House of Cards. 







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The best example yet of the craven pandering of The Beltway, and nothing epitomizes the hackery of the Beltway like The Fix.


Don't criticize pander bear politicians who talk about prayers after gun tragedies...if you do, then you don't give a damn about Syrian refugees, you hypocrites you!


And someone was PAID to write this.



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What really strikes me that during 9/11, the so-called "liberal media" and all politicians stood by the President (rightfully so), and his poll numbers exploded straight up. If a similar tragedy happened today, Breitbart, FOX News, and all the Limbaughs, Hannitys, and Becks of the world would immediately prepare pieces on how Obama "didn't protect this country."

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There's been some tut-tutting recently from The Fix and other "mainstream" journalists over the dogged insistence from Nate Silver types that Trump won't get the nomination, and polls are meaningless. I think they know their gravy train is slowing down and they're upset. 


The Iowa poll today, with Cruz out in front (Cruz is the perfect Iowa GOP candidate - a pseudo-intellectual idiot and a smarmy bigot), was the first strong reminder that it's almost over for "The Donald." And this, this disgusting, naked, shockingly dangerous pandering that will do real damage to us around the world, is a sure sign of a campaign that knows it's losing.





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The Beltway is still trying to remind us of what a massive failure Hillary is. 




I was going to post a Salon article talking about what a true failure media darling Marco is (vote for him...he used to listen to Tupac!!!), but Salon articles are so damn incoherent and poorly edited I'm not sure it's worth it.


Eh - why not.



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