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Clearly, this narrative is to convince the Obama voters that there is no point in voting. I don't think that anyone determined to vote in swing state will be swayed. However, this is only one of the Republicans' strategies. They have other voter suppression tactics like misprinting ballots, misinformation on billboards, voter intimidation on anonymous billboards, cutting early voting (e.g. Florida), and sending out those losers to intimidate people at the polls.


Edited by Ann_SS
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Chuck Todd strikes me as a dull thinker. He basically goes to pundit HQ, picks up whatever conventional wisdom being pushed that day is, and goes with it. They all do pretty much. Andrea Mitchell however I firmly believe is a stealth republican. You can hear it in her sketchy analysis time after time as she does cartwheels trying to find a way to get to "both parties do it!" even if both parties don't. I guess that is the modern version of being impartial though, to pretend something is true just so you do not have to say what the truth actually is because the truth is damaging to one party.

The worst of all is the hack from Meet The Press. That guy has no business asking anyone anything and I have no doubt if you tallied the republican vs democratic guests on his show over the years the republicans would outnumber the democrats greatly. His idea of journalism is to find what his friend Karl Rove said and then say "Senator, some people say...." when the the some people is a partisan spin meister who wouldn't know the truth if it fell on his head.

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They're trying to scare. It will more likely energize. At least here in Ohio it will.

Mitt Romney is basically trying to Jedi Mind Trick voters into thinking that he has it all sown up but in reality he's starting to ask his supporters to vote early per the clip I heard on NPR this afternoon so the internal polling is clearly telling them something different than what they are spinning. It's interesting because the GOP has painted any increased access to voting as something that only deadbeats and criminal want, hence the attempts to curb it in every way (voter ID laws, curtailed early voting, threatening billboards, etc...) so for Mitt to start suggesting it at campaign appearances is just another flip-flop of sorts.

In other news, say hello to Ohio's newest poll monitor, Yours Truly! *bows* I signed up today! If you're in FL, MI, NV, OH, PA or WI there's still the need for more volunteers. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to buy some fresh pepper spray and a stun gun. biggrin.png

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I am not surprised that Romney is asking his supporters to vote early. He is already in trouble in Iowa because of the heavy early voting by democrats and he has to win Iowa because is he behind in Ohio. No double Romney wants to bank those votes rather than waiting for in person voting on Nov. 6th. I am actually thinking about signing up to take people to the polls, but it will be difficult to do.

Andrea Mitchell is definitely a republican. She is married the horrible Alan Greenpan, another Aryn Rand fan, who led our country into a horrific recession although Clinton has to answer for reappointing him head of the Federal Reserve.

Edited by Ann_SS
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All you need to know about David Gregory is that he was a backup dancer for Karl Rove.

The media shills are an embarrassment and I blame them for much of the destruction of this country in the last fifteen years. I will never forget making the mistake of watching MSNBC during the "Mission Accomplished" fiasco, and getting nothing more than info that Chris Matthews was a size queen.

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You just gotta love republicans. I said it before and will say it again. And it seems they are all alike!

I can't wait for someone to chime in and claim the Indiana republican candidate for senate (no doubt in the lead in that state) is somehow a "fringe" figure and not a living embodiment and the epitome of what it means to be a republican today and a member of the republican party mainstream.

Speaking of someone else who doesn't actually represent republicans but just coincidentally calls himself one, whatever happened to Senator Fake Rape? Is he winning in the polls?

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Andrea Mitchell doesn't have much of a show host personality or presence and just seems plain awkward. I haven't watched more than a few minutes of her here and there because she seems best suited for reporting and not interviewing.

Going by what I recall of David Gregory's MSNBC show, I don't know how they saw him as a replacement for Tim Russert.

I think Chris Matthews is awful though because although his show produced this rather humorous moment:

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/YK0d8ENS__c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

He generally talks over his guests and he is rather impatient and constantly comes across as not listening but instead sort of waiting for whoever to finish talking. Ed Shultz also has that annoying habit of cutting people off before they finish as if he's in a hurry to get to a commercial break but has not mastered the art of getting a person to wrap up their comments without his impatient sighing and hesitant interruption perfected by Chris Matthews.

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Last I saw, Todd Akin (who has since said his opponent isn't "ladylike" and behaves like a dog) is tied in the polls.

The sad thing is Mourdock could also still win, in spite of saying no woman should ever consider terminating a pregnancy by rape.

These men don't even say, "I'm not a woman, so I can't give the final answer, but my view is..." They repeatedly speak for women. I guess they would say they're speaking for the unborn, but what it really sounds like is they treat women as brood mares.

This year has had a long string of men talking about how rape pregnancies are for the best and that if a woman didn't want to be impregnated via rape, she would be able to stop it while she is being raped. This feels like someone dipping their toe in the water. I think next year we're going to see a big media push and "studies" to make the public support the idea that abortion should not be legal in any circumstance.

Edited by CarlD2
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Well that is the whole tea party charade, that they were not republicans and were inspired by economic worries and not concerned with anything but righting the economic troubles. As soon as they got in power state after state started pushing anti-abortion legislation, revealing their true fundie freak colors. The media went along with them pretending they were a real movement out to change the system, when in actuality all they are are republicans out to game the system, purge the republican party of anyone who is not insane, and turn the country into some sort of fundamentalist theocracy any Ayatollah would be proud of.

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Rolling back abortion rights is ridiculous. I don't see myself ever having one but it's not my business what some other woman chooses to do about her own situation.

And oh oh here I go but on the part about a rape resulting in pregnancy being the intent of God--well I briefly listened to Lawrence O'Donnell asking D.L. Hugley to comment on it which I ended up tuning out because he was making God sound like some sort of fairytale character. Those two are surely old enough to have seem movies or shows where some terrible thing happens and a character questions why God allowed it to happen...yet this habit of dialing wacko every time a Republican speaks is so innate that it must not allow anyone to consider that as awful as it may sound....it just might make sense in the world of God.

God's not just benevolently doing all the good things while the devil is apparently up to no good. "The Ten Commandments" may be a bit sketchy but if you've seen it, then you know about the pestilence and all the terrible things that befell the Egyptians and how God punished those Egyptians after allowing them to enslave the Hebrews(His chosen people) for years.

Job was a very good and obedient servant of God and God allowed the devil to kill all Job's kids, destroy all his property and cover Job's body with painful sores and boils so he isn't like the fairy godmother. He allow violence, wars, rape, murder and all those horrible things to happen and He's also quite vengeful so the reality bites for fairytale Chrisitans.

I know it's not funny but all I can say right now is people be crazy. Hopefully she'll get some help.

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