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Who said this?

I have said it is irresponsible not to meet with the man and, instead, go on Letterman. I never said the terrorist attack in Libya - that the administration still won't call a terrorist attack - wouldn't have happened if Obama and Netanyahu had a beer together... Was there someone in the media that said that?

In other news...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly 6 million Americans — significantly more than first estimated— will face a tax penalty under President Barack Obama's health overhaul for not getting insurance, congressional analysts said Wednesday. Most would be in the middle class.

The new estimate amounts to an inconvenient fact for the administration, a reminder of what critics see as broken promises.

The numbers from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office are 50 percent higher than a previous projection by the same office in 2010, shortly after the law passed. The earlier estimate found 4 million people would be affected in 2016, when the penalty is fully in effect.


Edited by GoldenDogs
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LOL please. He was pandering to the people he was speaking to by insultin people on government assistance as if they're somehow "beneath" them and need to get off their asses. It isn't about the truth hurting. Everybody voting for Obama is not on government assistance or a victim. My dad wasn't some multi-millionaire but he made sure we were provided for w/o government assistance. I didn't even know what a food stamp was until I was well into my 20's so I am tired of certain groups trying to say all pro-Obama or most of them are lazy, people expecting the government to give them money. It is not true and it is insulting.

And do you even know what is on the mind of people who are on food stamps? Do you actually think people want to depend on the government? I am not going to pretend that there aren't people who abuse the system but it is worth it if it means people who actually do need help and are trying to find work can have food for their family.

Edited by Eric83
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The evidence suggests both. In front of the cameras he is a candidate for all. Behind closed doors he and his billionaire friends complain about how much the poor have and complain that they don't pay enough taxes. Meanwhile, the very guy doing the complaining about the poor hides his money in Swiss bank accounts, won't release his taxes because he knows how little he pays, and shelters it on the Cayman Islands so he does not have to pay his fair tax rate. But the poor...oh, they're horrible for getting welfare.

You can recite every FOX news talking point you can find, the bottom line is a bunch of billionaires were caught on tape complaining about how easy the people on food stamps have it. If you think anything he says, including his ridiculous Drudge Obama video that nobody cares about is going to change that, you are mistaken.

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Ron Paul said a lot of thing that made sense, it is just a shame he is a racist crackpot that is the darling of white supremacists. His tax policies and anti government crusades go way too far, but he was the only candidate from either party who said how insane it was to go broke fighting war after war after war.

Edited by quartermainefan
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I'm not playing this game with you, Wales. Obama has a miserable foreign policy record and no amount of baiting one-liners can alter the fact. The man who claimed there would be peace in the mideast as a result of his election has anything BUT peace. In fact, we're hated more now than before he took office.

Don't take my word for it... refer to the brutal rape, torture and murder of our ambassador to Libya. Our closest ally in the Middle East in Israel and the President will not meet with its leader. It is inexcusable and that you have no issue with that boggles my mind.

I had actually given you more credit than this before... but I see now that you are nothing more than your average partisan shill. Wow, I'm dissappointed.

Yep, truth hurts, Eric. Get over it.

Which FOX News talking points am I reciting?

Again with the one-liners... you guys are offering no substance, just attacks.


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Bin Laden is dead, something George Bush didn't accomplish. Troops from the surge just left Afghanistan, plus the Iraq War was ended awhile back. Allies that were alienated under Bush came back into the fold. That's good foreign policy. No President has a perfectly flawless term when it comes to anything, but there has been plenty of success. But, apparently, the none of that counts because of rabid partisanship. Give credit to where it is do, had there not been a change in policy, Bin Laden would still be alive and troops would still be in Iraq.

Edited by ReddFoxx
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Goldendogs so basically George Romney, who was on welfare when he first came to the US is a self described victim? Those who are low income white families (and there are many) in the right leaning south that depend on food stamps and welfare are going to vote for Obama? Even though the electoral map contradicts this?

Its because of the questions above that prove Romneys statement to be false. It wasn't the truth, it was a huge falsehood that broadly paints half the country as lazy moochers. To add, it even paints Mitts own father as some lazy unmotivated moocher, but I guess in Romneys case its like you say; the truth hurts.

Edited by MichaelGL
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I see you are now resorting to that...

Typical. As they say, we'll all just have to agree to disagree. I'm really tired of arguing the same points over and over.

Spend some time in California... then tell me you think policies that mirror the President's really works. I get a front row seat each and every day to it...


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What does any of that have to do with Romney's lies that th 47% of the people who vote for Obama are all leeches, wastrels and feel that everyone should give them food and jobs? That was the topic, that is what FOX news has said for the last three days "Romney is right" and that is what you keep on coming back to with "the truth hurts?"

No, the truth doesn't hurt because it is a lie. A lie Romney told and a lie you insist is true. You either are woefully misinformed or you are lying too. You can have your pick of which one it is. His 47% factoid has been examined every which way by every media outlet. It includes seniors, people who do work but get deductions, and retirees. Yes, there are professional welfare queens. But the joke is that many of the people who fall into the 47% are republicans, so again there is another lie. They are not by default Obama supporters. So Romney lied twice, and you post "Truth hurts?" "what did he lie about?" "what was he wrong about?" or some other similar pointless and without content parroting of whatever bullshit you listen to on O'Reilly.

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I can understand why a sunday talk show host would like to say the race is a nail biter. If the race isn;t close, no one will watch the news. And the WSJ is hardly part of any left wing media.

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