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OLTL: Discussion for the week November 10-14, 2008

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Could they make this dead baby stuff any more gruesome? I thought watching "Bess" swaddle said dead baby was pretty awful last week. But having the Cramer's sit around and worry about their newborn, then having Dr. Joplin come in and announce that the baby is "perfect" then having to know that they're going to find out that the baby is dead is just too much.

The dialogue for this show is getting worse all the time. I don't know how any of the actors keep from laughing.

Charlie running out of that room with the bomb and only 15 seconds left, then coming in with his hair all haywire and covered in soot was like something out of a cartoon, which I suppose is suitable given how cartoonish this story has been from the beginning. I half expected to see smoke rising from his hair and clothing.

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How the HELL did Viki know what the code was? She said that it was just like Jess to give Jean the credit, but how did she get the code from that? This isnt even the original code as Tess had it be something different which had absolutely nothing to do with Jean

Bess continues to be an incredibly stupid plot point

Poor misguided Marty. Its sad watching her like this. Those scenes were intense though with John

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I totally loved all the stuff with Viki, Charlie, Natalie and Jared. These four are my favorite right now on the show and I cannot wait to see what is coming up next for them.

As much as I loathe the Todd/Marty stuff, SH was amazing today and reminded me why I liked her way back when, but I know that will change once they pair Marty and John back up. All I could wish for was for Marty to shot McBain.

Actually enjoyed the Starr, Blair and Marcie scenes as well, going to feel bad when they find out that the baby is supposedly dead.

Bess just needs to go away, period.

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I really loved the Viki/Charlie stuff today. When she told him to shut up, I about died laughing. Those two are my absolute favorite thing to watch. I also loved the interaction with Nat/Viki. I loved the way they were holding their hands on the glass. Nice mother/daughter moments. I also laughed when Viki figured out the code, which I thought was Jean Randolph...the look on her face when it came to her was funny.

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I will add into the Charlie and Viki adoration, they were wonderful today. ES has such great reactions to everything, and I swear I thought I saw BK about the cry when Viki ran into Charlie's arms in relief that he was alive.

Bess is a joke, and sorry, but BW stinks in this alter stuff, especially this new one that is a weak and boring rip off of Jean Randolph, whom we just saw last week in a bone chilling quick blurb with Viki.

The Todd/Marty stuff I think has hit the end of the road, not sure what they plan or can do next, sure don't care to see Marty stuck with John though.

I liked Jared realizing that he finally has the dad he always wanted in Charlie, and how Natalie was so sad that Jared had lost him but to all their relief Charlie was the hero and saved them all. Hopefully both these couples-Viki and Charlie, and Jared and Natalie will get more story together and for Viki and Charlie get back to their own romance and story.

The baby switch all I have to wonder is how long will this go on?

I think DID needs to end forever on this show, enough already.

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Must you constantly put down Melissa Archer. Melissa Archer is a very good actress and has given some Emmy-worthy performances this year.

If Marty should shoot anyone, it's Todd Manning, who's now (IMHO) raped Marty twice. ONE LIFE better give Marty her memory back ASAP. I'm so sick of this storyline.

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OLTL was freakin fantastic today!

Those Marty/John scenes were intense and I agree that Susan Haskell was great. I think she's going to knock it out of the park for the scenes when Marty gets her memory back and realizes she slept with her rapist.

It's weird seeing Todd are cheery and nice. "My life is looking pretty damn good right now." "I guess this is what it feels like to be normal......to finally know that nothing's going to blow up in my face." Nice forshadowing! ;)

Bess switched her dead baby with Starr's!! :o I think that's a great twist. I like plots like this. :)

Natalie/Jared for finally out of the secret room!

What a great start to the week and I'm pretty sure it's only going to get better.

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no it needs to retire with ES as well. The writers get lazy with her and when she has no story going on, they tend to bring back the DID. They've made a joke of it and we have seen it way too much over the years. I think most Viki fans would like to see her move forward instead of constantly being dragged back into this DID crap

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"Bess switched her dead baby with Starr's!! I think that's a great twist. I like plots like this. "

This in many ways is another hommage (yes again) to the early 80s (1981?) Baby switch on OLTL by Karen Wolek and Marco Dane. It was even re-aired ten years back on Daytime to Remember as one of TVguide's fave episodes. Karen's sister Jenny was giving birth the same time as... Kathy? A prostitute anyway (ex prostittue--I forget her name) and Jenny's baby died so Karen and Marco switched the babies since the prostittue was giving hers away anyway. I believe it lasted *three* years until the switch came out.

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