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B&B: Week of October 27, 2008

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I liked it, too. It provides some psychological motivation for Rick's character, plus shows the damage that was done to Brooke's children because of her lifelong obsession with Ridge. Kyle Lowder can do the angry young man stuff really well. And I thought Ashley Jones did a great job of playing mortified when Rick was flinging his "accusations" at Rick (and indirectly at his mother). Good stuff, B&B.

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YAY for Betty White!

I do think Rick is right in his feelings, but that doesn't make me like him, lol.

This whole brain mass/taking Pam back to Chicago thing is a repreive for her character I guess. (Of what little she has left) They had to figure out some way of getting her out of the corner she was written into.

Again, YAY for Betty White!

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oh please dont tell me they are thinking about putting Rick with Steffy. I had a bad feeling when I saw them today

Oh Brooke STFU. She has the nerve to blame Taylor for this bc of what happened between her, Rick and Ridge? Is Brooke forgetting that it was she that kept pushing Taylor to dump Rick and it was her that was pushing her to admit her feelings for Ridge? What an idiot. She helped set the whole thing in motion with her meddling

And now she's declaring war? What the heck can she do to Taylor. She really doesnt have any one. In the past year, she's lost Nick, Jack and Rick to Brooke. She doesnt have Ridge. Please dont tell me that the reason they are bringing Thomas back is so Brooke can get revenge by seducing him

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I loved today's show. Finally for the first time Taylor has admitted to using a man, sexually and emotionally, while pinning away for Ridge. She did the same thing with her ex hubby Blake, then again with Thorne, Pierce without the sex and now Rick. She just can't stand to be alone any more than Brooke can. At least all the men that Brooke was involved with while she was after Ridge, weren't under the delusion that she wanted anyone other than Ridge. Taylor is a dishonest user, and it is about time people start calling her on her actions. I just wish they'd bring back Phoebe to ask her mother why she needed to use her boyfriend for her CRUTCH.

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Taylor thought she was goody two shoes before? Only because she let Stephanie do her dirty work for her so she could appear innocent. Somehow I just don't see Taylor getting Ridge back.

And good for Brooke to mention Darla. At least someone mentions that Taylor has such dis-regard for anyone other than herself that she managed to kill an innocent woman.

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Taylor is such a bitch now...I love her! She was great in those scenes with Brooke. Its strange seing such an aggresive take charge Taylor, but I think Im going to like this version better than the weak, crying, drunken mess she's been for the past couple of years

I also liked her calling Brooke out on being a bad parent as far as chasing men all throughout Rick's life and negelcting him in her pursuit for Ridge. She definetly was right about him turning to older women, bc he lacked a stable mother figure. She should have went further and mentioned that Bridget also has a history of going for older men bc Brooke didnt provide her with a stable male influence.

I was shocked to see Eric with Rick today. Its as if they forgot they were father and son. Its about time they interacted again.

Crazy Katie is back. I was really enjoying the break from her

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The only thing that keeps me from backing Rick 100% is his attitude about how he came to go off the rooftop. The flashbacks show that he clearly remembers that he was the one who hit and choked Ridge. So Ridge shoves Rick away to be able to breathe, like anyone being choked would, and the fact that their struggle brought them to the edge of the roof caused that shove to push Rick over the railing to the ground below. And Rick calls that intentional? He's letting his anger toward Ridge color how he paints the events that paralyzed him, and that detracts from a lot of the truthful statements he's making about Ridge IMO.

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Okay, I am seriously pissed. They ended yesterday's Donna/Pam scenes with the "bear?" cliffhanger and didn't even follow up on it! WTH?

However I am LOVING this Brooke/Ridge/Taylor storyline! I just hope Bradley doesn't screw it up like he does everything else.

My all-time favorite Brooke/Taylor exchange was this one from January 2006:


Now, I'm definitely a Taylor fan and I totally disagree with what Brooke said, but that was HILARIOUS!

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Why is it that people like to act like Brooke was entirely one sided in her wanting Ridge all these years? He was never devoted to Taylor in that he could leave Brooke alone. He was always interfering in her relationships and would never let her move on without him. Heck, even he and Taylor never had a scene, even in the bedroom where they both weren't discussing Brooke before and after the deed. My favorite was before and after the Taytwins were conceived, Ridge just couldn't stop seething about Brooke's date with Victor. Talk about keeping her holding on, they don't call him the waffleman for nothing.

Strangely, I haven't seen him doing the same thing with Taylor and her relationships since he dumped her.

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Taylor is more delusional than ever. She has completely forgotten that the reason why Ridge dumped her after her second return from the dead was because she told him about her Big Bear Boink with James and it shattered his illusion of her as the perfect, honest, decent woman.

What is with everyone having pow wows in Brooke's bedroom? Did someone have a temper tantrum on set and the living room set is destroyed? It's one thing for Brooke and Ridge to have scenes up there, but lately they have had Stephanie and Ridge, Taylor and Brooke, now Nick and Katie with Ridge. This is ridiculous.

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