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Y&R: Week of October 27, 2008

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Michael Graziadei was hilarious during the Halloween episode. God, more silly stuff for him please. Please??

I'm actually at the point of adoring Y&R where I can't even multitask anymore. Every single detail means something to the exciting climax of the story. It's so invigorating to see how this show has improved since the accident. My Lord. I'll be on bated breath by the time sweeps comes along.

And I have to say, I didn't give Nia a chance early on but her revelation almost had me in tears. That was quite a scene. So touching. And the thing is that a Neil/Karen/Tyra triangle would TOTALLY work now because of a character's issues that can't be unchanged. So, finally, I can't wait to see a BLACK storyline unfold. Ever since Rowell left, they've been dead and dull.

And I know I've said this before but I love Joshua Morrow's performance. It's not the classic great actor performance like Christian or Peter or as Trevor on OLTL (my favorite actor on daytime)-- although you can't really compare those characters because they have so many more levels to work with than someone like Nicholas Newman would lol-- but Morrow's subtlety is just so enjoyable. When he's with the Stafford, the ham LOL, he's so natural. He really seems to have fun with her. When he was worried about Victor when he collapsed in Sabrina's office, he was so hurt but not overwrought with it. I know a lot of people don't see him in the category of the greats but I couldn't imagine Y&R without him. I don't think he's easily replaceable.

It does look like his hair is thinning on the top a bit. :(

YAY to Sharon for being SMART and CUNNING and asking for extra copies to get for herself.

And I love how Adam's wardrobe has dwindled to trucker. It was like a slow descent, as i noticed in the flashback on Friday's episode, he wore a corduroy blazer and now wears this tough, heavy brown jacket like he's about to go drive across country on his 18 wheel while he slugs back a few Budweisers. He's so scruffy too. Love that his decline on the corporate ladder is physical too. And how Heather seemed to demand he get his act together, as if she demanded he got a job and stopped freeloading off of her, besides ending his working relationship with that scoundrel Jack, of course.

Jack is such an [!@#$%^&*]. It's time for a divorce on Y&R. The last time someone got a divorce on the show, it was Nikki and Victor, no?

A Colleen and Amber rivalry would be soo much fun. And actually, it is in my head. But now, it's not. Hopefully, one day it will be.

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I'm loving the inclusion of top notch Y&R performers, in quality written scenes. Nia Peebles, Melody Thomas Scott, Kristoff St. John, Billy Miller, Jeanne Cooper, Jess Walton, Eric Braeden...everyone has just been superb. Even Sharon Case has stepped up her game, and I don't mind the supporting performances of Vail Bloom and Chris Engen either. The cast has been shaping up wonderfully these last few days, it's great to see again. And


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Ashley looks great because she uses Jabot products only,of course!!

Hopefully,Jill will discuss her concerns re Katherine with Billy and Cane,to bring them into the story and play out their reactions.

Have to laugh when the writers throw in lines alluding to Victor and Katherine's world wide fame.

At first,when Jack said the diary excerpts would be fast tracked and be on the stands tomorrow,I groaned,but then mags like Newsweek and Time sometimes fast track editions when there is a hot story.

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I was thinking of something similar, like maybe Kay is being poisoned. Clint was mentioned and Kay and Marge both said that they hope he's in a prison somewhere... could be possible that he escaped and is now poisoning Kay and it all looks like she has dementia. I really can't see them doing this to Kay, I just can't... unless Cooper's retiring and its been kept a secret! :o Although I do enjoy the fact that she has a front-burner storyline (along with Jess Walton) and that they're dealing with this very difficult issue.

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I sure hope this dementia isn't real. Although I really appreciate this storyline, both personally and for the Bells since Bill was ravaged by Alzheimer's, I don't like seeing Katherine Chancellor, arguably the best role model for any senior citizen in daytime, getting 'old'

If Jeanne Cooper is retiring it has to be the best kept secret in daytime. I have never pegged her as the retiring type. I appreciate that Y&R has kept an 80 year old actress on the front burner. It's realistic. People don't just shrivel off into recurring status in real life. If anything with age people become more present.

Jess Walton is handling her role in this storyline beautifully. The conflict between 'selfish Jill' and 'good Jill' is great to watch. She's nailing the role of a care giver.

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