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Y&R: Week of October 27, 2008

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I actually think these writers are good with Brad, they just need to find the right love interest for him. I liked what he had going on with Jill and wish they had pursued that. Before Heather met Adam, that could've been interesting, but mainly due to Paul's influence. Another strong option would be Lauren considering how dull she is with Michael.

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Just watched today's show and I must say, Sharon and Jack's scenes were intense. And SC did a heckuva job. For the first time I'm hoping Sharon leaves Jack's sorry butt. His lies, deceit and manipulation of those around him for "the greater good" are no longer justified. It's just cruel of him to to try to pin the rap on Adam (though Adam is doing almost the same thing to Heather). And I think Sharon is realizing that Jack will always be this way.

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^^Yes, SC did amazingly well on today's US episode, she certainly has stepped up her game.

It was funny wasn't it? Nelson writes what he's thinking. Period! This is what the 4th or 5th time now that he's put it out there in hopes of a recast for Trampoleen. He's not the only columnist to come right out and tell their readers how they feel about this inept actress.

I want more Billy too but without any CC in his scenes. He's too good to be propping up the few bad apples.

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Good thinking.

Sharon Case is really selling her scenes, she's doing a terrific job and this is coming from someone who has never been crazy about her. I've always found her pretty bland, decent actress, beautiful woman, but no spark. I am reconsidering this, especially after Phyllis' fantasy in which Sharon was so OTT and absolutely hilarious. Sharon Case is playing her A Game, it's good, in fact it's very good.

Brad is a great character and Don Diamont, for all of his oiled up, muscle bound hilarity, is actually a good actor. The issue is that he's very reliant on his writing and what could have been a great storyline (Jill and Brad unseat Katherine) was dropped in favor of Katherine and Marge and Dementia which also has the makings of greatness. It's a tough call. I would think Brad getting mixed up with Jabot would be good.

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ICAM. Diamont's just fine, but if the writing is not there, he doesn't deliver. I remember getting so excited over the prospect of Brad and Jill conspiring against Katherine, and Brad getting back in Jabot, it had the makings to be fantastic stuff (and I was also getting excited about him potentially getting paired with Jill romantically, too). I hope that they maybe revisit this. I hope Kay is not going into dementia... that would effectively neuter the character once and for all.

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It used to annoy me when she would play the self righteous card, but now I just laugh (and not just at her leprechaun outfit with the ruffles and the stupid belt). My problem with the Sharon character has not been with SC's portrayal, it is that the character has never done a darned thing to deserve her standing or the praise that she receives from other characters. She's simply a fake, and I don't like them in real life either. My hope is that they pair her with Bradski, the shows other big fake, maybe they can discover something real about each other.

I think we might soon be seeing a long term trip in store for Lily and Colleen. The younger set has enough going on without needing them.

Nikki was finally dressed well on today's Canadian show. I hope they have realized that she is a high society business woman, and doesn't need to wear unflattering ill fitting dresses.

Although the show is moving a little slow, these last 5 shows have felt like they've been heading somewhere.

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