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OLTL: Discussion for the week October 20-24, 2008

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For me this show is starting off with a fizzle...

Don't understand why Gigi and Rex are being showcased as much as they are, if they were two long time characters, I think I'd be interested but they aren't and I just do not buy this so called love of a lifetime thing they want to show between these two characters. Never thought I'd be rooting for Adriana.

Vanessa - don't care. Lola - don't care. I know that they "feel" they need to put something between Marko and Langston but I don't think so, for the first time I do enjoy a set of teens and they are it.

Today was just a let down for me. Hopefully things will pick back up tomorrow.

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It saddens me to say that Susan and Trevor have excellent chemistry. I think I am the only person who is slightly enjoying that story.

So good to see Tina.

Some excellent and funny lines today.

This Montez stuff seems very Santi-esque. Just terrible.

Rex in Dorian's livingroom- Terrible.

Roxie's Hotel- The tackiest set on daytime. Terrible. OLTL's lighting is fantastic though.

Another positive-OLTL is the only soap on the air right now with any humor.

Total mixed bag.

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I guess you haven't been reading the OLTL threads the last couple of months - I'm loving this Todd/Marty story. ;)

Is Vanessa and the daughter on contract?

The lighting is really bad whenever they have sun or light shining through a window.

Same here. Tess/Todd are fun to watch.

Yay! And Charlie showed up at Viki's!

Looks like tomorrow should be good.

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Gigi = Theresa

Rex = Ethan

Adrianna = Gwen

Ron, you are you writing as if you're JER? As a Passions fan, I feel like I'm watching Gwen/Theresa/Ethan all over again.

So Marty's son is really Cole? Cole got Todd's daughter pregnant. Todd hates his ass. Todd raped Marty. I cannot wait for all of these scandalous secrets to come out. I'm going to sit back and enjoy them all.

I like psycho Tess. She's great! Blackmailing uncle Todd was a good move too.

Rebecca Tina! Get yourself together and tell Vickie the truth.

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Not that you asked for me, but I hated Passions and I still enjoy a decent amount of the show.

I don't think you can go wrong with Cain sending Tina ransom photos of the shih tzu. I just don't see how that's not fun or funny.

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