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Y&R: Week of October 20th, 2008

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Careful. Some balloon popper might come along and say it is all blah...it is not purple lip gloss...it is reheated leftovers...the show has no central theme or identity...the nostalgic return to music and dialogue of the past signals creative stagnation... :).

I am glad you appreciated the music too!!

That old music is one of the things that made Y&R- Y&R. It, if anything, is a return to form. Not a sign of stagnation at all...

Rauch has always undertsood and had excellent taste in background music. I do not think this is any coincidence either, I have a feeling Rauch had something do with this return to classic Y&R scores... or the directors were forbidden under LML to use the scores... I do not know. I do not recall any of the classic Y&R scores (pre 1998 or so, ) being used during her tenure. Also, not a coincidence.

Does CBS/Y&R have a viewer comment line??... I have never done this but I actually want to call..

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I hope you're right. I love to hate Adam, he's infinitely more interesting than either of his siblings, IMO, but eventually he will have to either be brought back into the Newman fold. If this is the plan, however, I do not want TPTB to mess with his relationship with Victoria and particularly Nick. I think the sibling rivalry has a lot of legs and they have terrific "hate" chemistry, IMO. Furthermore, if there is a time where the 3 of them live "happily ever after" together, it should be done in a way that they will never trust each other completely.

If Adam isn't eventually brought back into the Newman fold, I wonder what the long-term viability of the character would be? He can't be the prodigal son/whipping boy forever.

ICAM. Yesterday I was thinking the same thing to myself when I was watching. Miller feels very right for this part and he's filled the long-missing Abbot hole in the show effortlessly.

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I agree. Think "Jill/Kay"...or EVEN (when written right) "Jack/Ashley". There is love. But there is also anger and distrust. I like that whole complicated package.

Well, we were told Cliff was a paragon of virtue...a churchgoing farmer who wanted to protect Hope.

I think we're supposed to believe that "bad Adam" is Victor's genetic legacy.

But now we're seeing "schmuck Adam. Because I think Adam and Jack seem alike in looks and history (both Harvard men), it would work TOTALLY for me if Hope had a one-night stand, and schmuck-Adam turned out to be often-schmucky-Jack's son.

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Today we saw













Young River/Gloria/Micheal

Again ,Nick is supposed to be flat out juggling two jobs,but all he did was chat to Phyllis at work and then they were home smooching on the sofa.

I'm finding Daniel/Amber extra irritating.Now they're back together-what's the story??

Phyllis is embarassing in her behaviour in front of them.I guess it's supposed to be light hearted ...

Jill/Gloria and Kay/Jill were the best thing today.

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Loved Billy's line.

Colleen: "I'm thinking of going over there and giving them a piece of my mind".

Billy: "But then Colleen, you wouldn't have much to work with."

Glad to see the viewers aren't' the only ones who have noticed Colleen's transformation from a smart woman to a stupid trollop.

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^^^I have to agree with you here and Billy seems to get the great one-liners like this one all of the time. This actor is excellent that's more than I can say of some... Sorry, but I just cannot get on board with Tammin's Colleen even after all this time. I'd love to see Adrianne Leon back in that role.

Yep, Trampoleen's voice grates on my last nerve especially with her *cough* American accent *cough*.

Eden is already starting to grow on me although I don't care for this storyline with River. I rather enjoyed her scenes today with Noah and I always enjoy her scenes with Lauren. It's when she's in a scene with CLB that she just seems so over-the-top for me.

I'm enjoying the Katherine storyline and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

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