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Y&R: Week of October 20th, 2008

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Tonya Lee Williams looks gorgeous. She hasn't lost a bit of her touch, it sure is fantastic to see Olivia in her all her fierceness. I really hope Tonya stays put with the show and pulls a Tracey Bregman, the show just feels right now that she's back.

The Kay/Marge/Jill stuff is electric. My concern, however, is how MAB, HS and SH plan on resolving Katherine's dementia?

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One thing that is working for me right now is the limited appearances of Victor Newman.

It shows trhat the show can work without his presence.

Unfortunately,he will return and probably dominate proceedings.

After 28 years,maybe Victor and his colossal ego need to be back burnered.

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I get the feeling things may not be going all to well in the Scott household which may have led to MTS's weight gain......

I can't believe Shack is still together and I've been watching the show in good times and bad.......

The reduced screen time when it comes to TGVN has been great, but I'm beyond tired of the storyline they have going for him right now. His brooding and acting out over "The Oh So Great, Innocent, & Only Woman Who Ever Loved TGVN For Who He Really Is Sabrina" is wearing mighty thin, and the

better be damn good for making us put up with all of this. I did love Adam getting his comeuppance though......

I HATE that they've made Nikki feel like all of this was her fault, she didn't know how bad Bow Wow Chow truely was; and the way they have her going so much out of the way and putting her ass on the line for TGVN has me a bit peeved. The one bright spot has been really enjoyable scenes between MTS and Doug Davidson.....

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So, I'm finally watching Thursday's US show. (Day late and a dollar short...travelling; thank heavens for CBS online!).

Can I say I love, love, love the Noah-Sharon dialog. Someone there at Y&R has an adolescent son.

Losing his travel permission papers in the bottom of his backpack!! So totally authentic for 98% of teenage boys.

And then that exchange when Noah got wrapped up with Eden, and failed to meet his mother out front at Crimson Lights. Sharon gives him trouble and Noah says, "Watch your blood pressure." To which is mother TOTALLY AUTHENTICALLY replies "Watch your mouth!". Awesome.

OLIVIA!! I love that they are writing her with some Dru fierceness and protectiveness. For the most part, Olivia was always milquetoast in the face of Dru...so it is nice that they are giving her some more strength now against that "Ozzie guy".

Olivia shares a secret with Karen, eh? Olivia was Karen's doctor in New York. A bit of a contrivance, but it INSTANTLY makes that part of the storyline infinitely more interesting to me. If Olivia cares, I start to care.... Gosh, I love this show!

Also, here is a question for you music types. At the end of the show, River has a final flashback to kissing Gloria and Michael goodbye. A gentle guitar song plays in the background. I THINK that was a classical guitar cue from the 70s and 80s of this show...or at least very close to it. Can anyone confirm??

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LOL don't know about "fear of God", but she is more effective than she was with Cassie. But I think that is because Kevin Schmidt is a revelation. Totally natural and real.

I'd like to see how Joshua Morrow handles scenes like this.

Also, what about Noah's grounding for being at the keg party? Any enduring consequences? Seems like he is getting a trip to Paris for his behavior :).

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I so agree with you here, I'm loving that the old man's appearances have been limited, makes the show a lot easier for me to watch. And yes, as I've always suspected, the show can go on without the EB! The only thing about this storyline that even remotely interests me is Jack & Adam.

I think Adam must have lost sense of where he came from when he started working for Victor... (after all, money is the root of all evil).

I'm really enjoying Kevin Schmidt as Noah, he and Sharon Case play well off of each other.

I love any scene with Billy Miller in it but I do wish they'd limit his scenes with Trampoleen! He may even make me like Lily which would be the first in a LONG while actually since the Kevin Fisher and Daniel days.

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Just caught Friday











Katherine/Marge was gold.Intrigued as to how this story will play out.Katherine gave Marge her card with cell phone number.How did Marge contact her in the first place?was it a call to the office?

Gina should be a part of this in some way,as she was married to and betrayed by Clint.

Good to see Adam challenging Jack-laying groundwork for long term rivalry.

Victor in the church-pleeeaase!!

Like the dynamics between Gloria and Jeff.She has to pay for her misdeeds in some way.

Where is Brad?

Does anyone know the name of the actor playing Frank the forger?

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