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Y&R: Week of July 28, 2008

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I just love, love, love Y&R right now. This s/l has been so satisfying and engaging. Nikki is in for quite a lot of turmoil. Jill is going to CRUCIFY her. Victor is going to rip her to shreds. And only Paul will be there by her side. I love Nikki and Paul together and with Victor's vendetta against Heather I am really looking forward to a possible Newman/Williams feud. But I also wouldn't mind seeing Nikki alone for a while. She's had so many bad/dangerous men in her life. I think the tease that Y&R will change forever is that Victor's family is no longer the wronged party - but Victor. And he's going to become extremely nefarious and evil for a bit. if that's the case - sign me up. Nothing on soaps is as good as when Victor is out for revenge.

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I read an interview with Raya Meddine who felt she had some beautiful scenes with Jana who is the only one who seems to accept the Sabrina is dying. I think these scenes will probably be Thursday.

I really liked CLB's subtle work these last few days not only as Victor's lawyer but friend. Besides Neil, I think Michael is the only other one Victor trusts to get things done, and I think EB and CLB have nice chemistry. They've come a long way from Michael being that "sheister lawyer" Victor hated. I think Michael recognizes Victor's denial as he went through the same thing with Lauren and feels compassion for Victor and all the Newmans. We need CLB to interact more with characters other than Gloria.

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Ooohh excellent. I can't wait to see those! I think killing her off is going to backfire. However, at least the deaths this year are more sensible and organic.

The last time I liked Victor going for revenge was when he found out Phyllis and Nick had been screwing each other. He was coming off the elevator, Phyllis was going about to go down, and he said something along the lines of, "Going down. Tell my secretary where I should send your things." Not exact words, but an awesome scene. Too bad that had to fizzle so quickly, hell the whole affair exposure fizzled rapidly!

Jess was great on tomorrow's US show with her facial reactions. I loved her!

those scenes will be great. I'm loving RM right now, she looks more beautiful on her death bed than she did for the majority of her run. And what's with the continuous dying pretty trend? First Hope, now Sabrina. I don't mind it that much, but I wish we could get some more realism, like Matt Clarke.

I am glad that CLB reigned it in for this story. Then again, it's not his story so maybe that's why. Either case he's been good. I'm also enjoying the ramifications of the whole David fiasco, it has much more promise.

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ETA: What I like about the whole David story is that it's tying up loose ends, and unlike past tragedies everyone is not just all forgiving. Victor is still mad as hell, Nick doesn't care much for Victor, Nikki/Victor are not all lovey dovey etc etc.

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Tuesday's episode was good as well.

It will probably be a temporary thing (unfortunately), but I noticed they appear to have dispensed with the crappy, teeny-bopper music. It has been mainly the dramatic, emotional pieces, along with a smattering of the 'mystery' (wrong word, I know) scores.

Time will not permit me to do a full analysis, but I'm enjoying the shows more now. Just hope it doesn't fall back into bad habbits when the aftermath dies down.

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Yup. They're boring when they have nothing to do, and they're boring when they have an actual storyline. Seeing Cane drunk a few weeks ago made me realize that he could be bad, tricky or the old "Ethan" he was in Australia. But instead, he's this good boy with a boring girlfriend. Who'd want to watch that? Go Chloe! ;)

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I am loving the show right now. I'm even loving Sabrina (but don't get me wrong, I'll be happy she she *spoiler*)

Jess Walton's upcoming storyline looks fantastic. She and Don Diamont have excellent chemistry, I'd love for Brad and Jill to end up in bed, not as a couple, but a random hook up thanks to a few too many martinis. It'd be grand.

Everyone has been selling their material like a used car salesman at the end of the month.

And with that, I have made my 1,000 post!

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