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AMC: Tuesday, July 22, 2008

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Today's show was awful. Rylee, nasty. Teens, annoying. Hospital bull s.hit, boring. Randi and Frankie, just terrible. And Amanda sucks, and CS could use a few acting lessons IMO. Doesn't matter how hot she looked today.(:wub:)

Hey, this is an improvement over the way the teens were talkin in 06. Remember when Colby told Sydney she was "gonna get her snack on?" :rolleyes:

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The directing, the acting, the dialogue, the plotting, everything is pathetic right now. Even GL is better.

It doesn't matter how good Pratt's stuff is (assuming it will be any good), AMC is going to lose alot of viewers in the next several weeks. And only a fraction of those viewers will come back when things pick up again.

ETA: I can no longer defend Jeff Beldner or argue that he needs to remain on the AMC team. How can he accept this dialogue!?

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Sorry..but GL is still the worse when it comes to directing, dialogue, plotting. Acting wise both shows have their good and bad actors.

Considering all that AMC is promoting on their promos right now is new characters. Means they dont know what to do.

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Who wrote today's script?

I feel the same way about Jeff Beldner. And, from the allegations that have been going around these parts recently (Jeff Beldner was 'encouraged' to take the SE job after Mimi Leahey, who I think was great -- I never noticed the flawed dialog(ue) until after Beldner took the Script Editing position -- Case in point, I was an Amanda L. Beall admirer until JB took over, and then lo and behold, I started noticing the heffa ain't all that. She seemed to get worse, IMO, after Leahey left), I kinda understand why he's so allegedly half assed when it comes to editing. I think he wants to WRITE -- not edit. He was a script writer and an outline writer. Two totally different things from editing someone else's work.

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I love Petey! I didnt think I would when I saw his pics, but Im really enjoying.

There goes Dipsh-t Lavery prowling around Greenlee like some thirsty stalker. He's coming across creepy

Randi is beyond annoying. I think her story has potential but she is so unlikeable

How unproffessional of those nurses to talk about Frankie like that with his mother in the background. Jeez, they should have looked around before opening their mouths.

LOVE Amanda's new hair. It looks hot on her. She really needs a man. She and Jake could be good

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The problem with Randi is she's being written as a one-dimensional bitch. Straight up bitch with an occasional smile. If only they would write a few solo scenes showing Randi upset, crying, talking to herself...showing some sort of emotional breakdown. Of course the actress probably can't pull it off, but she would be more rootable and it would make viewers have a little more sympathy for her.

Amanda was looking HOT today with that hair and flirty attitude. I thought Jake/Amanda worked well - definitely hot with chemistry. Too bad we know nothing will come of it (insert: Beth Ehlers...which to me is fine, I'm looking forward to the storyline there). Anyway - wish we could get more of Amanda and have her in some sort of relationship (Aiden! Throw those two in the sextet realm and we'll be fine!)

I'm loving all the location scenes this summer. Definitely adds to the show IMO. The teens were ok, but their dialogue is so repetitive. Sure, I understand they're freaked out, but everyday it's the same [!@#$%^&*]. Loved the ending where Annie overheard and the dramatic music closed out the show.

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I find the Randi storyline really frustrating because it honestly feels like it has much more potential than new to AMC characters have gotten in ages. But the writing has been half great, half awful, and the actress just doesn't seem capable of showing Randi as a three dimensional person--she attacks nearly every line of dialogue the same. I'm glad they brought up the obvious point that most hookers start from a history of abuse (back when we got the original DOnna storyline I believe it was played more as a straight "evil pimp, hooker iwth a heart of gold" story which for the time makes sense)but the whole "wer eyous exually abused" dialogue bit rang false for me. And her creepy pimp (I used to go out with a guy who was in a punk band who painted his nails, alternately, like the pimp does lol--that's always waht it reminds me of)--how did he manage to get into that woman's shelter (I assume it was?) and how come suddenly ti was empty when he did? :P

Meh I didn't midn the teens. I really actually enjoy Petey--the COlby drinking thing still feels forced to me but I'm glad they showed that she's just starting to drink all the time now--we didn't get some scene of her drunkenly falling into the pool (sometimes soaps don't seem to get that alcoholics often aren't falling down frunk all the time, especiallya fte rone drink :P ). But Annie hearing their "confession" was kinda too much especially since Annie had been saying outloud, in public, the whole episode things like "I'm sorry my brother for killing you". Still that seems to be a recent AMC tradition of disucssing your worse secrets IN PUBLIC and loudly and using full names (ie Casandra "But guys we KILLED Richie Novak!!"). That said the teen's dialogue didn't bother me--most of it I could picture people saying and it certainly seemed better than the way the teens on the show spoke when Sydney and COlby arrived--

ANyway maybe I wa sin a weird mood as most of you seemed to think it was worse than crap but I kinda enjoyed today...

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