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AMC: Tuesday, July 22, 2008

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So far the teens and Amanda are the highlight of the episode for me.

I loved watching Peter put the moves on Colby. It's much more entertaining than Frankie/Randi's cliched conversation and Ryan/Greenlee!

I'm waiting for someone to ask Ryan how he didn't notice there was no incision in his scrotum. :)

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Angie trying to set Frankie up with the nurse.

I thought Randi was so much better today.

I cannot believe I'm saying this but Ryan/Greenlee were HWAT today! MCE and AT are so gonna be gonners.

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What flavor Kool-Aid did TPTB serve you? :o

Ryan/Greenlee SUCKED!!! They still have no chemistry, no matter how dramatically sweeping the music is.

Randi still needs an acting coach, and a personality, and Angie setting up Frankie with a nurse had potential if it weren't some dayplayer with no connection to the show whom we know isn't going to matter in the long run. Too bad Julia isn't still around.

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