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GHNS: Discussion Thread

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TY for the link.

I'm not gonna lie, either. When Frons first bandied that download idea around, I was horrified. To me, this was symbolic of further soap destruction -- helped in no small part by Frons's unwillingness to rid GH of Guza. Today? I am downloading soaps (albeit to my computer but that's only a hop and a skip to my cell).

Unfortunately, none of the soaps I am downloading happen to be ABC's (except for OLTL now and then). And downloading aside, Frons still needs to work on giving the audience what they want in terms of content. OLTL is a satisfying watch, but GH certainly isn't.

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A part of me hopes they (SOAPnet) adds more original programming like Night Shift to the line up. MVP was a great addition to the network (IMO). NightShift has carved a niche and is doing good. I think they should greenlight more projects.

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I thought Kyle was the adopted one for some reason too. I may be in the minority but I think the actor play Leo is actually pretty good. I think he has a theatre background?

Yup, he's great. I like the fact that we SEE him do stuff, unlike on DAYS where we don't see Theo.

That was great a line! Take that GH. :lol:

For the first time ever, I liked Epiphany! She was really funny in that scene with Jagger. I never saw that side of her before. Guza is so wasting her.

You can tell that Sri Rao is character driven writer unlike Guza.

I hope SN does more original soaps too.

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Anyone catch last night's episode? Robert returned and was treated like a cartoon at first. He had fluid on the brain so they had to operate. He did come back down to earth for a few minutes to talk to Robin about her pregnancy. There was a sad twist at the end of the episode though.

LOVED the story with the "pregnant" woman. That stuff is so sad, I had no idea that "false pregnancy" existed. Very interesting. Didn't like Saira and Leo at the end, though.

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OK, I am really liking the different relationships between vets and newbies and day players in this episode.

- Saitra and the ecoptic pregnancy lady -- I loved how Saitra was so caring and tender with her. BTW, the actress playing the pregnant lady looks and sounds familiar. She was very good.

- P.S.: Saitra has the most beautiful hair.

- Kyle + Robert in the supply closet = hilarious.

- Aww, Scrubs. Sweet! Why is it I only like them on this show but used to FF them on OG GH?

- Jagger and Robert. Man, that was a quietly satisfying scene, the way Robert talked about the love for his daughter. I like how Jagger was there for Robin, too.

- Robin going "Daddy!" and cradling his head in her lap. Like flashing back to little-kid Robin back in the late 80s.

- I can't believe Sonya Eddy is getting a chance to flex her acting muscles here. Usually she's barking at Liz about getting stuff done.

- The twist at the end -- classic soap! But they are going to have to improve their previews for next week's episode if they want people to tune back in.

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I thought episode 3 was good too. Loved Robert mentioning Sean Donnelly, Cesar Fasion and the DVX! And I'm really happy to see Robin/Robert interacting since we barely got any of it on GH.

Yeah, she's great on NS this season.

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Seriously - you are not exagerating.

I'm trying to pin down why I like it so much. After all, the dialogue is not as sharp as OG GH can be. It isn't Primetime-quality or anything like that. Some of the actors are great, others less so. And yet, it feels more like GH than current GH does. I enjoy the show without having to "train" myself. It is actually a relief to watch, if that makes any sense. An undemanding, humorous, recognizeable soap.

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I agree.

I love it. I dont think its perfect, and i dont love it baised on comapring to GH. I love it stand alone, all by itself. Its cute, funny, charming, intersting, and dramatic - but not melodramatic.

I like the way things balance out. like this past episode we had the drnature & drasshole bickering; the ep/t romance; the family drama of robin; the social medical issue with stone; and the comedy with kyle & the old people having STD's. and it all flowed together well. nothing was forced, nothing was out of nowhere.

i also love the minisode spinoff with Kyle & Claire online at soapnet.com that shwos them outisde of the hospital.

i really do hope that Adam Grimes goes to GH after this is over.

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I could not agree more. I love how none of it is forced. Those scenes with Kyle & Robert were so funny, yet it didnt scream 'Heres a vet you love with a newbie we want you to love!!' like soaps always do.

Beky Herbst does when GH doesnt have her all blonde.

Plus they brought up Luke, Sean, and Faison!

because they soc on oGH.

Yeah, i agree. it was good. I prob would had loved if it i didnt *hate* Robert. lol.

the woman has talent. she is so easy and natural. i wish oGH would write her like this.

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Nobody's watching? :(

Saira, Stone and Jagger: :wub:

Nice scenes between Kyle and the same-sex partner. In fact, great scenes with Kyle confronting the girl's parents and Leo jumping to his defense when the father turned verbally abusive. Kyle confronting the fact that, in the eyes of the law, some are more equal than others... "others" being him. Adam Grimes really handles both comedy and drama so well.

:lol: at Epiphany and Robert. Scenes like that really enrich the show. I cannot get over how much I love Piph on this show.

I would be really interested to see what Sri Rao could bring to original GH. Maybe not as HW (I'd rather see Karen Harris try that role out), but he is obviously a long-time fan of the show and it shows. I get the feeling Sri Rao is holding back from making NightShift more soapy (with cliffhangers) because it is a weekly show and his mandate has been to keep it very stand-alone and "Grey's Anatomy."

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