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I've actually liked some of the Pollack's work on the Doctors... they could write a climax and fall out quite well.. though they sometimes lacked the character moment touch that Rita Lakin had.  Though I doubt Rita would have stayed more then 2 years.. she seemed like she was burnt out and the show sold her a bill of goods.  Seeing her take on creating the Rookies, Flamingo Road, and Nightingales.. the same things happened.. so I'm wondering if maybe she was at fault just as much as the other person.  A shame that the 1988 writers strike basically ended her writing career because she was too pricey even though she had the talent. 


I actually was disappointed on the resolution of the 'murder mystery'... I think it would have been better if Penny did accidently shoot and kill John Morrison.  Even if the police ruled it an accident, she still would have felt guilt over killing a man even if it was in self-defense.  Plus, the Pollack's were masters of fall out (i.e. Penny's crush on Mike and the effects of that are still shown in the November 1974 episodes).


I'm actually interested to see how Depriest and Marland fare when head-writing.. since this type of show isn't one that would be a good fit for either of them.

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The Pollocks had done such a good job with the Dan Allison "murder" mystery that the story with John came as even more of a disappointment. Then again, the Allison story came under the watch of Allen Potter as EP and the Morrison story under Joe Stuart. That may have had something to do with it.


Speaking of the Pollocks, I can see some resemblances of their work on TD to GH (what little of it is on YouTube). They lured Gerald Gordon over to GH as a neurosurgeon (and later landed Anna Stuart to play his sister), for one. Plus, Althea/Nick/Penny seem like the model for early Lesley/Rick/Laura. Laura, of course, actually did kill David Hamilton. 

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Isn't this the actress who played Ina Hopkins on OLTL?


When I was in high school, I imagined who else could ever possibly play Erica Kane.  For whatever reasons, I came up with Goldie Hawn in a dark wig (wtf? lol) and Anna Stuart.  AS based on looks, stature, and the whole diva-vixen thing (I only knew her as Donna at that point).  Now seeing her on TD, I particularly see a resemblance to SL, they certainly could have played sisters, Robin Strasser rounding out the three.


Tom shaking the [!@#$%^&*] out of Ann in her hospital bed is the height of inappropriate.

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Just caught up in the December 1974 episodes...bad decision writing out Margo...she should habe remained a Thorne in the sides of Alan/Toni...heck even been a wildcard once mike returned.  I think 1975 would have been a good year if it had been a Margo/Toni/Alan/Mike quadangle.  Short sighted of the show.


Odd still seeing Ann and Carolee as friends...ill be intrigued to see the reason for Ann's change of character.  

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