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Y&R: CBS promo with MAJOR spoilers

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Are you kidding? Victor would be devastated beyond human reason.

Remember at their divorce in January? Both fantasized that the OTHER ONE would come to their senses.

The current state is ENTIRELY borne of hurt feelings and oneupmanship ("if he can remarry, I can remarry first"; "I have to hold on to my husband so as not to be humiliated in front of him")

Remember when Victor was "in love" with Diane Jenkins, but then Nikki got near death by Veronica Landers? And she was near death? So Victor quickie-divorced Diane and married Nikki on her deathbed. But then true love caused Nikki to come back from the brink. And Victor never went back to Diane, causing the ugliest divorce in Y&R history. That was Kay Alden's FIRST story as headwriter, and it was a great one.

I don't think they can repeat this. I believe Nikki is going to die. Or go into a coma and leave the show. No spoilers...but I had the same feeling before Cassie died...I knew they were going to do something "different" this time. I hope I am wrong.

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The promo looks great. And this ties in with the spoiler I just read in SID. There's a blurb that Sabrina and the baby will die, but with a Y&R person saying their usual "no comment".

IA, that if both David and Sabrina die the same night it will be kinda lame SL wise. Sabrina was growing on me but IA it would have been good to have her go pyscho bitch before leaving....

Anyway, take it for what it's worth. With the shot of Victoria breaking down like that in the promo, it seems more like it could be Nikki. Although Sabrina and her were once "best friends", would she react in that way if it were Sabrina dying? I dunno...

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^^ Good point, Julia. I was thinking that as well. Maybe she felt bad about how she treated her after she married Victor and after the confrontation today. I could see that reaction. However, for us viewers, since we didn't share in this "friendship" onscreen, it's a little hard to grasp.

Could be that David is hired to kill her now since he lost all that money at Brad's. I think he went after Skye at the end of today's eppy. What do you think? You think it was Chow when Skye said "What are you doing here?!?" (Famous last words)

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Maybe I missed something but was it that long ago that Victor was furious at Nikki and the rest of his hoard?

I know he's softened a BIT from that point. That's why I'd say he'd be saddened. I mean he is the mother of his 2 first children. And they have a lot of history together. But the feeling I got from their last divorce was that Victor was past her completely....

Thats all I was saying. You could very well be right. I personally don't want anyone to die (well except for Chole) but I know that's just wishful thinking on my part.

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Look out OLTL, Y&R is back (he says optimistically)!

I was actually warming up to Sabrina too.

ETA: It IS Nikki. There is already a spoiler that says Nikki will be in danger, and that the Newman family experience tragedy. This is going to be great!

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With Y&R in the tenuous ratings position that it is in, can it afford to lose MTS in favor of a not much liked Sabrina? I think Nikki is the Newman that the viewers tune in for, not Victor, not Nick and certainly not this non-Heather Tom Victoria.

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Another thing (which may back up the theory that Sabrina dies)...

Upon close inspection of the video (yes, I really do have nothing better to do), it appears there is someone in the back seat of limo with David when it crashes... someone with dark hair...

Just thought I would add that.

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I think I agree. But if no one dies in this, it will get as royally lambasted as Clear Springs.

I am 100% with you on Amelia Heinle...except...there are two places where I'm really buying her (and maybe it is just me getting used to her).

First, I see a real tenderness in her scenes with MTS/EB/JM. I think she has bonded off-screen with her "family", and I'm feeling it in her scenes. Second, I really liked how she and Sabrina handled their b*tch fight yesterday. Both brought an usual strength and bite to their portrayals which has been long missing.

It's probably just my manic-depressive cycle (not really), but I'm feeling much better about the writing, performances and ESPECIALLY the narrative momentum of Y&R this week. Here is hoping it lasts.

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