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Y&R: CBS promo with MAJOR spoilers

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Anyone with common sense can see that this promo shows David and Sabrina dying. What was CBS thinking?!


Oh well. It's something to look forward to. I'm glad Victor won't be saddled down with Sabrina much longer, but I do think a dark side could've saved her character.

What do you all think?

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It worked! You rock, DP! Thank you!

I do think it spoiled way too much though but was still such an awesome promo - very stylistic!

It looks like Y&R is going to start rocking in late July. I can't wait!

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That sucks Toups. It's really a classy promo! I'm impressed although they did give a ton away. For me, the appeal isn't in who dies. We don't care about David or Sabrina anyway. We care about the people around them, so I'm looking forward to this. I just hate Sabrina couldn't go crazy and be the next big psycho before she died.

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QUOTE (Chris B @ Jul 11 2008, 02:44 AM)
That sucks Toups. It's really a classy promo! I'm impressed although they did give a ton away. For me, the appeal isn't in who dies. We don't care about David or Sabrina anyway. We care about the people around them, so I'm looking forward to this. I just hate Sabrina couldn't go crazy and be the next big psycho before she died.

I agree, no one cares about Sabrina and David, which is why they spoiled that.

It looks like this event takes place at Y&R's upcoming gala, where Maria Arena Bell said several storylines are coming to a climax. I think this is the big event she was talking to Nelson Branco about.

The gala looks classy as well.

Should be good drama for most of the core cast, which people care about.

I hope they stretch out Nikki and Victor's inevitable reunion. Maria probably will, as it's so obvious that she wants to pair Nikki and Paul first.

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Bravo to Maria Arena Bell. Looks like she has thrown a BIG ol' bone for her and Hogan Sheffer to get stuck in to.

Very good promo, and I suspect this will mean more than if it was done with the previous administration. Although it's no different from the old device of reveal and slay, we've had over 6 months of slow bubbling to build to this.

Bring it on!

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