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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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I used to like Paddy, until last year, but...yeah.


I agree Marlon works best when he's not with the Dingles. I didn't realize for a long time how independent he was of them in the late '90s and early '00s. 


Sometimes I think I'm nitpicky about how they write Chas but yesterday was just so grating. Cain was worse, but that's just Cain. This isn't Chas. I have no idea what they're going to do with the character.

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Thomas Atkinson is a very good actor and he's proven it lately, and I actually do feel some pity for Lachlan over his current predicament (mostly because his family is wretched), but I still think this might be best served as his exit story. Robert was foolish to go down this path, but at least it's in character for Robert. I don't really get anything out of Robert vs the Whites, but it could be interesting. I just hope Victoria won't be hurt. 

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I thought Tuesday’s episodes were some of the best writing for Charity since her return - a strong but vulnerable person who did what she wanted to do to try to help Belle, no regrets or apologies, who in the end can take care of herself (as shown with the sleaze from Hollyoaks), but still struggles. 

Her relationship with Cain is built on a lifetime of pain and hurt, and I thought their scene in the garage got that across. He always tends to respond to her most when she’s at a low point. This makes a lot more sense to me than cliches about her “stealing” Cain from Moira, and shows the depth of chemistry Emma and Jeff have.

This is the Charity I want to see. Bickering with her family, doing what she thinks is right, being strong, being afraid. 

Edited by DRW50
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Emmerdale must be the hardest show to produce, thanks to the endless double bills and one-hour episodes, the latter seemingly coming at any random time. They also seem to break producers - I think some of those endless hour episodes are one of the reasons Anita Turner got the push - because unless you're very disciplined like Blyth and Kate Oates were (or pedestian like Blackburn), they spiral out of control. 


This one had that same wildly out of control feeling I've started coming to expect from Emmerdale again, especially those truly bizarre scenes of Rakesh choking Chrissie out and Chrissie keening afterward. I thought they'd have her reveal this as another part of her mwahaha plan (and I imagine in the end she did give him the money to further screw him over down the line), but instead she seemed to still be hysterical at the end.


The Dan/Nicola/Kerry/Jimmy saga also felt...weird, although if this weren't being rushed I think it would be a very good story. I will credit the show for putting a finger on exactly why I've grown cold on the Kerry/Dan relationship by blatantly pointing out that Dan (who owns that house) can't even feel anything because the needs of Zak (a user who doesn't do much beyond sup and use the bed for various purposes) are more important. I hate that setup with freeloading Joanie and Zak living with them - I hate it a lot, but it's so dull sometimes I forget. They reminded me today. Obviously the show isn't going to split Nicola and Jimmy, but various spoilers and the tone of the writing today make me wonder about Kerry and Dan. I don't know how I'd feel about that at this point. I do hope they keep giving Dan a bit more to do because I thought Liam Fox was surprisingly good today. 


Speaking of blatant, I laughed at Zak missing a call from Belle because he was in bed with Joanie. They keep finding new ways to show us this relationship is a horrible idea. I can't wait for the next one.

Edited by DRW50
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What was the reason for all these one hour Tuesday episodes anyway? I'm so confused as to why they've lasted so long. Still, if this were any other soap, I would probably dread it, just like I am for Corrie having six episodes, but for some reason Emmerdale never feels like too much of a slog to get through. Maybe because, even though Hollyoaks was the first foreign soap I watched, Emmerdale has always felt like home to me. Another reason is definitely that the strength of their great cast is embarrassingly better than the mediocrity monopolizing the other shows.


I was happy to see Rakesh fight back. Bocarie is great at genuinely making you feel Rakesh's remorse as well. Like you, I didn't understand why Chrissie continued snivelling afterwards. Mostly because I'm itching for Fiona Wade to get something to do, I really hope Priya gets the chance to go up against Chrissie. And if Leyla isn't getting a story anytime soon, at least have her be a supporting player in Priya and Carly's stories as their friend. You can also use her as a comedy/side plot, visiting Doug in the B&B. Have her be a third wheel to him and Diane, so Diane tries to set her up with someone. #moreforLeyla


I can see this story leading to Dan's exit, potentially, if him and Kerry split up for good. Of course, I've felt that way about practically every story they've given Lisa since I've started watching, so what do I know.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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I wouldn't be surprised about Dan, although I hope he stays. If I had to choose I'd write Kerry out of the two (she can take Amelia with her), as I don't connect with her these days - something doesn't seem natural about her now. Having her with selfish Joanie and Zak so much doesn't help. Dan's such a believable everyman character, and I like that he's the rare soap character who wants to educate himself and work hard to better himself, and does this regardless of whether the people in his life sneer or say it's meaningless. I saw a few old clips of Michelle and Liz on Corrie jeering Steve for going to community college and it just turned my stomach. 


I do wonder if Priya and Chrissie will get into it. I know Charity and Chrissie were supposed to be rivals but that never happened (maybe because Iain McLeod started writing Charity as an antiheroine instead). All I've heard about Priya is that the situation with Rakesh


I think ITV did the one-hour episodes while the Olympics were on, or something. 


Speaking of Lisa (Jane Cox has been wonderful this year, even as the characters in the story feel used up and hard to sympathize with now), supposedly Joanie Black is going to do panto, which would likely mean Joanie is on the way out. The writing certainly hasn't been kind (she could have been such a unique, fresh character before this stupid Zak affair...). 

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Sophie Powles is leaving the show. The Sun identified her as "Sophie Fletcher" (as a lot of the article was about Kelvin leaving). The clickbait sites are painting this as a shock quit, but I tend to wonder if this was planned all along. Nothing about her return felt open-ended and it's always been fairly clear to me that her return will likely end in death. 




She's done some superb work this time around, and I hope she's proud of that. I wish she were staying, as Moira needs her children to save her from boring, tedious romantic dramas. 

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I have a feeling this is the end for Emma too, although I'd rather see her stay around. I also can't see Mike Parr staying much longer - I wonder if he's already told them he's leaving. I just hope Finn stays around, even if he barely has a role these days. He's a great character when they try.


Nothing about James has ever worked. The relationship with Moira and making him Adam's father were huge mistakes, and he's had no charisma whatsoever. It's hard to believe he's the same actor who was Charlie Stubbs.


The rumor mill has said for a while that Denise Black will be out soon. I don't know after that. I'd guess some of the short-term characters floating around, like Pierce, Jermaine and Ronnie.

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Sorry but I am not pitying Paddy at all. I actually like Pierce. I've grown to like him and Rhona. Paddy blew his whole world up for a few romps in a car, he needs to deal with it. 


Bernice blew that plan up with Chrissie. She wasn't the least bit convincing. No wonder why Chrissie easily figured out that Robert was behind the emails. 


While Robert's plan blew up, it is obvious that his work has taken a toll on Lachlan. Like Robert said, he's about to explode. They just have to sit back and wait. 


Charity & Cain....:wacko: I've never cared for this pairing as I found them to be too toxic. 


The scenes with Ashley become more and more grim for me. A constant reminder that Ashley is about to meet his demise at any time. :(

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I felt a little sorry for Paddy, even though he doesn't deserve it. I hope he and Rhona don't reunite. Pierce is likely going soon enough, although I'd rather he stay in some capacity. Jonathan Wrather is even hotter now than he was on Corrie and he looks great in the skimpy outfits he's been wearing this week. 


They must be leading up to Robert finally addressing his sexuality. I hope they will say he's bi. If they say he's gay I'm going to be very annoyed. 


It feels like Cain and Charity are just going to go nowhere. I wish Charity had better.


It's so sad seeing Ashley this way and knowing it will get worse.  I wish they hadn't done this story. 


I hope we see more of Harriet soon. She is such a wasted character.

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