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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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It almost felt like I was watching Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman during the build up and immediate aftermath to Nikhil revealing he's a virgin to Jai. That's it? That's the big bad secret that's been troubling him? And over a bitter break up from 6 years ago? :mellow::lol:

I thought it was going to be something more serious then they hit me with that. :blink:

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I think that they were kind of stupid to build this up, because people were expecting something very shocking. When you just hear "I'm a virgin," you are more likely to feel let down. It's too bad, because I actually thought that the scenes with Jai and Nikhil were very believably written and the guy who plays Nikhil is very good at playing a man who wants to love yet also feels repressed. A lot of the time virginity is treated either as being all-important or something which is a big joke. If this story actually deals with the issue without going into negative stereotypes then it could be good. I just hope they're making the reveal a "moment" won't backfire.. I think the Sharma brothers have been great additions to the show and I hope this might be the start of more stories for them.

Here's a followup interview with the man who plays Nikhil.


Y&RWT, since we were talking about consistency in the Eastenders thread, do you think Emmerdale is consistent? I think it's consistently pretty good to great. Usually more pretty good, they don't have as many of the "wow" moments. There are a lot of problems with the show but overall I think it's in good shape at the moment, I hope people might be drawn to that consistency in time.

As for the rest of the episode, Adele seems to be increasingly clingy, and I'm glad they seem to be addressing the distance between Aaron and Jackson. I hope this will actually be a part of their story, because Aaron isn't the type of person who would become couply, yet the show hadn't addressed that until Tuesday's show. I just wish Holly could get voice lessons because I don't think the actress is doing a bad job, but her voice is just so lifeless.

I think they've done well at showing Cain menacing the Wyldes without becoming too menacing -- he was very kind to Will, he never crossed the line, yet the fear of what he might do still drove Natasha around the bend. I hope Natasha might get her spirit back at some point, as the story would not work if it is just this family being beaten down. As those scenes with Cain twisting Nathan's hand didn't really work.

Amello, have you heard that supposedly

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The reasoning behind it also seems a bit absurd and forced. A relationship that ended badly 6 years ago killed his sex drive or willingness to want to have a sexual relationship with someone? :unsure:

I haven't been watching consistently to give a good assessment of the day to day writing and consistency. Emmerdale's never really been my cup of tea to be honest, the most I followed it was in 2004 after the massive storm, which was considered a highlight for the show back then.

I know Anita Turner's year at the helm was considered to be horrible, inconsistent, and plagued by low ratings. The show must have spent most of 2009 in transition to get to the stable place they're in now.

It's funny that they don't have a lot of those "wow moments." Didn't the show develop a reputation after the plane crash and through the 90's and into the 00's for being too "sensationalistic" and American-like in its soap storytelling? The show is particularly well-noted for its disaster events.

As for why I personally have never been drawn to watch consistently, I think I've always found the show to be a little too stogy, artificial, and cold for my tastes. I don't really feel welcomed when I watch it, or it doesn't particularly draw me in for some reason. I also think the rural atmosphere and some of the outrageously glamorous characters they have provide a weird mix for me. It almost feels like they never touch on the struggles between the classes and the masses enough when I watch, which could be a really compelling long-term dynamic.

Oh, and the Northern/Yorkshire accents tend to grate on me after a while.

Though, it always feels like the show is always overlooked by the UK press, even the UK soap press. I think the rural setting might be to blame for that, and why more people don't watch it compared to its two rivals. Even as the show is now a more contemporary show, that rural setting seems to turn many people off from watching.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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It's a bit absurd, but he was was with her for years, and he never had sex because she wanted him to wait until marriage. Then, before they get married, he finds her in bed with another man. I guess I can see why that might have scarred him enough to where every time he actually considers taking that last step with a woman, he's too scared. Of course for all I know he could get over this in like a week; hopefully they will explore it.

You're right. I meant more recent years. They became so known for the stunts that I think it hurt the show more than it helped. Even now you see stuff like, "Emmerdale is so unrealistic, things are always blowing up or someone is always dying," when that hasn't been true of the show in several years.

I think the show has been quieter in the past year or two, they don't have the big finales to stories, stories tend to fade or they build up to another chapter, or the big moment is slightly off (like the reveal of Mark/Daniel). So the show is kind of hampered by not doing too many stunts yet was hampered because they did too many in the past.

Anyway, it's not perfect but I think the show has become strong on a day to day basis and the storytelling is pretty decent. At the very least I wish it would get better ratings than Corrie, which is still all over the place...

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:lol: So that's the reasoning behind him being a virgin?! Couldn't they have come up with something a bit more believable? Not that a bad relationship couldn't do that, just to a guy, and for 6 years seems a bit far fetched.

I like the idea of Nikhil being a virgin, as that's a good social issue to do, especially the way male virgins are seen socially, compared to female virgins, where a lot more respect is bestowed upon them. Guys are seen as weird, like they have something wrong with them.

Emmerdale has always been the English answer to an American soap, which I think is part of its appeal. The mix of countryside and glamour can look a bit odd at first, but realistically it's pretty normal. And they have in the past dealt with the class divide, but over the years the characters have dealt with that. I mean, the rich families come and go, but the poorer ones are long standing, and really, it would be weird having them struggle with that divide every time a new wealthy family rocked up. I'll admit, they haven't been as outrageous as they have been in the past, with stunts, but maybe that's something the show will build up to.

As contemporary as it is, the show will always be seen as the old people's soap. Young people do watch, just it's more in a guilty pleasure kinda way.

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Yes, the "old person's soap" stigma seems to be one of the prevailing stigmas about the show. Even Corrie doesn't seem to have that and its been on longer!

But I wonder if people find the show over the past year or two to be too understated? Maybe as Carl mentioned, they need to make sure some of their storylines end with a bigger bang? I like subtle storytelling as much as anyone else, but that could also prove to be problematic for many viewers if they aren't careful.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Ben, the scenes about his reasons for not being with women played out better onscreen than they do on paper. Although they could have come up with a better idea.

I agree that the show is probably still seen as being for older people but I don't know how they could change that too blatantly without losing older viewers and not gaining younger ones (as has happened to American soaps). The older characters on the show now have little story of their own and the show has brought in a lot of younger people. I guess they could do an ad campaign or something, I don't know, what would your ideas be? I know back in 1992 or 1993 they had Rachel Sugden pose in her underwear and her boyfriend at the time, Feldman, pose bare-a$$, although that doesn't seem likely today (of course most of the guys might be better with that type of pose...he was a bit flat).

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I wish Holly were a better actress. She's OK when she's screaming or having a breakdown but not with your typical dialogue, especially when she tries to banter with someone. Other than that the story isn't bad.

Very good choice to continue to show Nikhil and Jai at odds after Nikhil's confession. They are so believable as brothers and the tensions between them seem just right, not too overdone.

I really enjoyed the family day with the Wyldes. Natasha's attempt to have one last day with happy children was heartbreaking, and it was great seeing Nathan and Maisie mend fences and Nathan actually smiling and enjoying himself. The Wyldes are so believable as a family, I'm going to miss them if/when they're gone.

Andy's control freak tendencies starting to return? I guess the relationship with Adele will be more about this than about an actual relationship, which is fine with me. I'm glad they haven't forgotten what he is like.

Marlon and Rhona are a good couple. I know some people hate the Marlon comedy stuff but overall I think they've found the right balance between Marlon's clowning and pathos.

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That very short tete a tete between Natasha and Faye was fun. With Faye being their target, I hope we get a lot more in the future.

Don't you just want to hold Adam tightly and never let go? I love this guy to bits. I wonder how far Holly is going to have to go before he decides he has no choice but to tell his parents? I'm excited for her to get into heroin. (Is that wrong?)

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Where do you want to hold him? :unsure:

No, seriously, he's adorable, and Adam Thomas is a great actor. He plays emotion so well with his eyes and his voice and facial expressions. And he's so believable with Aaron and his family, even with Scarlett. I hope they keep him for a long time.

I haven't seen Thursday's episodes yet, but I wish they'd framed Ryan instead of Faye, I think that would be a better story. What do you think?

I keep hearing some say that Cain should have been framed but I don't think there's a lot of story in that. I do agree that he might need some comeuppance but that probably wouldn't have worked, as he likely had an alibi and he had little reason to kill Mark.

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Made it to episode 40! In any case, I want Sam's effing cute as hell dog. NOW! I wonder who's going to be the one to find Sharon's body, assuming Jim as already killed her. (I already know she gets raped and murdered.)

The Woolpack looks so much better now. The first of many updates I would guess ...

Janie is such a favorite. Such a shame they didn't keep her on. That scene where she tells Frank she knows of the rumours about her and that they are mostly true and he couldn't care less were just perfectly sweet. Love the Blakeys!

So I read that Gail Harrison (Marian) actually left the series of her own accord. I wonder what would have happened otherwise. Maybe the show as we know it could be totally different?

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