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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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I like most of the characters. I think the pacing and poor characterization are the issues. 


Case in point about pacing. I don't think this story destroys Megan, as she cheated only after she thought Frank had cheated on her again, but the buildup wasn't there. We barely even saw her with Frank and she barely knew Graham.


The pacing for all the soaps suck these days but I just wish this could be improved.

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And now it's official, Joe Tate has fallen victim to the Debbie Dingle curse. 

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The last few days have been almost unbearable with so much Debbie, Aaron and Liv. Three of the worst characters ever on this show. 

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I'll have to agree with you. I love Aaron, but this mess with Liv and the aimlessness of the character have made him utterly unbearable for the last year. I will not be happy with Liv until she's out of the village - for good...and she can take Paddy with her. 

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I have to admit I like Liv, mostly because Isobel Steele is such a good actress, she makes me care. 


The Debbie/Joe stuff is crap.


Aaron is such an inert character these days I just have no real reaction to him. I was glad to at least see him get called out, although Liv should have said more about Robert too. You can tell which half of Robron the outgoing producer preferred.

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Whether someone is a good actor/actress is irrelevant to me when it comes to the Dingles. They could have Emma Thompson play a Dingle and I would still hate that character. Ok, maybe Emma Thompson was a bad example since she can do no wrong (

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) but you get the general idea.  

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The show is definitely going through a rough patch right now. I'm just glad that Ross has seemingly not given up looking for the person who threw acid at him. That gives me hope that Debbie's (and Cain's) involvement will come out eventually.

The whole Spencer family drama feels like a waste of time. I don't really care about anyone of them. I really liked Mark Jordon on "Heartbeat" but here he's a waste of space.

Laurel and Bob.... the less said about that pairing the better.


I have to admit though that they managed to surprise me with Lachlan and Gerry. I did not see that coming. So I guess that Lachlan is the new Cameron and Belle is going to be his Debbie....

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The Spencer family have been wasted and gutted. Why kill Ali when she hasn't been on the show in years? Did she even come back for Ruby's funeral or was that off-camera? I can't remember. The Daz/Dan storyline is tepid, boring, and a waste of time for the actors involved.

I was no great fan of Gerry, but he was a breath of fresh air on the show. Had they paired him with someone other than Liv - or even played up his attraction to older women by pairing him with Bernice - he may have stood a chance.

Everything being about Liv is fast becoming exhausting. "Liv, Liv, Liv, Liv..." I don't get it or the producers' fascination with her. She's destroyed so many characters in the process and, quite frankly, serves no purpose on the show. They'd be better off bringing back Dee Dee, who's a legacy character and not in the Dingles' orbit!


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I don't think Liv's really destroyed anyone, but I guess we see her differently. Gerry mostly existed for Lachlan's story. I think the only reason they ever had him bond with Liv and Doug was for more reaction when he was killed off. I do wish they had kept him around as I liked him a lot.


Ali did return for Ruby's funeral. I agree that it was a waste of time to kill her off. I like Dan, and I like Kerry, but I wouldn't be surprised if the next producer writes them out.

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