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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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I don't see why either couple (Paddy/Rhona & Zak/Lisa) has to get back together. They split up for a reason, infidelity!

I fear that they are falling into the same trap that the US soaps have fallen into. That some couples are "destined" to be together and will always find their way back to each other. It severely damages the shows and limits the writing.


I don't need to reiterate my feelings towards the Dingles, but I'm starting to put Paddy in the same position. Frankly, even though he's a veteran character by now, I wouldn't mind if they dropped him. He hasn't really worked since his time with Emily.


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I think that they are already fallen into that trap. If you watch the video that @DRW50 post of McLeod talking about what is coming up in 2017, he shipped Coira. He was somewhat giddy and starry eyed when talking about them, and I just kept thinking about US soaps and how we've allowed couples to dictate story. 


With Paddy, I didn't want him to return for Germany. I wanted him to stay gone for good. I still feel that way.

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I feel like that's pandering more than anything else. I guess he could genuinely love them, but he's kept them apart for half a year, and now seems to be heading into a WTD story after she rutted with Pete, with Cain soon to be tempted by another woman. He seems to be willing to drag this out even though I don't know if it's the best idea. He panders a lot with Robron too and I think clearly is afraid of fan backlash (what he doesn't realize is some of their fans are so entitled they're upset and threatening to quit no matter what - even Aaron and Robert having a deleted scene for Christmas while Sam got a scene where he told a joke made some of them angry), but I don't know if they're his main focus either. I feel like Kate Oates was a bit more obvious at playing favorites. 

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I can see why the show would put Zak and Lisa back together. They've been together for 20 years, through good and bad times. A big part of her identity is in him, and vice/verse. Steve Halliwell said people always come up to him asking when Lisa and Zak will get back together. The problem is the story with Joanie just wrecked Zak and I don't know how you can come back. I've seen some fans say she has gotten over it too easily and looks like a mug, and I tend to agree, but what can you do? I know what I'd do - I'd keep them apart, but I think the average viewer does want them back together. 


I think Paddy can still work as a comedy supporting character, and with Aaron, even with Chas, but I don't want him with Rhona again. I have never liked that relationship. And I don't want him to "save" her from Pierce. Let her save herself. Or have Vanessa do it. I don't want some story where his affair is forgotten and forgiven because at least he's not a rapist. 


I think the show is riding the wave and when it's done they will cut the cord.

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@DRW50, hold me! Cain and Moira broke my heart tonight! 

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I know earlier that I said that couples are a hinderance from individual character growth, and I stand by that, but I love them together! I just do! Cain pouring his heart out to Moira broke my heart. However, I am pissed at Cain for punching our Dan! 


Kerry... Does she really think that Cain should give her time with Kyle after committing arson? I think not. Can this stank ho take a flying leap? 


Also, why is poor Dan saddled with this cow again? Ugh?! I wanted him to sow his oats with some of the other women in the village. Bernice, Chas, Harriet... anyone but Kerry again! 


So good to see Megan and Jai be civil as of late. Megan flipping out over Eilza's development is something I can understand, as someone near and dear to me went through something similar with their child. It has made me grow to love Megan even more. I just wish Frank would go somewhere else with him constantly stalking her. 


 at Aaron bitching over Chrissie/Robert. Boy, get some confidence and trust your man. Aaron is so damn whiny at times. Ugh. 

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Cain and Kerry are two sides of the same coin - it's always someone else's fault, then they have moments of self-awareness. It's ridiculous that Dan has already taken Kerry back and that she is not able to see beyond "I've changed," but I do like the character so I just want to try to forget all this. If I can. I don't think she should be alone with Kyle, but unfortunately other than Lisa (a middle-aged, out of shape woman who can't raise a child), no one in his life is. Given that the kid who plays Kyle doesn't seem all that thrilled with the camera, I wonder if this with him seeing Cain lash out means when Joanie is released Cain will let him go.


The scene with Cain punching Dan was so oddly filmed (Dan looked drunk and the part where he tried to run off made me laugh a lot). I did love that Cain, teenage boy at heart, had his hoodie up, which means bad [!@#$%^&*] is on the way. 


I really liked the scenes with Megan and Jai about Eliza. So glad we aren't getting a custody fight. And it was nice to hear Megan speak about her fears and compare to other parents in the village. Eastenders made this story all about the father (Mick) so I'm glad this is a contrast. 


I like seeing Aaron struggling over his insecurities and scheming to keep Robert. It's nuanced writing (by Aaron standards) and also payback for the affair. I do agree it gets tiresome. 


Moira pushing Cain away is sad, I agree. It mostly feels like stalling and stalling - they better hope viewers don't lose patience and move on. I have a feeling she will be pregnant and that will ultimately reunite them. 

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I was looking up spoilers for upcoming weeks and it was saying how Cain would have to make a big decision soon cuz he's falling apart and acting like his father apparently.


is he still with Moira? I thought she was still lusting after Pete. 


Meanwhile I'm hearing sad disturbing things bout my poor Emma Barton and her sheninagans with Finns love life.

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Uh oh! Looks like Rakesh is about to be exposed. This is about to be interesting. 


@DRW50, I think you were the one to compare Finn to Emma. Yeah, I am totally seeing it now. He persistence to win back Kasim is going along the lines of what Emma would do. 


I've totally checked out when it comes to Rhona & Pierce. That story/pairing are ruined for me once they made him a rapist. Again, such a total waste. 

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