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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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I can't believe they killed Ross! And all so they can attempt to make Pete interesting. I'm so sad right now. I hope it was Michael Parr's decision to leave. The way Pete hid the body, there's room for Ross not to really be dead, so he could come back in the future maybe... Also, making Ross Moses' father is really pointless, now.


Val got a brilliant exit. I loved those scenes with Val and Diane - they were brilliantly written. The mirror maze exploding with glass was so dramatic. Poor Finn. James and Emma continue to demonstrate how insensitive they are. 


The Adam/Vanessa scene was surprisingly good.


Meanwhile, Debbie continues to fight another day. Damn shame.

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Completely agree with everything you said, Ben. 

I was so completely stunned , but am clinging on to the hope that Ross may do a Mercedes McQueen and rise from the dead.

Val's exit was perfection, even if it did feel a little like something from Final Destination. LOVED it when she lit up a cigarette, all defiant like. 

The biggest revelation, acting-wise, for me this week has been Anthony Quinlan. He does 'angry' so well!

There's some juicy stuff to come at Home Farm - this is huge for the Whites. God, I love this show.

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Thank you all for your optimism. I hope my boo is still alive. But deep down, I know he isn't. And I can't even be mad at Pete b/c my boo was a whore. But I blame the other whore in this situation, Debbie! That harlot lead my men down a destructive road. Much like she's done other men. That b-tch is a black widow! She drives all the fine ass men cray cray! Andy. Cameron. Ross. Pete. I'm sure I'm missing a few more too. 


That aside, I agree that this incident involving Chrissie makes big things happen for the Home Farm family. I'm glad that the curse continues involving the current occupants of Home Farm being cursed and destructive. 

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AQ is a decent actor when given the material, but none of that makes Pete an interesting character. Even now, I know I'm going to have issues with this story b/c of what he's done to awesome Ross.


Maybe this will finally flesh out the Whites and make them more than plot devices. When Chrissie broke down and 'fessed up, I felt like this story could be the making of her. For the first time she felt less of a plot device and more of a proper character. I hope that lasts.


NBA: Loving the banner!

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True, Pete is a dull character - which is why Pete ended up with Ross for "the best sex she's ever had." *sigh*

So Joanie, James and Finn all survived against the odds. Wonder if there'll be another death tomorrow night, though? I doubt it somehow.

And why were Alicia, Kirin, Priya and Rakesh in the Summer Fate trailer, yet they were nowhere to be seen this week?!

Imagine if Kim Tate had been in that helicopter!

It's all too much.

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Emmerdale really played my bae Ross tho if that really is the end...talk about an ignoble end.


Meanwhile ole boss b*tch Val goes out like a damn diva...cigarette lit and all. Loved her scenes with Diane. I will say though tha show was super obvious when it came to Val dying.Her dialogue was so over the top and the constant references to "I'd rather be dead!" kinda gave it away.Still though I feel so bad for Eric and Finn and her son Paul.

Meanwhile the ho most likely will live. I just can't.....Pete's fury was def interesting to watch. I can't believe he hid the body. I do wonder if they chose the wrong brother to die....or better yet let Debbie die and see the fallout between them.

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Are we 100% certain Ross is dead dead?


Jesus my gurl Emma is about to be sent over the effing edge thanks to Ross.


I don't even know why they had Finn in Debbie's room? Like he needs more disrespect from Cain of all people. Speaking of why can't htey just kill Cain off. he's not that useful. He's an idiot and non caring fool. Watching him with Kyle was pathetic.


OF COURSE Pete's gonna forgive this dumb ho. Even though shes' the cause for him killing his brother like that.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Looking at it, I don't think Ross is dead. Even how Pete 'buried' him, you can tell the writers were somewhat suggesting that he is could still be alive. I wouldn't be surprised if he was to pop up in the future. That is if bae does not pursue a Hollywood career and becomes a breakout star. 


I do wish that Pete would've leaned in towards Debbie at the end and whispered in her ear, "I am going to make your life a living hell as long as we are married." That would've made me scream in laughter. 

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LOL its like you're reading my mind. I legit thought Pete was gonna choke the living daylights out of Debbie and probably kill her while everyone was out of the room! Pete looks like he's completely SNAPPED. Its like something's just changed. He's no longer naive, country bumpkin without a brain as bae would call him. Anthony Quilian def is selling the hell out of this aftermath. I just love the pure rage and expressions of confusion about what to do next while also feeling sad about Ross.


I agree Ross might be alive. I totally see him coming back to torture Debbie from behind the shadows....I think that would be an amazing storyline.

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The article said (unless I misread it) that the only reason the author would ever watch a soap was for an OTT stunt. That's why I felt it was a sneerfest. 


I know there was a rumor Dan would also be leaving, but I don't get the impression they're splitting him from Kerry so I assume they're staying. 

It's weird though how long they've spent phasing out Ali and Ruby, writing Rachel back in just to write her out very very slowly...I'm not quite sure what's been going on with the planning for this group. Maybe Kate Oates felt guilty about writing them out, maybe it was a mandate?

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