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Emmerdale: Discussion Thread


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The thing with Gail is as dumb as she was, she never knew anything but the best of Hilman for most of their relationship. Aaron mostly knows all of Robert's worst. So if he gets involved with Robert again, how many viewers will feel sorry for him, especially if he starts whining about how he hates being a secret? And if he doesn't get involved with him again, is that just going to be months of him self-harming while Robert makes evil eyes?

The main reason some fans got into this story was because it wasn't another "poor Aaron" story. It may not have been a love story, either, but it was an interesting story about two screwed up guys and the consequences of their affair. If it turns into another "poor Aaron" story, along with Robert being written off as a serial killer (because clearly only Andy and Cain can get away with killing people), it's going to flop.

Not to mention that if they had this planned all along, that means they always set out to say that bisexuality makes you murderous and depraved, which is disgusting. Adding into that the whole self-harm aspect mostly just being used to shock and not being treated seriously if it's just going to go on for months as viewers wait to see whether Robert will push Chas down the stairs and knock those awful bangs off her face.

I'd like to believe she's just trying to create buzz, and nothing like that will actually happen, especially since his reaction to Katie's death was not "oh I killed somebody, now I can do it again and again." But her reply was so flippant I now have to assume the worst and have to assume that even though Robert is so integral to Emmerdale and Ryan has been such a perfect addition to the cast, she just sees him as fodder to more Andy and Aaron misery, sees him as disposable, not as a character in his own right.

It's just a very sad and very wrong writing choice, if this is how they're going. And it's a great way to push viewers away for good.

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I have a feeling it may be just through tomorrow's episode, but I hope it's more, especially as they have no stories of their own. We've seen more of the old Chas lately in how she is with Aaron (I just hope they will further explore this beyond her being an obstacle to Aaron/Robert and a reason for Aaron to hate himself), but I'd like to see more of the other side of her old personality too. I'd also like to see James vanish and see her get new hair, but we can't have everything.

What do you think of the Laurel booze story?

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I am loving every step of Laurel on the sauce. I actually like and care about her again. As has been mentioned here, it just feels like complete validation and karma as an Ashley fan that her and Marlon's life is becoming a complete hole. As you can probably guess, Charlotte Bellamy is playing the hell out of it. The scene last year where she kissed Ashley on her wedding day and he gracefully rejected her was one of the most cathartic scenes I ever witnessed after a character assassination.

And today was especially great with her becoming a bit vicious before running out of the factory.

The only thing I fear is Marlon, of course. I won't be able to take his reaction, which he'll no doubt make all about him.

And with Nicola going on maternity leave soon, she's probably going to feel utterly alone.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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It sounds like it might have happened, but with me watching 5 soaps I can't really remember to be honest. Who was the last alcoholic in the village anyway? All I can think of is Miles de Souza, because on DS when Callaghan debuted on Hollyoaks his hilarious Miles de Bouza nickname always stuck with me, but that was before my time.

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