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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Yeah I thought this was a strong episode. It didn't have the big boom moments but was overall very well-crafted, a good balance of searing drama with Phil (I got chills when he was cutting open the sofa), the quieter but very engrossing attempts by Carol to get help (I agree that this was the most important material she's had since her return -- I'm glad viewers are finally getting to understand her), and the comic moments, my favorite of which was Jack comparing Ricky to Cliff Barnes. :lol:

The scene where Phil raged at the ATM (at least he didn't punch it out!) was also very good, and Minty trying to help his friend.

They really seem to be phasing Billie out. I hope we won't see him again anytime soon, and if we do then it's with a new face. Devon Anderson is awful, and I can't help wondering if those photos Whitney had of him were some kind of a jab at him, as they weren't exactly flattering. Then you had Ryan, out of nowhere, punching him, which was classic.

I like the way they are still trying to bridge the gap between characters, like Peggy taking Abi's advice over making a wish to the universe. I can't even remember them interacting, minus group scenes like Phil's wedding to Stella.

Edited by CarlD2
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I thought the episode was alright. It had some nice moments. The Brannings have grown on me as a family. I also liked Jack telling Carol that this was not the time or place. Jack and Max teasing Rick about JR and Cliff Barnes was a nice family touch.I just hope this is the beginning of Carol going in another direction.

Phil looks so bad. The scenes were Minty were well done.

I'm so sick of Peggy and the Vic. Too bad Roxy gave in and gave it to her. I won't miss Peggy.

Roxy and Ronnie were fun painting, but as sisters, I'm just not fond of them. They don't make me that they have the deep sibling bond that I see with Max and Jack or Jane and Christian.

The Jane/Ian spoilers are interesting:

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Today's episode:

I wonder how Glenda is going to worn her way out of this one, knowing about what Archie did to Ronnie and not doing anything about it. I don't know what mother would do that to her child, there has to be some basis for it, even though it's really unforgivable.

Steve McFadden has lost a ton of weight for this storyline. When he has that cap on, I barely recognize him. Phil looks extremely haunted, it's scary to watch him. They've handled the dark reality of drug abuse well thus far.

Harry taking Darren for Max and then kneeing him after he had just been circumcised. :lol: Darren is an idiot for doing this just to impress Jodie.

Whitney was pathetic as usual whining about Billie. Though, I was glad that by the end of the episode she was smiling about and supporting Carol and Bianca.

I liked the little makeover Bianca and Whitney gave Carol. It was nice to see Carol with her hair down again and in the hairstyle she typically had in the 90's. It looks like they'll be a new beginning for her soon. I did feel bad for her in front of R&R when Fatboy mistook her for someone else and then called her a "grandma."

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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I enjoyed this episode a lot.

I knew that Glenda knew about Ronnie's abuse. I can't believe that she left her daughter to suffer Archie's abuse.

Roxy's yellow dress was horrible. Who on earth would wear something like to a club?

I can't believe that Darren went through with the circumcision.. What was he thinking? Then he gets kneed in the groin. Poor dude. LOL!

Wow, Carol's make over made her look very pretty, but her dress was not suited for a club.

Bianca is a good mum. Who knew?! Whitney crying over Billie is so realistic. Teens her age think that every heartbreak is the end of the world. A fried peanut butter/ banana sandwich sounds disgusting.

I can't bring myself to care about Heather and Shirley's eviction. It isn't like they will be on the street. They will land somewhere.

Phil looks so cruddy. He looks like he smells rank. Ugh.

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Why is Heather a pathetic annoying loser? Grow some balls woman and stop blaming everything on other people you stupid cow!

Is there a reason Pat doesn't like Carol? Or is it just that everyone automatically hates her? I felt so bad for her today. She's really growing to being one of my favorites.

I know I should, but I really don't lay too much blame on Glenda. I actually think she's very sympathetic and, IMO, easy to root for, especially against Peggy.

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I want to hear Glenda's explanation for why she didn't stop Archie or take the girls away first. Maybe Archie threatened to kill her or them or something horrible. There needs to be a believable reason for Glenda staying silence.

It isn't like Peggy is much better. She didn't do anything to stop her husband from beating the hell out Phil as a child.

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Heather has been a sniveling loser for most of her 3 years on the show. When she started out she wasn't so bad but once they decided to make her a regular character she's been pathetic. The show's excuse is that she was browbeaten by a horribly abusive mother and has been in a dream world ever since. I thought she was improving once she had a child but no such luck. At least she has stopped talking all the time about cheese and George Michael.

There's a lot of bad blood between Carol and Pat because Carol was teenage sweethearts with Pat's son David, and David ran off when Carol was pregnant with Bianca (David was forced to leave by Jim and Max, and oldest brother Derek, but I'm not sure if Carol knew that until some years later). Then when Carol and family showed up in Walford she and Pat clashed over Bianca.

I hope the show will stop having people be so rude to Carol soon. I have no desire to see 30 year old Fatboy chiding anyone for being too old. I hope they're just doing this because they want to make up for her being written as so sour on her return.

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I think she was supposed to be a new Stacey or Whitney. I thought she was miscast from the start. Between her looking way too old for the role and having her speak in that awful fake accent. She is also a writer and is working on the new series of E20. I wish her luck in that role and not in this role.

This is a clip from where Bianca, David, Pat, Janine, and Ricky are having a family meal and Carol crashes, spitting venom.

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I love that last bit -- just perfect Carol at her best/worst. :lol:

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Yeah I would love to see that too. There's a lot of 1996 stuff on Youtube, surprisingly (I should watch it before it's gone) but not some of the earlier stuff, aside from a few clips.

I won't be surprised if Leon dies in the fire but my guess is they will just leave town together.

I'm watching the episode now and how I laughed when that "Billie is in a relationship" popped up on the screen and Whitney melted down. The Carol/Bianca scenes were great, I'm glad they are not always snapping at each other now.

Glad that this circumcision story is over, although Max's one-liners were priceless.

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