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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Yeah, I just watched Revealed special about Lucas. I love how all the crew clapped after Don finished his last scene and after Bryan said a few words about him.

It was rather well-done overall, especially how they highlighted all the murders and villains who have murdered on the show.

I didn't know Janine pushing Barry off the cliff was the most watched murder episode in the show's history. It was hilarious that Charlie Brooks couldn't recall Janine's slip-on shoes comment.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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The scene with Roxy and Chelsea was great. Rita is very good at being a supporting, talk-to figure, and when Tiana is good, she's fantastic, she really lets you feel Chelsea's pain.

I think they are smart to tie Fatboy in with a beloved character like Dot. For a long time they seemed to be so desperate to try to show us how hip Fatboy was by only having him with the other "teens" (even though he looked 10 years older than many of them) and by being rude and stupid. Showing more of his sensitive side is a way to make viewers care, instead of chasing some type of Skins demographic.

Somber exit for Lucas. I wondered if they were going to have someone in the family confront him but I guess not.

That boy who hit Phil looked like Gaz from Hollyoaks.

The Darren and Jodie stuff is silly but isn't bothering me the way it's winding some viewers up. I think it's just harmless.

Stacey and Max DO have incredible chemistry together. I wish they had had this type of writing a long time ago.

I loved loved loved the scene where Tamwar and Zainab stood in front of the door, trying to be supportive, as Chelsea and Libby kept closing it and reopening it and arguing over and over.

Guess this may be the last time we'll see Pat working in the Vic. It's like old times...

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Some said they were bothered in Thursday's episode that no one tried to attack Lucas while he was keeping them in the house, but this from the Digital Spy synopsis suggests a scene which was cut:

On Friday's episode, did this happen?

Edited by CarlD2
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A really good episode with nice humor. I'm just loving EastEnders these days.

I'll miss Don. He was outstanding as Lucas. I felt sorry for Lucas locked up struggling with his insanity. I hope that Don gets a tv series or another prominent role on another show.

I'm glad that Zainab is there for the Johnsons. The door scene with Tamwar was very comedic. I hope that Denise can knock some common sense into Zainab about the importance of reconciling with Syed.

I liked Roxie and Chelsea bonding over their mentally disturbed fathers.

I can't believe how quickly my feelings have changed about Arthur/Fatboy. I absolutely love him. He is the sweetest person. I laughed at his prayer rap. His relationship with Dot does remind me of how she took a troubled Dennis under her wing. I hope the plan is to move him into Dot's as a lodger.

Jodi giving Darren the list was so sweet. All young women should do this with their men. Darren is thinking with his hormones. What if his next girlfriend has other tastes? LOL! I hope that Max talks some sense into him. He and Darren continue to be a good pairing.

I've got nothing good to say Phil, Peggy and Ben.

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Watching the Revealed, it was fun to see how lighthearted they allowed themselves to be, when talking about the Walford police, cheesy last lines, and then Lucas's various crimes set to "Nobody Does It Better."

I loved seeing all that with Steve Owen and Matthew Rose again. They had insane chemistry, that was the most homoerotic relationship ever on Eastenders. And then there was Dennis's death, which still upsets me every time. Funny how they go on about how killers pay, yet said nothing about Phil paying for his role in Dennis's death. Then again, with kids like Louise and Ben, I guess that's a punishment.

I wish they hadn't included Pauline's murder, that story sucked, it did not deserve inclusion.

So they were originally going to have Little Mo stab Trevor with a knife, not hit him with an iron. And they almost made Peggy Archie's killer. I wish they'd done that. It was telling that the only reason they could come up with for Stacey killing him being a good idea was that they envisioned the scene where she said she did it. That's not a reason to do a story. All that proves is just how empty the story has been.

I'm glad they went out of their way to try to reassure viewers that Denise will be staying around.

Bryan Kirkwood looks like a kind of rough Michael Buble...

They seemed to have a great deal of respect for Don Gilet, and I can see why. He seems like a wonderful man, very funny, and when they showed all the clips again I was reminded of what a fantastic actor he is.

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I watched Lucas Revealed also. Kirkwood sounded like the typical deluded soap producer which means that we are in for it. He talks about how there was so much to pack into the Lucas confrontation, yet he put in the rounders game in the the middle of the episode. I don't know what these showrunners are thinking most of the time.

Don does seem to be a great guy. He is a huge loss for EastEnders. I want Lucas to have a twin who comes to the Square.

I am glad that the Foxes are being rebuilt so quickly with Denise's sisters. I wonder who will be their love interests. Not a lot of single men around, I think.

I hated seeing Dennis' murder again. I maintain that it was a huge mistake.

I can't stand that Phil hasn't paid for his role in Dennis' death either. However, I think that you are right that his horrible life is punishment enough. Everything he touches turns into death and destruction.

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I'm just glad they are finally having Phil pay some for his mistakes because I think that the last few years of Phil just sort of putting up with a fey son and bedding beautiful women was a big avoidance of just how damaged Phil is as a person.

Looking back I sometimes wonder why they even had Phil do that, unless it was supposed to be some great tragedy for him or something (even though he lost nothing). Either that or it was the show's way of trying to make up for the Watts dominating the show for a few years while the Mitchells had all vanished. At least they didn't have Sharon find out and forgive Phil. That would have been awful.

I know what you mean about the reveal. I actually think the show is pretty decent at the moment but they will eventually lose some interest if people start saying all the reveals are poor. All the "Santer did this better" makes me roll my eyes, although I guess he did most of the time (I didn't think that the Branning hit and run story or Danielle being killed by the world's slowest moving car was all that thrilling).

The Revealed shows always have such hyperbole, I just tried to tune it out this time and hoped I would forget. I think it worked. :lol: Treadwell Collins did the most but at least he has a lot of enthusiasm for the show.

I couldn't get over how much fire Janine had in those clips from Barry's death. Boy do I miss that Janine.

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I read a Marc Elliot interview . Turns out that I was wrong thinking that he would be leaving EastEnders sooner than later. It is his first big job so he plans to stick around. It will be interesting to see what Kirkwood does with Christian and Syed from now on.

I saw a spoiler that

I can't see Ryan in love with Janine for very long. She is such a loud mouth trouble making miserable person.

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And Janine will be kissing Stacey to piss her off later this month after they argue in the street about the Ryan/Stacey kissing fiasco...

I think they're setting up Stacey or someone revealing that Lily is Ryan's daughter, which is sure to implode Janine and Ryan's relationship, and it has to be done before Stacey leaves...

Some other spoilers have hinted that Janine will go back to her darker ways, and Charlie Brooks has the trashy bleached-blond hair again, which Janine had in her golden years as a character on the show.

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I can't see Janine being all that interested in Ryan for a long period of time either. I'm sure he's very good in bed but he's kind of a drip and sanctimonious and Janine's sense of self-loathing will lead her elsewhere in time.

Matthew Rose was a fascinating character. Joe Absolom seems to have worked constantly since leaving so he made the right decision for himself, but I wish he'd stayed around. I think he was probably the first teenybopper favorite on the show -- Wicksy was probably popular with those who were a bit older, and Aidan wasn't around long enough. Then when he left they quickly replaced him with the dull Jamie Mitchell. Jack Ryder should have done like Sid Owen and stayed as long as he could. He must hate Kym Marsh for having him leave the show...then going on to clog up Corrie for years.

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