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EastEnders: Discussion Thread


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Why do you think killing off Tamwar would have been an easy way out? I think there's a lot of mileage left in the character but it would certainly have put a spanner in the works. I'm not saying it should have been done for that short-term effect but how many times does a soap have to bring in a baddie, then predictable kill them off and them to be the only one killed off. You could tell as soon as you heard about the fire that Yusef would be the only one.

It's just run-of-the-mill OTT soap plot. It's definitely where they're going wrong. However, I do think the actress who plays Afia has done a fantastic job portraying how grief-stricken she is. She's an asset.

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For me it would be the easy way because it would mean less of Zainab having to face the true consequences of her lie - Tamwar has always been the son she had the highest hopes for (even if her heart was with Syed). When he learns of what she's done, he will possibly hate her forever. I also assume Afia will be dumped somewhere along the way.

I think this worked better than most recent soap stunts because it was based on the flaws of the characters, but it's too bad the mechanics were so bad (for instance, Masood wandering around that burning house for ages - scenes saved solely by the superb and always handsome Nitin Ganatra). Still, I enjoyed more than I should have.

I'm sorry they seem to have so little idea what to do with Amira. If she was brought back to make "Chryed" look good, then it failed, as Syed looks more pathetic than ever. I think she just came back because it was an easier choice, and a quick way to break up Christian and Syed.

Diane Parish has been incredible lately. I hope they are finally going to turn her into the tough heroine she always should have been. I also wish she had story with Carol, as Denise in many ways was the new Carol.

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I think the intetion was for this to be a character led story but I don't think it has been. All of the characters have acted stupidly which has ruined my enjoyment of the storyline. Zainab has been totally ruined for me. I hated that line 'Will you rescue me again Masood?' and Masood just does what he's told despite how disloyal and ridiculous Zainab has been. I don't believe that she would have split from Masood, neither that she would marry Yusef again. The plot would have been so much stronger had Yusef just become a part of the famil simply because of Afia and Tamwar's marriage. They could still have had him manipulating Zainab and drugging her etc, and this massive finale could have happened but it would have been in character.

I agree that it seems like they don't knowwhat to do with Amira. Her return has been a total waste of time sadly. It would be nice to see Carol and Denise as friends - I don't actually recall them having a scene together which is a shame. Denise is a warmer version of Carol, well 2010 Carol onwards. I think they should have kept on Jordan and perhaps re-cast him. I don't like the Patrick/Kim/Denise household as it somehow feels like that soap cliche of characters who have nothing to do being shoved with others. Patrick should have left instead of Charlie I think.

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All Pat fans should watch Friday's episode. I thought it was very well-written and acted.

I loved how they acknowledged her history with Mo, and Pat mentioning that she survived Lou Beale as a mother-in-law. laugh.png

The makeup people are doing a good job, they've really made Pat look sickly.

I loved how Ricky told her in his usual bewildered fashion that he loved her. I also loved the bit at the end where Ricky obviously whispers in Bianca's ear that Pat doesn't have much longer left.

Ricky and the rest should already that if they push Janine she's going to lash out much worse than they expected. I'm looking forward to her final scenes with Pat the most.

In a rare ending, they actually used a song in the background and a closeup on Pat as she realized this is probably going to be her last time in the Vic. I thought it was very well done, and the expression on Pat's face was heartbreaking.

I think I'm going to be in tears for Pat's last episode. It's so hard watching her slip away. I'm going to miss her so much. sad.png

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Pam apparently criticised the amount of adultery and violence portrayed in EE and said that the audience used to be gripped by simple stories like Arthur stealing from the Xmas Club fund but that would be dismissed these days on the basis that it wouldn't be 'gripping' enough. She has got a point and all the soaps could do with taking this on board but EE in particular. It is why I enjoy Neighbours so much more than EE because its premise is a lot more basic.

I watched that episode last night, poor Pat :( It was really sad seeing her drinking at The Vic for the last time, it really is the end of an era. Someone from DS has posted a thread with some links to great Pat moments on YouTube, it's worth a look at. I love all the 80s Pat and Janine stuff!

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The problem is also that if they did a story like Arthur's story, many in the press and many viewers would call it dull and dismiss it immediately. There's a feeding frenzy regarding Eastenders compared to the other soaps. Corrie just throws sh!t at the screen and no one seems to care.

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That last scene with Pat at the Vic was so hard to watch. It was understated, which just made it even more difficult to watch. You could see Pat quietly saying goodbye to everything.

Pat is one of the few characters who has such a strong presence that she withstands any story - she is from an era when it was about character, not story.

That scene with Mo and Pat was a nice touch. I didn't think the show would remember. It's a nice reminder that Mo can have some purpose beyond fraud.

The scenes where she realized she was going to die were probably the worst :(

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I hope Sharon makes her return in 2012. Next week will make 6 years since her last ever appearance. This is now her longest break from the show.

With Pat, Peggy, and Pauline all gone, it's the right time for Sharon to come back. She can be some type of "heart" of the show, but she's still young enough to carry stories on her own.

This shitty exit, which wasn't even supposed to be final needs to be rectified.

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Do you think they'd revert to making Sharon and Phil a romantic pairing again? I think the show moved her on from the Mitchell's during her come back years in the early 00's.

I don't think Sharon would ever want Phil again. In fact, one of John Yorke's initiatives when he brought her back in 2001 was to show that she was over him (and Grant by extension) after her first legitimate pairing with Phil ended.

Though, I do think for Phil (and Grant) Sharon was the only woman they ever really loved, even if things never quite went right with her and them.

I wouldn't mind if they tried Grant and Sharon again, assuming Letitia and Ross return. Sharon and Grant were THE couple of the show during the early 90's, and his love for her lingered on and was a vital part of his character during the years he was on the show and she wasn't.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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